
FATE ( Chosen by you )

in the world where "energy" combined with hi-technology system, a fighting sport called "FATE" becomes something that is really popular in the world. a man who is blessed by the energy and a man who dreams about the energy.. their fate entwisted, their body are switched, but with so many complicated side effect. how can they blend in their new environment? are they wishing to go back into their original body?

Ojibear · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

chapter 4 "different colours on the same canvas"

A dim light from the horizon gave signal as the new day begins. Arva already woke up from 15 minutes ago.

He's looking for a timer to know what time it is, but he couldn't find it in his room. He decided to go downstair, and looking for timer in the living room.

He found the timer in the living room showing 5:50 AM.

"i'll check mother's condition first"

Arva went to his mother's room and saw his mother still sleeping. Then, he left the room and opened the front door.

The cold breeze felt so nice and there's still no one in sight at this time.

-syuuu- Arva took a deep breath. He strecthed his body to get used to it.

-hup- he jumped for about three times. He was dashing, side step, kicking, punching and kept moving for 10 minutes.


"hm, i can see how far this body reach and range. There's no problem for the movement and pyhsical relate state"

It's already 6:05 AM. Arva remembered Raninta message to bring back her EBW first thing in the morning.

(i want to rest.....can bring that EBW later.....cold....)

"we can't do that. She need her EBW to do her routine, and we can rest while on our way to the clinic. Hm, no need to delay this"

Arva could feel his body want to rest and back to sleep.

He didn't understand. That kind of training was still far from hard and he had a task to do. Arva always focused on his task, so he turned on Raninta's EBW engine and went to the clinic.

"hm, look like those voice are stopping for now"

Arva continued his way to the clinic.


(wake up....morning practice.....wasting time...)

"!!" Halym opened his eyes, and looked at the timer.

"5:50 AM?! it is still so early.....why i need to wake this early...there's no delivery that is needed to deliver this early for today...."


Halym was back to sleep again. He's trying to continue his sleep, yet his body didn't feel sleepy at all.

(wake up...morning practice....prepare for the training...)

"arrrrgh! can't you stop?!"

Halym woke up and sat on his bed. After one minute, he realized his current condition.

"geez, i'm not in my house now....i almost get in trouble again"

Halym took off his shirt and changed into his mantle that was prepared near his bed.

He jumped for a few times to make sure this was a real thing, not a dream. Three minutes passed, and he didn't know what's to do next.

"hmmm, it seems this body tells me to do something about energy....whatever, i'll try to focus then"

Halym closed his eyes. He put his body in a relaxed state. He took a deep breath, and could feel all the energy flow in his body.

Everything was in sync and in the right direction. Every energy source could be felt and had so much energy in it.


A sound was coming from his front door, and a sound could be heard.

"young master Arva, can i come in?" Nanika calm voice broke his focus

"aa..yeah, sure Nanika"

Nanika came into the room. She took three steps and did bow gesture to her young master.

"breakfast will be ready in 20 minutes. At 8:00 AM training with two A rank and one S rank fighter will be started. Anything that you need before that will be taken care by me young master"

"o ..ok I understand. Hmmmm, what i usually do before breakfast.." Halym mumbled to himself

"you do the morning practice at the training room young master, and then take a bath before breakfast"

Nanika responded to Halym's question.

"ah..then plea.., I mean prepare my morning practice Nanika"

"understood" Nanika bowed

She stood still while staring at him. Halym expected Nanika to take him to the training room, yet he got stared by her.

"err.... won't we go to the training room?"

"hm? i will do my duty first to clean your room young master. Do you need me to go with you to the training room? i can assign some maids to replace my duty here if you wish"

"yeah, i need you to do that...Nanika"

"understood young master"

Nanika walked out and led Halym's way to the training room located in 8th floor. Nanika called one android maid to replace her duty to clean her young master's room. When they passed through the corridor, Halym saw a lotus symbol on Nanika's back.

"that's not a tatoo..what's that lotus symbol on your back Nanika?"

Nanika stopped her steps and turned back to Halym direction.

"this is my energy receiver young master. You already know that. May i ask why are you asking this question young master? i need to know if something is happen to your brain or your memory"

Nanika's brain circuit was trying to analyze the meaning of that question and had several outcomes available.

