
Fate's Crown

"Fate's Crown" tells a tale about love that transcends boundaries. Set in the kingdom of Bellemore, the story follows the life of Orion, a humble peasant, and Princess Amy, the beloved daughter of King Richard. Orion, a hardworking and humble man, has always dreamed of a life beyond the constraints of his humble upbringing. Despite facing numerous challenges, he remains optimistic and determined to make a difference. One fateful day, Orion's path crosses with Princess Amy when he saves her from a dangerous situation in the enchanting market square. As their eyes meet, an undeniable connection is formed between Orion and Amy. Their frequent encounters allow them to forge an unlikely friendship which also leads them to discover shared interests and dreams. Orion discovers the true, kindhearted nature hidden beneath Amy's royal facade, while Amy finds solace and inspiration in Orion's unwavering spirit and genuine kindness. However, an inescapable sense of their societal differences looms over their budding romance. The kingdom's royal protocols, the ever watchful eyes of the Kingsguards, and King Richard's expectations all pose severe obstacles to their love. Despite these challenges, Orion and Amy's feelings continue to blossom. Yet, as their bond becomes stronger, their secret can no longer be contained. A crisis shakes Bellemore, testing not only Orion and Amy's love but their resilience as well. In a turbulent turn of events, the kingdom's stability hangs in the balance, and loyalty is put to the ultimate test. Will they beat every odd and finally find a way to be together?

AlcrazHawke · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

Chapter 1 - Fate's Encounter

A woman speaks in the background...."The threads of Fate are woven together and every story in it's fine wool serves a purpose across the history of time from the volcano that formed and erupted to create the beautiful island of Bellemore where this fated love story takes place."

Orion woke up to the faint sound of birds chirping outside his window. Sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a warm and golden glow into his bedroom. Blinking sleepily, he stretched his arms above his head and let out a sigh. Another day in the the beautiful kingdom of Bellemore awaited him, filled with limitless possibilities.

At twenty-two years old, Orion had lived a life that was ordinary. He had lost both his parents to the horrors of war when he was just a boy, leaving him orphaned. However, fate had shown him a flicker of kindness in the form of his Uncle Chiron, who took him in after the incidence.

Uncle Chiron, a wise and kindhearted man, had raised Orion as his own. He taught him the value of hard work, compassion, and never losing hope, despite the hardships that came their way. As a peasant in a world divided by social boundaries, Orion had learned to make the most of what he had and to lend a helping hand to those in need. Throwing back his covers, Orion got out of bed and made his way to the kitchen, where an attractive and captivating aroma filled the air. There, amongst pots and pans, stood Meredith, his cousin and Chiron's only daughter.

Chiron lost his wife Lily to an illness fifteen years ago and had since then been a single father. He raised both kids on his own. "Good morning, Orion!" Meredith greeted him, her voice full of cheerfulness as she turned to face him. "I've prepared your favorite breakfast. Pancakes!" She said with a beautiful smile on her face as she sets the table. Orion's eyes lit up with appreciation as he walked over to the dining, where a plate of fluffy pancakes awaited him.

"Meredith, you truly are a miracle worker," he said, a wide grin spreading across his face. He sat down and as he was about to eat his pancakes, he noticed Meredith's hands were covered with little cuts. He rushed over to her in panic as he held her hands on his."Are you okay Meredith? What is happening to you? Is everything okay?" He asked with such a worried look on his face. She smiled at him and held his warm hands."Don't worry about me. I'm perfectly fine. I just wanted to do something for you to appreciate everything you have done for Father and I" She said. Orion tells her she didn't have to put herself in danger because of him but she assures him she's safe and she had only been working at the palace as a kitchen maid. "Life in the palace hasn't been easy but I'm happy as long as we all have something to eat" She said as she walked over to the kitchen counter and started cleaning the plates. "It's okay to feel the need to help but you really don't have to worry. Uncle and I are doing the best we can. I'll also work harder to make sure you don't have to keep working at the palace" Orion replied with a sad expression. She turns towards him and heaved a heavy sigh.

"What is it?" He asked in a concerned manner. She walked to him and hits his head "We're both adults! You might be a year older but it's my responsibility as well as yours to protect our family. So stop treating me like a kid okay?" She said as she embraced him from behind.

