

In a world where mystery is dwindling, someone has arrived to bring it back! Follow the story of Julius Abraham in the world of Type-Moon. There is a system, but without stats and shop, the MC will have only the powers from the Type-Moon universe that he manages to get and his Beyonder powers from the Door pathway, nothing more. There may be romance, I still have to decide it. ------------------ Join Discord server: https://discord.gg/4J9tyd3BeK There's other authors in it too, so maybe you'll be able to found some interesting stuff to read.

ParagonDaoOfBS · Tranh châm biếm
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24 Chs

Chapter 2: The Everdistant Utopia

Chapter 2: The Everdistant Utopia

"So this is Fuyuki, huh?" Julius muttered as he saw the city.

The airport was not too far from civilization, so he decided not to take the bus and walk, after all, he liked to walk.

It was a fine day, although it was a bit cool due to the morning dew.

"Nice city, too bad we have to interrupt this peace." He continued walking as he passed a school. "Homurahara Academy..."

He read the nameplate at the entrance.

He looked at the watch in his left hand. "January 30th, it seems I'm on time." He then mocked himself. "It's not attending class for three days and I don't remember the date anymore."

Dressed in an aristocratic suit, he would have drawn quite a bit of attention if there was anyone on the street.

"Okay, let's do this." He entered the academy calmly.

A couple of students passed in front of him but they didn't react to his presence, Julius simply continued walking towards the interior of the building.

Once inside, he began to look in all the classrooms until he finally found what he was looking for...or who he was looking for.

An orange-haired boy was sitting in one of the classrooms, vise in hand and repairing some sort of device Julius couldn't identify.

"Emiya Shirou." The magus called to the boy, who turned in confusion. "I need you to go to sleep for a moment."

Julius touched Shirou's forehead with a finger and the latter instantly fell unconscious.

"I'm sorry, but I'll take this unreasonably powerful sword scabbard." He commented, even if the other boy couldn't hear him. "Having Artoria with Avalon is my only chance of victory, considering the King of Heroes."

Julius stared at the lying boy. "Although I feel a little sorry to leave you like this, and since I am a good person I would have regrets if I allowed you to continue with those damaged circuits."

He decided that letting someone who can use such a powerful version of projection magecraft commit suicide would not be advisable, so he would later help the boy join the Clock Tower.

'That's right, falling out with a protagonist never ends well.'

He stopped thinking nonsense and got to work. He extracted Avalon with surprising ease and prepared to leave to find a hotel.

He left the academy and just then a girl came running towards him.

"Damn, I'll be late again!" she exclaimed.

Julius smiled and walked past her. The girl stopped for a moment and turned around.

"How strange, I thought I saw someone..." But she quickly ran back. "It's probably my imagination."

Later that night Julius found himself on top of a ritual circle. Avalon was placed on a small altar and would serve as a catalyst. The magus raised his hand and let some blood fall on the floor.

"Fill. Fill. Fill. Fill. Fill. Let each be turned over five times, simply breaking asunder the fulfilled time." As he began to sing, the circle lit up in blue light.

"Let silver and steel be the essence. Let stone and the archduke of contracts be the foundation. Raise a wall, against the wind that shall fall. Close the four cardinal gates. Come out from the crown. Rotate the three-branched road reaching the Kingdom." The further the chant progressed, the more wind rose in the small room.

"I shall declare here. Your body shall serve under me. My fate shall be with your sword. Submit to the beckoning of the Holy Grail. If you will submit to this will and this reason... then answer! An oath shall be sworn here! I shall attain all virtues of all of Heaven. I shall have dominion over all evils of all of Hell! From the Seventh Heaven, attended to by three great words of power, come forth from the ring of restraint, Protector of the Balance !" Julius exclaimed the last part and the light intensified enormously, blinding him for a moment.

Then the light dimmed and Julius smiled to himself.

"I ask you." A female voice filled the room. "Are you my master?"

In front of the magus now stood a short girl, with blond hair, and clad in armor.

"That's right." Julius composed himself, who would have thought that he would ever stand in front of the legendary King Arthur? Even if this King Arthur was a girl with some trauma, her presence was still amazing. "May I assume you are King Arthur, from the Saber class?"

She looked shocked for a moment, but she quickly recovered.

"That's right, my name is Artoria Pendragon." She introduced herself. "May I know your name, master?"

Julius smiled and walked down the aisle.

"That is...!" Artoria stepped forward in surprise.

Julius took the Noble Phantasm and turned to his Servant.

"My name is Julius Abraham." He pointed at her with Avalon in hand. "Artoria Pendragon, we are going to win this war."

Artoria perked up.

"Of course, master!"