"ah! i just....try to have a conversation with you Nanika, no need to respond that so serious.." Halym's voice was kinda shaking

"understood. Is this same kind of question like in the elevator last night young master? i will save it for question's pattern database in my master program"

"do..do what you want Nanika.."

Halym was digging his own grave by asking that question.

"understood young master. I'll confirm it again, are you having any health's problem or memory disorder?"

"no! i'm not. You don't need to worry about it"

"worried? it is my duty to check and maintain your condition young master. Is this worried situation similar with duty? forgive me for my cluelessness" said Nanika with her flat tone and expression

Halym started to mumble in his mind.

Reliable ally?! how i could depend on her?! we even couldn't have a proper conversation?! wait, she said energy receiver so she's android or something like that? no way, she looked totally different than that android in sunra district.

"young master? can you give me a guidance for my question?"

"well..worry is when you care or think about somehting while duty is something that will you do regardless you're care or not.....i guess?"

"i still don't get this "care" condition, but judge from young master's word, the difference between worry and duty is in our will. worry is done by your own will and duty is done because it's must done. Can i take it as the answer young master?"

"yes, that's right.."

"understood. I will save it in my master program"

"let's go then"

Nanika nodded and walked to lead her young master to the training room. They get down to the hall room and took the elevator.


They arrived at 8th floor of the mansion. Nanika came out first then followed by Halym.

8th floor of sahasrara mansion was built for energy, ACE, and androdyne development and research. Basically, this floor was the center of sahasrara technology.

All of the researchers and their assistant were living here, and all of that reason was why the training room located here. Arva's perfect energy control was making all the new possibilities for them.

They walked for about three minutes to reach the training room. Halym saw the training control room with so many interfaces that he didn't understand the function at all, then the ground training could be seen in the lower level.

Nanika started to operate all those interfaces while Halym just stood there.

"young master? shouldn't you go down there and start prepare?" Nanika looked at Halym direction

"a!! of course, of course"

Halym walked through the stair and approached a half-circle table with a purple box on it. He pressed the button on it.....


And the box was open. He could see a pair of gauntlet with lotus ornament on it. Halym felt amazed by seeing that.

"wooah, even i don't know a single thing about ACE or gear.. but i'm definitely sure this is an awesome one"

Halym's passion as a FATE fighter wanna be was on fire.

(*gear = ACE specialized for combat)

He took the gauntlet, crimson eater, and put it on his arms.


Crimson eater locked to his arms.

"young master, the training can be start anytime" Nanika told him from the interface

"ah, ok ok. wait a minute Nanika.."

Halym tried to figure how to active his gauntlet. Based on his experience when he watched FATE tournament in global display, fighters always transferred their energy first to their gear before they were fighting.

There's nothing else that came to his mind, so he tried that.


His energy transferred to crimson eater and got responded by showing that "blooming" mode. Halym was super exicted to see that.

He thought everything was ready and set, so he told Nanika to start the training.

"ok Nanika, i'm ready"

"understood young master. Starting the parameter and the shadow target"

The moment Nanika said that, 20 shadows appeared and surrounded him. Halym was kinda suprised to see that many targets appear in his surrounding.

"wa...wait....isn't this too much for practice?"

While Halym mumbling, three shadows already in front of him.

One shadow threw its punch to his center body direction


He took one step to the back.


One shadow in his back jumped to attack him


It flew and disappeared after it was kicked by Halym. The shadow in front of him continued its attack with one wide right arms's swipe, but got countered by Halym's front kick.

"awesome....this body is super light, and even can feel all the energy movement and present in its surrounding"

The rest of shadow kept attacking Halym non-stop, but every attack was countered and parried the moment it get launched.

"i can clearly see their movement...no, this more accurate like "feel" rather than see...-hup-"

Halym jumped to evade from two shadows's kick and countered them with double flying kick..


Those two shadows were gone.

"every dodging move, counter, attack, all of them are done automatically...i even don't need to think or doubt my next move. Timing, field, counter... this body is preparing all of that to me. It already gives me solution even when the problems aren't occurred yet."

All those shadows was created from energy bar combined with en-call ACE to get materialized.

(*en-call ACE = ACE that can materialized energy into shape or form)

So in Halym's eyes (Arva's eyes to be more precise), those shadow body and energy flow were totally predictable.

