

This is a tale of trust and betrayal. Can true love emerge? Brimming with tension, deception, and heartrending emotion, this romantic explores the inescapable aftermath when lifelong connections cross the line.

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Where do I start from

It was only a couple of shots or to better put it, a couple of harmless shots at a party we both attended. But i could only call them harmless if only they didn't lead to this mess I've found myself in.

Where do I start from? What should I do?

Are the questions I've been asking myself since morning.

I've been sitting on the couch in my living room staring at three pregnancy test kits that have have been screaming 'you're pregnant' since morning. Those red lines that are threatening to destroy the life I have known all this while. The peace I have been enjoying, the friendship I've been cherishing and the love of the one person I didn't want to loose.

I am really scared. I don't even want to believe this but the evidence is clearly here, right in my face to see.

Don. Just thinking about him made me nauseous again. We were friends, close friends. Friends don't do this to each other, especially not when it risks blowing up the life I've worked so hard for. There's Ray, my amazing fiance, kind and reliable, the total opposite of Don's carefree charm.

Tears welled up in my eyes, blurring the harsh reality on the coffee table. My gaze darted between the tests and my phone, Don's number mocking me. Should I call him? Should I confess this huge mistake that could shatter everything? The answer churned in my stomach, a nasty mix of fear and guilt.

Taking a shaky breath, I grabbed the phone. This wasn't just my burden to carry. Don deserved to know. We both did. But as I scrolled to his contact, a new fear gripped me, what if this destroyed our friendship with Ray too? But then there is no what if. I know it will, but the thought was still unbearable. Maybe there was another way, another solution... but for the life of me, I couldn't think straight through the fog of panic clouding my head. I squeezed my eyes shut willing an answer to appear, but only the steady tick of the clock answered back. The weight of this secret, of this unexpected life growing inside me, was suffocating. I had to do something, and fast.

My thumb was shaking over Don's number on my phone. One part of me really wanted to call him. To have him tell me those positive pregnancy tests were all a big mistake. But the bigger part of me knew this was real.

There was a knock at the door. I jumped and quickly hid the tests under a pillow. I looked through the peephole. It was Ray, my fiancé. He was smiling and holding flowers.

My heart pounded seeing his kind face. How could I tell him? How could I break his heart like this?

I took a deep breath and opened the door, trying to smile. "Hey babe, you're here early!"

Ray kissed me on the lips. "Surprise! I knew you weren't feeling well, so I left work early to take care of you."

I felt so guilty and panicked inside. "R-Ray, you didn't have to do that for me..."

He hugged me. "Don't be silly, of course I did. You know I'll always put you first, baby."

Those words should have made me feel better. But instead, they made me feel even worse. I didn't deserve his love and care, not after what I had done. I couldn't hold back my tears anymore.

Ray pulled away, looking concerned. "Hey, what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

I opened my mouth, but no words came out. How could I possibly tell him the truth and ruin both our lives? This was so much bigger than a mistake. I betrayed him in the worst way, all because of a few silly drinks at a party with an old friend.

I couldn't look him in the eyes anymore. I looked down, ashamed. "Ray...I...I'm so sorry..."

It was a weak, cowardly thing to say, but it was all I could get out. The rest would have to follow, no matter how painful. I owed him the full truth, even if it cost me everything.

Hello readers. This is one story I've been dying to write so I hope you enjoy it.

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