
Fate Black Hound

A normal guy who finds himself involved with the Moonlit world through tragedy and will grow stronger so he doesn't lose anything else again *Strong MC *Alternate Universe *Other Character from other Franchise may appear

Hanmus · Tranh châm biếm
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64 Chs

Confliction and Farewell

Saber PoV

*After sudden teleportation by Caster

I and my new Master appear in some kind of Room and with us is the Unconcious body of Rider Master

"...is this Their Hideout Base ?"

I am confused as I stay still beside my new Master

Then I sense people coming closer to us and although my mind is still confused I will protect both my new Master and Rider master and so I quickly pick up Rider Master and place him beside my new master and prepare myself for the incoming people

The door opened and from it, two humans appear

A little girl and an adult woman who I recognized to have a connection with Lancer Master from Kiritsugu information and the woman spotted me

"Sakura Stop!" The Woman attempted to stop the little girl but was ignored as the girl run straight to my new Master. I attempt to stop her but then I heard her spoke

"Papa!" She shouted in worry as she reached for my new Master

Her word shocked me as I can't imagine my new Master is already a Father

The little girl crying as she holds her father's hand and saw the amount of blood on his clothes due to an operation by Caster I can't help to kneel beside her and tell her

"Don't worry he is going to be alright my Artifact is currently healing him" I try to ease her crying and it worked somewhat

"Sniff... Really ?"

"Yes I swear on my name as King of Knights Arthurian Pendragon and as his Servant," I said my name and title with a bit of guilt as I don't know if I deserved it anymore but I want to help ease my new master's daughter's

The adult woman slowly walked toward us and I can see her cautiously eyeing me

"What happens to Caster, Berserker, and Rider ?" She asks

"Rider and Berserker is death" I found myself a bit saddened at Berserker's passing since he is my knight and also guilty because of Rider's words about Galahad since he mentioned the consequences of my wish.

I hold thinking of that part for now inside my mind and continue my report to her

"And as for Caster... he is currently fighting Archer and Caster make me a servant to this young man"

I kept the part where he is on the death door where he doesn't have a heart anymore.

"... I see" then she turned to the little girl

"Sakura let's bring young Master Kaito and Waver Velvet to their room to recover," she say and turned into me again

"Can you carry Young Master Kaito's body to his Room? Sakura can lead you there, I will take care of Waver Velvet" With that she picked up Rider Master

And I look toward the little girl as I pick up my new Master which I knew named Kaito

*Kaito Room

I set down my new Master gently on his bed after helping him get his clothes changed with the help of his daughter and the little girl also climbed to his bed to also sleep with him

I opted to watch over them near the door and as I watch them I can't help thinking about my relationship with my 'son' Mordred, especially after Rider's words

'Have I hated 'him' that much to wish something like he to be never born? is that my wish ?'

Then I remembered my last 'Fight' with him where I stabbed him with my Lance Rhongomyniad and he stabbed me with his sword

I patted my chest where I remember that fight and the fatal wound I receive.

Also, my wish to never pick up that sword means that my Uncle's reign over Britain will be much longer and therefore citizens of Britain will suffer more.

'Have I also hated my knight who is also a citizen of Britain because of their rebellion and wants them to suffer under Uncle's rule?'

Is my Wish only revenge against them?

Am I that kind of Person?

Am I not that different from my sister Morgan Le Fay?

Kaito PoV


"...Ngh..." I groggily feel like something called me yet my body feels so heavy and t makes me hard to open my eyes

"Slap!" Then I feel a slap on my cheeks that make me groan

"Wake Up Master!" it was Caster Voice then I slowly open my eyes and see his face and his hand that was about to slap me again

"Phew, you finally awake"

"What is it, Caster? I am still sleepy let me sleep more" I said to him and attempt to close my eyes once again

"Oy! Don't go to sleep again!" Caster immediately slap me again which make me glare at him

and before I can speak he continued

"Remember what happens to you, Master!" He shouted in annoyance

"Remember ?" I furrowed my eyebrow for a few moments then my eyes suddenly went wide as I finally remember what happened to me

'I got shot in the heart!'

I immediately sit and check my wound

"Huh ? no wounds ? are you already healing me, Caster?" I asked him then I stood up and went alert to check our surrounding

"...Why are we in a forest ?"

Sure enough, we are now not in Rider Reality Marble nor Tohsaka Mansion but some kind of a Forest

"What happens to the fight Caster ?"

I turned to Caster for the Answer

"Hah... just sit down first Master," He told me by patting the spot beside him which I complied

"First don't interrupt me as I speak and only speak if I allowed it"

"Second keep calm as I speak Master understood ?"

He told me two rules and I nodded in agreement

"I indeed saved you Master but I was almost too late since your heart is already destroyed by The Maniac Bullet and my prana already spent when fighting Archer leaving me no other choice but to take drastic measures to keep you alive Master. And that's by giving you my own heart to keep you alive" here he stopped for a moment

Hearing the method of Caster and the reason make me surprised but I take a few breaths to keep calm myself and nodded at him

" And since I already at death door because giving my Heart and prana depleted to keep you safe since Archer is still alive I transferred our connection as Master - Servant Pair to Saber and now she is your only servant since Berserker is already dead"

Once again he stopped here

Hearing I become Saber's new Master did not surprise me that much since the new 'Heart' thing but still is Saber going to agree that easily even if Caster promised that I can help her get her to wish with no Grail since this Holy Grail War was a sham for Servants, what if she wants revenge for her Master's death?

Should I have used my Command seals to make her not harm me and that I care just like Sola-san?

so I asked Caster about that

"Don't worry about that Master Saber is the Honorable type and she won't kill you from the back" Caster reassure me and I trust his judgment in this

"And now please stand up and watch carefully Master" Caster then make a water Mirror in front of us and I watched carefully as he say and I saw is shocked to see Caster's face that is shown

I slowly moved my hand through my now blue hair and looked closer to the water mirror to see my new red eyes after a while, the Mirror disappeared, and look toward Caster's face with his amused expression

"Looks like getting you a new heart is not the only thing you got from me Master," He said

Then before he can continue his body slowly turned into a golden mist

"Tch we don't have much time left, Listen Master you probably not only inherited my looks and possible my abilities due to your Origin that Assimilate my heart Origin and here" Caster Materialized his Spear Gae Bolg

"Take it" and I carefully accept it

"Listen Master That Golden Archer is still alive and you need to be careful of his unique weapon don't let him use it" Then he offered a bro fist to me and I also do the same and bump it into each other

"Thanks for everything, Caster... No Brother Setanta" I said my final words to him which stunned him for a moment since I call him my brother

But then he grinned and replied

"What a troublesome younger Brother that I got, make sure you survived Kaito since your life is just started, and farewell" and Caster finally disappears

Finally done with this Chapter and as always hope it's not too bad

by the way, I also play Fate Grand Order JP Ver.

And got lucky this month

I got Castoria and Miss Crane from my first GSSR

(I need Castoria and finally got her with a Bonus)

Arcuied, Shiki (Saber), Musashi (Summer), Dioscuri, Ilyasviel,

Merlin (Proto), and Ibuki (Summer)

Hanmuscreators' thoughts