

Something has Invaded the Nasu Multiverse

anoanowilkum · Tranh châm biếm
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18 Chs



Horns Blared throughout the Dark Metallic Tunnels of the Foundation.

'What the hell is going on?' Dr. Light wondered, passing through many employees that are panicking and running into different rooms,

Futuristic doors clanking in every corner



Mary has gone through many twist and turns until she reached her destination


She took her ID and brought it into the Security Knob in the Doorfront.

'Access Accepted' A Monotonous Voice echoed as the Door Opens.

After Entering, A bunch of High End Computers filled her vision, Each with their own personnel managing.

Moving into the Main Center did she see a big Hologram and the Main Employee that manages it.

'What's the Situation?' Dr Light asked.


She checked the statistics at the side of the Hologram

The Main employee further explains.

'The M.A.K has send another signal information to us'

He Pointed at the Image in the middle

'This is the best mapped image that we humans can comprehend before our mind turn inside out'

It was an abstract Image, Curve lines stacking upon each other endlessly, whirling at the and orbiting a central point.

'We normally calculate and measure the Numerical constants in the VOIDSPHERE¹ to check the Damage It is causing and along with that, to also measure the stability of our World'

Of course, the Clashing of [] and It is already known by Mary, she wondered what is going on for the Foundation to blare like there is a crisis currently happening.

The Employee look at Mary with the look of Confusion on her face.

'The problem is that, there is a shift in numbers in the numerical constant which governs our Universe, specifically the Constant that governs the Movement and Configuration of Matter and Energy. We know that our Universe is what it is because of the right Cardinals inany of its Constants, which lead to the formation of, Well Everything that you see and what you cannot see,'

If that is the case, shouldnt we be dead already, A stronger gravity can lead to giant Singularity forming, or the strong interaction becoming weaker leading to unstable atomic nuclei, which would in turn make matter unstable.

'We do not know how much it shifted it. It might change the speed of the atoms or even its directional constant¹'

Another notification appeared at the side of Hologram.

'Oh no' the Main Employee that controls the Main Computer bluttered out.


There were many Constants that govern the Universe, some are very distinguished and Instintually known by existence, some are almost insignificant and weak, yet at the same time essential for Existence, each are quite literally and conceptually bigger than our sets countable numbers, and we are only talking about the weakest constants. the main ones are on another level entirely.

All of them work at the same time for the entire Universe to function, which is dwarfed by the main Constant, the [].

Then there was Θ, It was new, Alien even, yet at the same time essential to the Universe which should be impossible, since this constant just pop out of thin air now.

'What is... That?' Its as if the symbol in the computer is looking at her.

'We..' The Employee sigh.

'We do not know what it's function in the World, but when it came in, the Numerical Constant that governs the Movement and Configuration of Matter and Energy,Chaos for short, has been shifted, it feels as if we are closing in to our end with all of this World Ending Threats, and here I thought humanity is going to die due to the Ultimate Ones'

Their world is grim before, now it was invaded by this Concept or whatever it is, and now shit hits the fan.

'What do we do?'

'For now, we will constantly monitor this new CONSTANT and at the same time check the CHAOS in space'

Mary moved into one of the computers and started her work.

Life is hard.


The X is alone.

Existence did not notice.

The X is filled with []

All by ITself.


X then split itself.

5 came out of its carcass.

The God of the Unknowable squirms.

Its hands touch X

Holding its Father dearly in its back.

The Fifth God swims happily among the waters of tianyi.

X is not alone.

X is satisfied.