

Something has Invaded the Nasu Multiverse

anoanowilkum · Tranh châm biếm
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18 Chs

Who are you to me?


Rustle can be heard in a bed before a teenager took the sheets that once covered his body.



"That DREAM again, huh." A black haired teen murmured.

He then started wandering inside his room.

Slowly he fix his wear for his Highschool and then taking a bath.

It was 10 minutes after which he got finish what he needs to do.

He then goes to the kitchen and saw a familiar note in the table.

"Make sure to clean up the house a bit before going to school. And also make sure to be full. I will leave early because of an important meeting. Sorry and Take care Son."


He sigh and slowly goes to the kitchen

His Adoptive Mother is always busy and he has already expected this note.

She has always been an enigma to him.

It once started when he was curious what her Job was and then follow her discreetly.

He work location seems to be lead to many twist and turns which eventually leads to him losing the lead.

He did this multiple times and found himself lost,

So he gave up.

He then question his Mother about this matter and she only told him that she works at an important place.

Whatever, it must be important that even the way there is very complex.

Chewing was heard in the Kitchen as a lone figure finishes his meal.





"Mr J-" a female voice was heard.

"Mr John" he heard it again.

"Huh?" It was John slowly rubbing his eyes in his class. He was clearly sleeping before

Many students then observe the Raven haired Teen.

The teacher then spoke.

"Name some of your favorite character in literatures?"

Of course it was History Class.

Famous people for the past. John then thought of many of his favorite character.

He then answered his teacher.

"These are my Favorite Characters. Khaion from Greek myth. Jahnnar from Norse, Ynhuitl from the Aztec, XinZhen Tian from China, YanJin Lieh from Japan. And also Eun-Ji Guang from Korea."

All the Students looks at him weirdly for a moment.

"You have quite a lot of characters to tell Mr. John. All of them seems to be not known by many as well."

The teacher then explains these characters to the students who have been wondering.

"All of them played a role in myths, although they are not well known due to them being mostly in the Background and was not heard of again."

The Teacher then look at John.

"Why did they becomes your favorite?" She asked.

Why did they become my favorite?.


I have already known how to read and write at the age of 4. Capable of solving mathematical formulas that are learned by 6th Graders at the age of five. All of these gave my Mother a reason to gift me books so that i can continue my pursuit in academics. Like Mother Like Son she said. But there are stories in books that have interest me the most. Mythology, a Complex narrative made by our ancestors and passed on through culture.

The truth is I already knew many Myths and Stories

Even before i was BORN.

but lets not focus on my past.

"Im interested in them because they resonate with me"

I did not see myself as interesting. Im just one individual in 7 billion human population. Just a Background Character. But I wish to [NOT] be remembered. At the very least i wish to leave a mark in this world before I disappear.

The teacher nodded satisfied with John's answer and let him sit back again.






The Class for this Day finally ended.

John was silently Walking down the Street back to his Home.

He then stops by at an Ice Cream Parlor which is near a park that many children are playing.

He then sat at the nearest bench. Looking at the sky.




"Umm, Mistah?" His focused was broken by a small child.

"Y-your Ice cream is melting" it then points to his vanilla ice cream which is flowing in his hands.

"Ah" he then immediately wipes his hand with a towel.

John then looks at the Child.

"Here" he then gave the Child his Ice Cream


"You can have it"

"Yay" the child then ran towards its back towards the playground.

John sigh and continues his way back home.




A door was heard opening.

Its creak was heard throughout the home.

"Your back, Son" John's Mother Mary Light welcomes him back.

"I though you will be home at 12 like you used to." He was surprised.

"I was thinking of leaving early at work. Can't i dote on my son today." He was then hugged his mother.

"And also today is a special day."

John's eyebrows rose up.

His Mother pouted.

"Did you forget that today is your birthday"

Ah. I forgot, Shit.

He then heard a cluster of voice in the living room.


Many people then pops out from their hiding spot.

Confettis was blow in the air and lots of colorful stuff are falling to the floor.

"Happy 15, Birthday John"

I see a big cake with a goofy image of myself at its center.

Everyone is happy, Everyone is smilling and laughing.

I smiled too. Even though I am simply a background character, I have many people who I appreciate. Those that I deemed important.

"Thank you everyone" i said in a low voice.

"What?" My Mother didn't hear what his son said clearly.

"Nothing" I am happy.

She then asked me to eat. and that, I did.

Who are you to me? I question her in my mind.

She was there when i was helpless. Taking care of me till I am what I am now.

Who are you to me? What will I be when you did not enter my life. Will i be Blind? Will i be an Idiot?

Ah... I think i know...

The Nightmares have been always been there in my life..

Haunting me every Night when I fall to darkness embrace.

Yet at each of its end. There was LIGHT.

It was YOU.

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