They energy output, where they wanted to flow those energy output, what they wanted to do, was clearly visible by his eyes. Of course Arva's eyes could see the energy inside human body, but it was not as clearly as android or these shadows.

Just when Halym enjoyed this moment, he took some wrong steps when he evaded some of shadow attack. Now, he was getting surrounded by three shadows with their energy blast stance.


Three energy blasts were heading towards his direction.

"crap....i can't evade this one.."

Halym didn't know how to get out from this situation, yet his body took a stance like he's ready to counter it.

"wha....i don't have any other option....let's leave this to sir Arva's body"


Halym threw a punch to counter those three energy blasts and....


A very thick smoke could be seen after the impact between Halym and those three energy blast.

"ter.....young master.." Nanika voice could be heard vaguely

Halym opened his eyes. He could feel all of his body kinda hurt. He also saw Nanika was kneeling near him.

"uughh.....what happen just now?"

"you get crashed by three energy blasts from shadow target practice young master"

Nanika calmly explained the situation to her young master.

"really?! -kggh- i thought i can counter that.."

"technically speaking, energy only can be countered by energy. Your physical punch won't do that young master"

"hmmmm....but i have a feeling that i can counter that with my punch.."

"it's posibble if you activate your crimson eater young master"

".....so this awesome blooming look is not mean it's already active?" Halym kinda disappointed

"what do you mean by that young master? you only transfer your energy, not cast it. I don't understand why are you looking so confused right now young master"

Nanika tilted her head.

"!! a...it's nothing Nanika! maybe i'm just tired from yesterday activity.." Halym tried to save himself

"understood. Should this morning practice is ended young master?"

"hmm, yeah. I think it's enough for now."

"understood. Then i shall prepare your bath now young master"

Nanika stood up and prepared to leave.

"thank you Nanika. I'm depending on you"

Halym remembered that Nanika was (supposed to be) his realiable ally.

"my pleasure young master. It is my duty and my priority to serve you"

Nanika did a bow gesture while lifting her long skirt a little.

Just about when she's about to leave, Nanika turned back and looked to Halym.

"report for today practice. no energy flow or output is used. The total of shadows that get annilihated is 17. Significant drop result from yesterday practice young master" Nanika confirmed the result

"ah..yes i get it"

Nanika nodded and left to the bathroom to prepare her young master bath. When Nanika disappeaedr from his sight, Halym realized that he don't know where this bathroom was located.

"now where i must go..... wait a minute"


He touched his SAI and opened the map of 8th floor.

"haha, why i forget about this? i have SAI to access everything that i need. Let me see....research lab...assistant's dorm....assistant bathroom...meeting room...hmmm i'm pretty sure this assistant's bathroom is not what i've looking for"

Halym continued his search to 9th floor. His room was in there, so likely this bathroom was in the same floor too.

"hall room...dining room.....Aswara's room...meeting room...flying garden...wait what? no, no i need to focus. hmm, my room...head maid room...kitchen.. mother of origin..this mansion is ridiculously huge"

He took about three minutes to search this bathroom when he finally found it.

"ha! this is it. near the hall room's stair"

He got up and ready to go there when he realized crimson gear was still equipped on his arms. He unequipped it and put it back into its box. Then he left the training room.


He came from the elevator. On his way to the bathroom, some of butlers and maids were greeting and bowing to him.

Halym felt great and awkward at the same time. He was still not used to it.

He took two minutes to reach the bathroom.

One maid greeted him and opened the door. Halym came in and see Nanika already stand by there, in the changing room.


"yes young master? do you need something? please let me know"

"how can i take off my clothes if you stand there?"

"i don't understand young master. Where do you want me to stand?" Nanika tilted her head

Judging from Nanika reaction, Halym knew that Arva usually took off his clothes in front of Nanika with ease.

Maybe because Nanika was an androdyne? or maybe because Arva was a full growth man that not concern about such thing? anyway, for 18 y.o man like Halym, this was quite an awkward situation.

Not to mention he almost didn't have any experience near young woman like Nanika (most of his bread shop's customer is middle age woman).

"i know she's not human...but still....geez let's just do this!"

Halym took off his clothes and went to the bathtub.


Halym took his relaxing morning bath.

"haaah, it's been a long time since i have taking bath like this...our house only have shower....i wonder how's mom condition? should i ask sir Abhin?"

