

Something has Invaded the Nasu Multiverse

anoanowilkum · Tranh châm biếm
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A Comprehensive guide to the Sphere of Existence

By: X-1



- Each celestial body that has a tidbit of sentience have or may be able to make its own textures. Textures being its own fabric of reality sheeting the celestial body itself. (1610)

- A recent study has found that Textures are not just limited to celestial bodies, the entire UNIVERSE can have its own Textures.(1685)

Universal Textures are entire separate realms with their own separate laws. These textures tend to wrap around the other with each transcending the lower realm


"The realm in which most of our senses have evolved and adapted from"

The Physical Realm

The Normal Reality we live in, includes the entire physical universe, its microscopic and macroscopic realms, from the sub atomic particle to entire cosmic filaments along with the observed fundamental physics that we have mapped.

- the smallest particle in existence are not quarks. But a constant spatial numbers or the real numbers to be exact

The Textures of the World also exist here in the Ontosphere.

Example Textures:






All mythological textures exist although some are abandoned by their inhabitants to live in the reverse side. This is due to the Apocalypse or the ending of mythologies.

Some textures is also used by the Counterforces to trap Beings that can harm the World itself.


"Human mind is a very complex structure, it holds a world of ideas, Concepts that are Essential to the understanding of existence, Ideas that are Equally as Beautiful as it is Horrifying"


The Realm of Human Conciousness

A part of the Infosphere (See the bottom.Infosphere)

The very realm of human thoughts, containing the information that humanity has made throughout the past and present. This Texture is Invisible and Intangible, Transcending the Physical realm, This is where Ideas, memes and Platonic concepts reside.

When a person sleeps, the dreams that they are inhabiting in is said to be a momentary resonance between the brain, Its Mind and the Noosphere, A localized fusion between the Physical and the Metaphysical. [P.s Buffed Merlin]

It is also discovered that the Noosphere is Connected to the Infosphere, as such, when humanity discover something new, the information that they find correlates to the noosphere getting larger in the Infosphere, taking more Conceptual Space, this is no problem however, as the Infosphere is Conceptually Infinite in size.

- When a person or someone has the ability of clairvoyance, they tend to see either the truth of the World, along with its past,present,or 'future', however the Noosphere has no concept of future, only past and present, so how is future clairvoyance possible?

there was a theory proposed that says, when Humanity makes a discovery, the Noosphere expands in size taking space in the Infosphere, understanding this, A researcher postulates that the Future information, idea, phenomena has always existed in the infosphere, only waiting for the noosphere to absorb it into the Main Network Conciousness

of Humanity.

What It mean is a Clairvoyant that see the future is forcefully expanding the Noosphere to extract the 'Future' Information,event,idea in the Infosphere.

The Information Collected has made almost all researcher believed that the Universe that they lived in is Highly Deterministic, This is also Backed by the Concept of Quantum Time lock.


"The Realm of All the Thoughts of Existence and more."

The Sphere that holds all the ideas that existence can think of. It contains every bits of information that every Creatures, Aliens, Gods, any Lifeform that exist in a Universe. All their thoughts and ideas floats in the infosphere.

- There is not much known in the Infosphere, although there is a reason for this, the minds of other lifeforms is highly dangerous to comprehend due to their alien thinking, though some Alien or Foreign conciousness are compatible with human conciousness, most are volatile and can lead to informational corruption and/or Incomprehension.

The Infosphere is Infinite in size, everytime a conciousness discovers something they take a specific finite amount of space in the Infosphere. The Infosphere hold all known and Unknown Information that are waiting to be discovered by lifeforms.


A realm that encompass the Entire Existential Ensemble, it holds all the Pure Information,Ideas,and Concepts that can/cannot be Comprehended by Life.The Akashic sphere projects the lower spheres into existence by Combining Complex Concepts/ideas. These ideas are Null at first before being turn inverse and finally takes form.

"Null ideas are the 0 Concepts made/form by the Akashicsphere. Akashicsphere itself is a Realm of Nothingness, Interchangable to Realm of Possibility, Although Nothing is.. well 'Non', Nothingness can symbolize infinite potential. Thats the reason why the Big Bang happen. Somehow at the genesis. The sea of Tianyi[]

rippled creating a drop of infinite heat and energy which then Creates the Universe."


Middle Class



These 'beings' or Entities resides beyond the Physical realm, either inhabiting the Noosphere, Infosphere, or some rare cases, the akashicsphere. They are 'Sentient Concepts that roam the Higher Realm much like us Humans in the Physical Realm.

The Beings that resides in the Noosphere can either be benevolent or malicious, acting similarly to the internet, a site can be a good source of information or a way for the virus to enter your Software.

Sentient Concepts outside of Human Conciousness or the Infosphere are highly dangerous and must not be interacted in any way.

Human minds are not adapted to some ideas especially foreign ones in the Infosphere which leads to negative effects in their Mind structure. Especially if that idea is Alive. The minds of man cannot understand how these alien ideas work.

A research has discovered that some Sentient ideas in the Noosphere absorbs smaller and weaker Sentient Ideas making Ideatic Complexes. This Create the Deific Archetypes or The gods that humanity believes in before they manifest into Phenomenon or Flesh.(Note:This only Defines the Gods born from Human Imagination)

Sentient Ideas devouring each other act almost similarly to the Animal foodchain. If this is happening in the Noosphere, there is no doubt that this also happens in the greater Infosphere.

Then theres the Rare case, the Ideas in the Akashicsphere, Sentient ideas here are rare due to the Purification of the Void which can erase the 'sentient' in the Idea.

there is only one case found. And it is [DATA LOST]



A cognitohazard is something that poses a danger to any subject that perceives it with any of our five physical senses: sight (visual), hearing (auditory), smell (olfactory), taste (gustatory), and touch (tactile).

This applies to both things that cause physical harm as well as things that cause psychological damage, but only in a way that would be anomalous. A bright light that causes blindness would not be a cognitohazard, nor would a sharp edge that cuts you when you touch it. A sound that causes you to bleed from every pore or a smell that causes you to go insane would be a cognitohazard.


An antimeme is an idea with self-censoring properties; an idea which, by its intrinsic nature, discourages or prevents people from spreading it.


Non Ideas/Concept/MEME (Non and Null is interchangable) cannot be expressed in any way by any lifeform unless it is materialized into an actual idea.




Idea can also be turn into Non idea, Erasing the very materialization of the concept, its history and Information.




Some Ideas can simultaneously be Null and Existing, Breaking the Logic and making a paradox. Although it cannot exist in the ONTOSPHERE as paradox are immediately solve, it cannot be the same for the Other Universal Textures.

- It can exist in the physical realm, although they tend to be solve immediately, but due to I|0. some paradoxes can exist for indefinite periods which is concerning.

Also called unstable Ideas.




It is the [UNKNOWN]

With the name of I[DATA LOST]

The files are corrupted with the source not being found.