
Fate/Branched Fate

While the Magus Killer was something of a boogey man to mages, there was an equivalent. Someone who could do the deed without leaving a trace, a ghost.

jewby_jube · Tranh châm biếm
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4 Chs

Chapter 4

The bullet fired. The door to the church had opened as Risei, the overseer, looked at his son. The bullet hit as his head jolted to the side with a splash of blood on Risei's face. I waited for a split second.

The body of Kirei Kotomine exploded into a fiery blaze. "There's the explosion." Risei collapsed onto his knees as his son had been killed in an instant. I hung the sniper on my shoulder and made my way down the tower. That leaves only Saber and Archer.

Not bad.

I say leave them to their own devices and let them destroy each other. "Once Saber matches with Archer, kill Archer the first chance you get. I usually fight close range but I'll have to adapt this time."

"Morgan, take out Archer."

She simply nodded before beginning preparations while I made sure to double check on black keys and Inazuma. Magecraft would be the difference. My trump card, formed from the fruits of my effort, an aboslutely ridiculous mystic code with an equally ridiculous ability.

It was disdaining and ordinary. A very thin set of rods shaped in almost a cross like manner. Yet the ridiculous ability I spent all this time working on and with the help of Morgan, it was complete, only thanks to my origin of limitless.

Possibilities are endless to me.

The ability of the mystic code, Namae, was to alter a true name with conceptual weight. It was inspired by one of the shows I had watched when I was a kid, Snipe.

It seemed every single day, Morgan would somehow worm her way into that small crevice in my heart. How it happened I don't even know. Do I like it? It is probably the most positive feeling I've had in ages. I wish to keep it.

Despite, all the times I've pushed her advances away. It seems she wormed her way in at last. I'll make an exception for tomorrow.

The bed came after preparations for tomorrow were done. Morgan seemed pleasantly surprised when I allowed her in the bed. Even though I was facing away, I could tell. A small smile had found her way to her face. Perhaps this was what both of us were after, someone to care for, to give and receive affection.

Two souls both finding solace in each other.

Tomorrow should be the end. Then the grail can be used for whatever I want, which is nothing which means the prize is going to Morgan.


Two soft mounds were pressed against my back. It was the late afternoon and we had spent way more time than necessary sleeping. I hissed "Morgan, time to wake up." She blinked before her blue eyes met mine. Now that I think about it, we do have similar color scheme. "Time already?"

I nodded as I looked and double checked my bag. Get preparing for a full utilisation of your Noble Phantasm on Archer the moment I get close and weaken him. Saber and Gilgamesh were in the middle of a fight for the grail as I stared at the leaking mud. I got into contact with Morgan. "You can sense it right?" I could tell she knew that this grail war had juked us all.

"Sorry Morgan, no wishes." Silence came from the other end of the link. "I need no wish anymore. I will follow you to the ends of the world even in death."

"Thank you Morgan... Sorry about being an ass about receiving your affection."

Silence came, that silence was all that was needed to understand. A mutual agreement of two individuals.

Saber was instantly teleported away forcibly away from the battle. The Magus Killer looked around franctically only to notice he too had been forcibly teleported away.

Archer was furious, his rage boiled and magical energy peaked. It was at that time, I struck with Namae. His rage disappeared in an instant at the quick spacial displacement and at the stupidly hilarious sight of a cross rod smacking the amour of a heroic spirit.

His body trembled between a mix of rage and laughter. He didn't even attempt to dodge as I smacked him again. In an instant, a sword was fired. My protection from Morgan shattered as I was launched back.

"You CUR! While you first strike amsed me. To strike the king a second time is a punishment worthy of a thousand deaths!"

I smirked knowing I had already won.

"Then state your name."

His face blinked with confusion. "My name is Gi-" His face marred with confusion. "My name is Gi-" Rage built up in an instant portals opened up, there were only six of them. His surprise didn't end there.

"By my command seal, Morgan destroy him with your Noble Phantasm."

Morgan had long begun preparations and the chant had been finished with perfect timing.

"Lordless Camelot!"

The road towards the utopia had been destroyed with the golden king along with it. His name had been reduced from Gilgamesh to Gi.

The magus killer and Saber arrived back only for Saber to widen her eyes at the sight of Morgan.


Morgan raised her eyebrow. "So you are the sister of my pan-human history self. How pathetic red dragon."

The Magus Killer simply stared at me "So you are Ghost." I simply nodded, "As you can see, I'm getting rid of the grail. Surely you can see that it's corrupted?"

Kiritsugu nodded "It is the tactical and logical decision. I stand by your decision."

"By my command seal. Saber destroy the grail."

Saber resisted against Kiritsugu. Aother command seal was used as Saber raised her Excalibur. Morgan's Rongomyniad aimed right at the grail before they both struck true. A froth of mud burst forth as a turbulent wave of spacial and time distortions raged with the mud. Curses so potent that even space and time bent with the influence of the grail.

I stared at the aftermath as me and Morgan got to safety. "You'll fade away you know." I stared at Morgan as she snorted before planting her lips on mine. "I said I'll follow you to the ends of the world, even in death." Her form remained as I stared "What did you do?"

She simply replied as if it was a simple and whimsicle thing "I tied my existence to yours."

"You and your aloof attitude."

A sudden hole burst through the fires as it dragged me and Morgan into the distortion.