Halym enjoyed his bath in that luxury bathtub. All of his pain from his morning practice earlier was gone.


"young master, the breakfast will be ready 15 minutes. would you like to continue your bath? or i should prepare your clothes?" Nanika voice could be heard

"let me enjoy my bath for a little longer Nanika"



Halym closed his eyes and enjoyed that relaxing moment.



Raninta EBW's engine could be heard through the street. The people activity in sunra district already started, although there were not too many people on the street.

Arva already remembered the route to the clinic so he wasn't wasting any time.

"hm, that's the clinic"

From afar, Arva could see doctor and Raninta at the front of the clinic, but they were surrounded by three man with not so friendly looking on their face.

Arva stopped and parked Raninta's EBW near them.

"huh?! who's this kid? isn't he too early to come here?" one of the man responded to Arva's arrival

Arva got off from the EBW and took its en-key with him.

He was walking towards Raninta and passing those three man. He just focused on his task, that's how Arva's mind worked.

"hoi Halym! how's your mother's condition?"

"good morning doctor, she's fine. Hm, Raninta this is your EBW's en-key"

Arva gave it to Raninta.

"ah, thank you Halym. You really bring it back so early in the morning" Raninta smiled

"hm, you're already helped me. So i won't give you any unnecessary problem"

"ahaha, i never thought you're this kind of responsible boy Halym! guess i've not known you quite well then. well....tho these people won't let me do my routine check"

Just when Raninta said that, the man who responded to Arva earlier grabbed his shoulder and pulled him.

"oi kid!! were you listening?!" He sounded angry

"i'm sorry sir for my lack of awareness"

Arva apologized but with flat expression and tone (as expected from Nanika master).

"hee~~you're making fun of me kid? interesting"

"stop this -plak- he has nothing to do with our problem here"

Raninta slapped the man's hand.

"ouch.. seriously miss assistant... why are you so rude? problem? nah, i thought we're doing negotiation here.. right leader?" The man looked to his friend at his back

Man with height around 176cm with white shirt and long brown robe is responding to his friend's question.

"yeah, we're not doing anything that can cause trouble here Jaron. Geez, it's hurt when you get accused for something that you're not doing miss"

"-kggh- why are you..."

when Raninta wanted to say something, Arva stepped up and stood in front of her. He stared directly to the man's eyes.

"is there any problem with the clinic sir?"

".....kid.... just like my friend said, we just want to do a negotiation here. Who are you anyway?"

"hm, what you are doing is really different than a negotiation that i know. I'm A..., i'm Halym, from the smile bread shop"

"hoo, you're from that shop. Then, get back to your shop. You should deliver those breads rather than disturb our negatiation with those two." He glared to Arva

"thank you for your concern sir, but i didn't get any warning last night regarding today's delivery, so..hm, no problem"

"is that so? ok then.... Jaron..." he smirked to Jaron

Jaron took one step towards Arva, then..


A hard whip from Jaron's back hand landed directly onto Arva's face. No one could see that's coming.

Doctor and Raninta couldn't react to that. Arva? he's only feel some blunt impact on his left side of face and his body kneeled on the ground.

"mother of origin!! WHAT'RE YOU DOING YOU LITTLE.."

Doctor grabbed Jaron with an angry expression on his face.

"Halym?! are you okay?! Halym!" Raninta panicking and checking on Arva's condition

"YOU...." Raninta glared at Jaron

"oi,oi miss... you first accuse us for giving you trouble here~, so it can't be helped right?"

Jaron made a mocking smile on his face.

Meanwhile a ruckus happened around him, Arva was busy with his mind.

That kind of impact was giving him a damage equal to a punch from S rank fighter in starting division (every rank has three division : starting, brawling, conquering), so he wanted to analyze what's happened here.

"hm..this kind of pain, that kind of speed.. i can't react at all. Never meet someone in S rank who have this kind of speed"

Arva felt dizzy, his left side face was hurt. A stingy and burned sensations could be felt, and some blood were coming from his nose.

(it's hurt.....why i must feel this.... if only i have power.... people like you....just...die..)

A rumble sound could be "feel" from his center's body. His body energy flow was starting out of control.

Arva tried to take a deep breath, but his body wouldn't listen. In his mind, an unpleasant feeling wanted to explode, and it tried to dominate his rational and logical thought.

