

" You think I will marry you? YOU! A girl even whose father didn't accept her"

The day on which one last person I believed also betrayed me!

(6 years ago)

15-year-old me…I was living a happy life since my childhood but as it is said,

"Nothing is permanent"

Everything started to change!

My family, my surroundings, who were always my ideal… they became the reason why my perspectives about world changed. My parents, just like others did fight from the start but it never turned out to be this serious but now they were fighting a lot, like every day, not even a single day passed by without them fighting, while I was already going through a lot because of these fights, my sister-in-law (my brother's wife) getting tired of these fights just like me decided to move out along with our brother making things worse.

What made it worst was my parents telling me that they are getting divorced and probably I am supposed to be living with one of them. This made me astound that I wasn't in a condition to decide anything so I let them decide whom I'm going to live with. Their decision was that I'll be living with my dad as he's financially more stable than my mom and I too accepted it as I was not grown enough to live on my own. My parents got separated.

The lady who was the reason of quarrel between my parents, married my dad and moved in while my mom went to her mom's house. Everything was going well, until my step mother started revealing her true colors. She used to treat me well in the beginning like her own daughter. But as the time passed, she started yelling at me, making me do house chores whole day without rest, even she didn't let me go to school or study at home, she restricted me to go anywhere and told my friends to stay away. Often when I did mistakes or break crockery mistakenly, she used to beat me to death. But still I couldn't object as that was the only option to live until I turned eighteen.

Well doing those house chores was okay until she started to make it more difficult to bear with, by creating chaos on purpose to increase my work or objecting about how I cooked or cleaned and then acting all innocent in front of my dad which further pissed me but I was helpless. Getting all frustrated I thought to give a call to mom one day, thinking that she may help, at first, she didn't receive my calls, I tried calling her every day and finally one day she picked my call and asked about how I was doing? As soon as I heard her voice after a long tiring time I burst into tears, I told her everything that was happening when she wasn't there and insisted on moving with her. But then another heart-breaking news from her was that she got married to a man and that man isn't in state to keep her child as he hated my father and so he hated me as I was his child. She was powerless at that time to help me. So, I told her it's okay and wished her a good life ahead as I accepted my cruel "fate".

And the day comes… my step mother had all her limits crossed and asked me to find a job even when she knew I was under age for that.

She told me that they aren't able to afford my expenses that were hardly my tuition fees.

My eyes were full of tears and I was standing there helplessly looking at my dad's face with a little hope in heart that he may stop her doing this so early but…

To be continued…