

Upon Returning a wave of information flooded his mind it told him everything about the True magic he had been given access to was Imagination Magic.

Now some people out there might consider imagination magic and illusion magic similar and they wouldn't be entirely wrong but it still would not be correct.

With illusion magic you would need to not only be strong enough to make the illusion seem realistic enough that it could effect a person but the person you were using it on would need to have low mental magic resistance as at the end of the day illusion magic is a type of mental magic.

But with imagination magic The only things that matters is the caster having enough magic power, vivid enough imagination and understanding how The thing or entity you're imagining works.

An example would be if he wanted to make a car with his imagination magic he would need to understand that a car has multiple doors, locks, windows, an engine, Wheels basically, he just needs to understand how it functions but not how all the little bits and pieces work in tandem together.

And the best part is with imagination magic there's no time limit on how long it can exist it will last as long as the caster does not dispel spell it.

He doesn't even need to chant.

The downside is the amount of magic consumption depending on what you want to bring forth from your imagination.

An example would be that if he imagines the solar system to be at the same stage of development as he remembers then he could do just that but the magic consumption would be so immense that it is smarter not to do that.

But regardless, he was very happy with this.

' So Firefly what do you think of Akasha?"

[ Well I think that the Akasha felt like a parent talking to The first child that's able to talk back to it, it also felt like it was both a mother and father in how it was talking to you.]

' Indeed, I felt similar.'

' Did you also talk with Akasha.'

[ No I didn't, because I am still just a part of your soul.]

' Ah right, I tend to forget about that.' Taylor felt quite sorrowful about this fact.

[ Please don't feel so down about that Master, regardless of whether I'm a part of you or my own independent being I would do anything to stay at your side.]

' Thank you Firefly, and you do know that I am going to give you your own body.'

[ I know, Master, I know.]

After having a talk with Firefly he proceeded to go to the moon and Find out if it was able to record the event and it turned out that it couldn't, it did however, record a powerful magic fluctuation around me but it was distorted in some ways so a full recording was Impossible.

After returning to the mothership he went to his research room and with his imagination magic he made devices to help him study his own soul because unless he gets some mystic eyes he can't actually see a soul even though he knows so much about them.

But with just one look he knew that it would take a few hundred million years before he could separate Firefly's ego from his soul while also keeping her connected to his soul.

Does that make almost no sense? Yeah, he thinks so too but with his current understanding of souls it also made complete sense.

Now one might wonder why he doesn't just use his reality alteration to do this well, that's because his reality alteration cannot affect him as a individual, while it can alter his standing in society and stuff like that, it cannot affect him body mind or soul, as reality alteration could alter reality to such an extent that he would no longer have his own unique powers so as a safety mechanism, it cannot affect him personally in anyway.

So it's time for him to do his research and hope for success.

Around 4.55 billion BC.

After being in this universe for about 50 million years Taylor had never stopped any of his activities.

His space fleet had finally expanded to one full arm of the milky Way galaxy while also connecting them with the Hyper Drive gates.

He would also go on dates with all the androids, Commander White, the two instructors and Nala with a healthy amount of sex with all of them.

He would also periodically deploy his reality marble to talk with his other selfs to help him understand himself better.

And while He learned quite a lot about himself, he also learned things about himself in other universes and timelines.

Like how the reason he Became a veterinarian was because a dog saved his life.

Like how he became a politician because he decided he needed to save the country that was leading itself towards its own destruction.

Like how he became a Wall Street banker because he grew up poor.

He even became a cult leader in one of these lifetime, because he was just that charismatic and wanted to have some fun.

There are some were he became a tyrant and dictator because he want to have control over everything.

There were some that were even more than that, but there were also some that were absolute Saints.

He truly learned a lot more about himself than he ever expected.

He also madeq sure to keep practising and training in his Imagination magic, he had even made an imagined copy of Excalibur that the fairies would make, though he certainly had his own ideas to forge it himself.

Earth and also grown considerably, to the point that it was nearly 2/3 the size of earth that he remembered and atmosphere had come to be semi-visible.

And as research into his soul while being a very slow start has managed to reach about 3.7%.

Fortunately, for his imagination magic he was able to create both a soul and ego for him to do his test on without it having any sentience.

And during all these years his pulls got him a few special things.

[ (EX) mystic eyes of control : Rainbow grade : The Mystic eyes of control allow the one who beres them to have everything within their sight to fall completely under the control, this includes being able to nullify the effects of other Mystic eyes of equal grade or less if the bearer so wants, can be active for deactive as per the will of the bearer.]

[ (S) schematics to build Nikke units.]

[ (EX) perfect mastery overall combat forms.]

Just to name a few.

Unfortunately, he couldn't begin building Nikke units as it required a human brain as the processor for information as well as store the memories for each unit.

But now it was time for the birth of the first of Dragon Albion.


This is a chapter that is being uploaded on by birthday and sorry for how short this chapter is I was having some writer block.