(hurt... escape....annoying....give him pain...)

"i'm asking you, you little brat!! why are you doing that!!" Doctor glared at Jaron

"geez, relax old man. You know that kind of damage is nothing for human body"


Doctor couldn't hold his anger anymore and tried to punch Jaron.

"let see then, can you handle this kind of damage you little.."

Just when doctor's fist almost landed on Jaron's face, Arva stood up and wiped the blood that came from his nose.

"Halym! are you all right?" Raninta wanted to confirm Arva's condition

"hm, i'm fine Raninta" Arva replied immediately

While saying that, Arva walked towards doctor and Jaron. He took position near Jaron.

"ahahaha, see doc? He's fine. Don't exaggerate it"

"you....." doctor let go his hand from Jaron

"sorry kid, my hand just moved on its own. You're okay right? tough kid?"

Jaron's making his mocking smile again.

Arva looked at Jaron's eyes. He understood what he did earlier was on purpose, judging from this man energy flow and expression.

"hm, don't mind it sir. I'm fine"

"gehahaha, then...."

Jaron glared to Arva and showed his intimidating looks. He used his low tone.


"hey! just like i said before!! he has nothing to do with all of this! you are the one who was starting to do violence!!" Raninta couldn't hide her anger anymore

"geez, that because you guys are so stubborn. If only you just accept our...hm?"

Jaron was seeing Arva getting closer to him.

"hyaaa~~don't blame me if my hands is moving on their own again tough kid"

Arva concentrated his energy flow from his heart energy source to his right hand. Blue glowing light was starting gathered.

Then, he actived his solar plexus, sacral, and root energy source to streghten his lower body part for his stance.


He tooks a deep breath, then he bended his fingers on his right hand forming like a "claw". All of that was happening in an instance.



Jaron's body flew for about two meters from the great impact of Arva's signature. It hit the center of his body.

(*signature = special move, skill, spesific energy output )


Jason was lying on the ground. Everyone was silent for a moment, except the doctor who knew that Arva was in Halym's body right now.

"man, I forgot for a moment that origin boy is an S rank fighter after all"

-fuuh- Arva took off his stance and tried to control his energy flow.

"hm, he is down. I thought his speed can evade my signature"

Arva was feeling confused.

Well, Arva forgot. He was in Halym's body now.

The moment when he couldn't react to the Jaron's attack? that's because Halym's reflex and reaction were far from trained fighter. The damage that was taken on left side of his face? of course, Halym never fought in his whole life, that's why.

His sense, reflex, endurance, perception, were totally different from his old body.

"oi.... kid"

Jaron's friend voice break the silence.

Arva looked to his direction. He face was showing his unpleasant feeling. Arva get ready to anticipate his move.

"kid..... are you using signature just now? don't kidding me... only from E rank in conquering division above who can use that... you want to say that non-fighter kid like you can do that?!"

"...." Arva kept focusing at his movement

"kid, i'll let you know what fighter is.."

"oi Banri!! more than this, i'll report you to the Shield!!"

Doctor realized that man wanted to do something dangerous.

(*Shield = lower city guard/police)

"hahahaha, don't waste your time doc. This will be finished even before you can get your SAI!"

Banri, the man's name, raised his right hand. They could see a huge armored fist connected with sturdy brown gauntlet.

Sky splitter, Banri's gear , was focused at its huge fist as its damage dealer. It had sharp pointy edge on every knuckle.

Arva tried to analyze his enemy gear. From the construction, energy receiver, and its shape.

"it would likely burst into one direction. Hm, a projectile type gear. As long i get the timing before the impact, there will be no problem"

Arva's experience and knowledge gave him the solution that he needs. Arva took his stance.

Banri directed his Sky splitter to Arva's direction. A yellow light glowing on its fist center, huge amount of energy already transferred to it.


Charging sound was coming from the Sky splitter. Arva used his third eye and crown energy source to maximize his vision and reaction.

"heh, bye kid"


The huge fist burst with really high speed. The force that was created by it makes an air pressure and splitting it into two sides. There's no doubt that an ordinary people will get serious damage from the attack.

Arva was really sure that his eyes and brain impulse were enchanted by crown and third eye energy source, without a doubt he believed that.

Then why? why he only could see blurred image of the huge fist?. Moreover, His reaction was really slow. The huge fist already in front of his center body.

(run.....i want to run....help..)


A loud impact sound could be heard through the alley.

Arva was flying and having several bumps to the ground before he finally lay on the ground. He was not moving.


The huge fist was pulled back to the gauntlet by it owner. Doctor didn't think that Arva would be defeated so easily, and Raninta ran towards Arva's body.

"HAHAHAHA, that's what fighter is capable to do kid!"

Banri had a super satisfied look on his face.

"you are cruel man Banri... he's only a young man!! why are you doing that far?!"

"only a young man huh? come on doc, you saw it yourself. He blew Jaron with his signature. What kind of friend would let that slip?" Banri smirked

"Halym? Halym?! do you hear me?! -kggh- his breath is really weak, he is unconscious. Doc!! we must help him immediately!" Raninta started panicking

"don't panic Raninta!! remember yourself as a medic! help me to take him to the patient bed!" doctor ran towards Raninta

"hey! take Jaron! we continue our business next time doc"

Banri waved his hand and turned back before he left. The other man helped Jaron to stand up and took him to leave the place.

Those three disappeared from they sight.

"hurry Raninta, that kind of impact is totally fatal for him"

"yes doc...please hold on Halym...-grrr- those man....why they need to hurt Halym"

"we'll think about anything else later, let's focus to treat Halym first"

They took unconscious Arva into the clinic.

"geez origin boy....your luck seems really bad huh?" doctor mumbled to himself



Halym got out from the bathtub and dressed for his breakfast with his father, of course with Nanika there looking at him, without blinking (she could blink if she wants tho).

Halym hoped he could get used to this kind of situation.

"shall we go to the dining room young master?"

"sure Nanika.. let's go"


Nanika noded and opened the door to lead the way to the dining room.

Halym followed Nanika to the dining room. After walked for a while, he could see a big grand door with some maids in front of it.

They greeted Halym and Nanika opened the door. Halym was seeing so many awesome and luxurious furnitures in the room, but what made him nervous was a middle age man who sat at the table.

"wooah, just by looking at him.. I know he is a super important person in this mansion... which mean he is definitely sir Arva's father... -glup-" Halym was really nervous

They walked toward Aswara and stopped in front of him.

Halym only stood there. He didn't have any clue how to greet someone who was super important like this. Nanika waited for her young master usual greet to his father, yet one minute passed and her young master just stood there.

Nanika decided to do her basic program as the head maid and Sahasrara family mansion.

"good morning master" Nanika bowed to Aswara

Aswara looked into Halym's direction. Halym didn't waste Nanika's support so he greet his father

"go..good morning father"

"hmm. sit, the breakfast will be start" Aswara voice was intimidating as usual

"o...ok, ah! i mean... understood father" Halym sat on his chair

"i heard your training result this morning is significantly drop? why's that?"

"....i...i..., my condition is not really good when i came back from lower city last night.. father. Forgive me"

"i see.... will be any problem for today's training with our fighter?"

"no father! i will never fail you!"

Somehow Halym could trigger a proper answer that was so Arva-ish

"good then"

Aswara took a look at his son. He felt something wrong about his son's attitude today.


"!! yes father?"

"there is a celebration party for Vishuddha family eldest daughter at their mansion. Would you come this time?"

"su..sure father. I'll go as Sahasrara's representation"

Halym tried to not giving wrong answer

Aswara stopped his breakfast for a moment.

"i see. Then see you at Vishuddha's mansion tonight Arva"

"understood father"

They continued their breakfast. Halym couldn't believe with what he was eating now.

So many foods that he had never seen before. Even some foods were giving him a hard time when he wanted to eat it.

"mother of origin.... all of this food is exceptionally delicious!! aaah. it's quite sad mom can't eat these too...hmm, should i bring these foods sometimes to mom? i'm sure sir Abhin can help me to do that"

Halym was busy to eat and think at the same time.

"i'll go then" Aswara get up from his seat and walked to the door

"ha..have a safe trip father" Halym stood up to see his father's leave

Aswara stopped his step and looked towards Halym's direction for a second. Then he left with Saghi and Inna following him at his back.


"he's really scary..... is this kind of situation when you have a father? i heard every father is strict with their son... well, i guess i'll know now"


"these foods are delicious. Thanks for the breakfast Nanika!" Halym was in good mood

"my pleasure young master. It's my honor as head maid" Nanika bowed

"pardon me young master"

"yes? what's wrong Nanika?"

"i've just received an information that one of the A rank fighter is already coming to the training room. Should i tell him to wait?"

A rank fighter?! there's no way i'll make him waiting. Halym responded that with his perspective as a non-fighter.

"no Nanika, let's go to the training room"


This time, Halym was walking at the front and followed by Nanika. He already remembered the location.


The training's door room was open. Halym and Nanika came in and see someone at the lower level.

A young man around his 20's stood in there. He was 172cm with lean but well-build body. He wore simple black shirt and black training pant. His quite calm look and black short hair make him somehow like a good brother.

"welcome to the 8th floor sir Rhen" Nanika was greeting the person

"you must be one of three androdynes in this mansion. Your appearance is totally different than android maid in our floor"

"yes sir. I'm Nanika, young master Arva's androdyne and head maid of this mansion"

Nanika bowed and lifted her long skirt a little.

"hoo, sir Arva's androdyne! that's mean.."

He's looked to the Halym's direction.

"good morning sir Arva" Rhen automatically bowed to Halym

"ah, good morning sir Rhen. No need so formal to me"

Halym felt awkward to see A rank fighter bowing to him (still not used with S rank Arva body).

"I see, then call me Rhen. Can I call you Arva?

"sure thing"

"I'm sorry. I got so early because I'm feeling exicted to train with our family and this country strongest fighter" Rhen showed a nervous face

"no...I mean it's okay Rhen! I hope I can help all of you in this training"

"...then, can I have a sparring with you Arva? before we start the training?'

"a... I think it is...." Halym was looking to Nanika

" ? "

Nanika only stared him with an empty gaze.

"....ok, I think it's okay"

"really?! thank you!"

"then, I will prepare the field and parameter" Nanika took the stair to the upper level

Halym and Rhen took their position. Their were separated by three meters distance.

"whoaah, so that's crimson eater. Truly high tier ACE" Rhen showed his amazed face

"hee, what's the name of your gear Rhen?"

"mine? it's called zero step"

"zero step? interesting. why is it called that?"

"....hmm, I think I will show it in our sparring Arva"

"ah, ok then"

Rhen took his stance. He raised left hand. Zero step was headed to Halym's direction. Halym also took his stance, tho he just took a guard position.

"zero step huh?" Halym whispered to himself

Halym saw a black gauntlet with some gold line as its timmer. there were four dragon head like on top of it, their positions were following the direction of the arm's knuckle. Halym's wondering how's that gonna work.

"parameter and field are ready young master. You can start anytime"

Nanika voice from the interface made him back to focus.

"ah ok. Let's start then Rhen"

Halym actived his crimson eater while he's saying that.

Rhen also activate his zero step. But he realized something, He asked Halym.

"Arva.....are you sure you're ready? that's your preparation?"

"hm? what do you mean Rhen?"

Rhen silent for a while. He had a disappointed looks on his face.

"..... -tch- I get it... let's start then"

Halym focused his vision. He could see Rhen energy flow was gathered in his left arms and his gear. He took a breath.

"-fuuh- ok then..."


"wha...." Halym's eyes widened


A heavy impact could be felt by Halym.

He really didn't know what have just happen. He saw four straight line that consist of many small black gold arrow like.

These small arrow are lined up, so it's like having thrown by four mini harpoons. Luckily, Halym's body could respond and guard it. But, zero step attack had huge blast impact and made Halym's body flies for more than ten meters.

He was bumping the ground for few times before finally he lay on the ground facing the training room ceiling.

"what's just..." Halym still didn't get it

Rhen walked towards Halym. He stopped when he near him. Halym was back to focus and trying to stand up.

"whaa, that's an awesome attack just now Rhen!! ah, don't worry, I can stand up by mysel....."

There's something wrong, Halym could see it from Rhen's face. He was showing an angry and hateful looks.

"Rhen..? what's wrong?"

Rhen was glaring to him. With a shaking voice caused by angry feeling, Rhen said it to him.


Halym totally didn't see that coming.

-----( chapter 4 " different colours on the same canvas)-----

when we know that we can't be fear.....

we do it anyway

when we know that we must be brave...

we can't do it

is mother of origin trolling us?

Ojibearcreators' thoughts