He turns towards her and embraced her while patting her on the back. "I know..I know" He said softly.

A few minutes after he had his breakfast, he tells Meredith he's heading to the Market Square. "I promise you, I'll find work that'll bring us the means to ease our burden". Orion assures her, his voice laced with Warmth. Meredith smiled with a warm expression on her face. "I know" She said as she walked upstairs to prepare for her work at the palace. Orion smiled as he prepares for his day. Little did he know what Fate had in store for him.

Meanwhile at the palace, Princess Amy was preparing to check out the city. It was the first time she would leave the palace. A carriage was prepared for her as the king had granted her permission to explore the city of Bellemore and even though he insisted on a handful of royal guards to accompany her, the princess had rejected his offer saying she wants to remember this day as adventurous and special. Rose, Princess Amy's hardworking and kind maid, watched as the princess rushed out of the palace gate, a mixture of excitement and nervous anticipation evident on her face. Rose quickly followed behind her, determined to ensure her safety and make sure her day out in the city would be nothing short of extraordinary.

"Princess Amy, wait!" Rose called out from behind her, her strides quickening to catch up with the princess. "Please allow me to accompany you. It would put my mind at ease."

The princess turned around, her eyes widening with surprise at Rose's sudden appearance. "Oh, Rose! I didn't expect to see you here. You should have stayed at the palace. I wanted to have some alone time today."

Rose smiled warmly, her voice filled with genuine concern. "My apologies, Princess, but as your personal maid, it is my duty to ensure your safety and wellbeing. Besides, I couldn't possibly allow you to navigate the entire kingdom without someone by your side."

Princess Amy sighed, a mixture of gratitude and resignation evident on her face. "Oh, Rose, you always put others before yourself. You truly are a rare gem."

Together, they continued their journey towards Bellemore's Market Square. The streets were filled with colorful stalls, the sound of vendors calling out their wares filling the air. Rose noticed how the princess's eyes sparkled with awe and wonder, taking in every little detail of the vibrant marketplace.

As they meandered through the crowd, Rose guided the princess, ensuring she stayed safe and avoiding any potential hazards. She shared stories about the various shops and vendors they passed by, taking the time to introduce Princess Amy to the locals. The princess was captivated by the friendly atmosphere and the generosity of the townspeople.

Upon reaching a lively flower stall, Princess Amy's face lit up with joy. She expressed interest in purchasing an exquisite bouquet, her eyes scanning the vibrant blooms on display. Rose, always eager to help, engaged in conversation with the shop owner to choose the most charming arrangement for her beloved Princess.

As they continued their journey, Rose couldn't help but admire Princess Amy's adventurous spirit. She marveled at her ability to connect with the people she encountered, inspiring laughter and warmth wherever she went. The princess was surrounded by a bunch of people and kids who treated her with a lot of kindness and affection. She was really loved by her people. Rose returned to the flower stall to get a flower the Princess had wanted. It was only for a moment. By the time she turned, the Princess wasn't there anymore. Rose had lost sight of her and could not find Amy anywhere as well as the Royal Carriage. "Princess! Your Highness! Where are you?" She said in a concerned manner. Rose was afraid something had happened to her beloved Princess. Little did she know what Fate had in store.

On the other side, the enchanting market square of Bellemore was alive with activity as Orion navigated through the throngs of people. With a determined expression on his face, he weaved his way through the crowd, clutching a small bag of vegetables tightly in his hand. Despite hailing from humble beginnings, Orion had always possessed an unrivaled optimism and an unwavering desire to make a difference in his community.

As he approached the fruit stand, a commotion caught his attention. A group of children was giggling and pointing towards a Royal Carriage that had just arrived. Intrigued, Orion's curiosity got the better of him, and he maneuvered to get a better view.

Staring from across the streets, his eyes settled on a princess, stepping out of the carriage with an air of grace and elegance. Dressed in a flowing gown adorned with intricate embroidery, Princess Amy captured the attention of everyone present. Her long, chestnut curls cascaded down her back, and her eyes sparkled with a warmth that defied her noble status.

Suddenly, a stray pup runs out from behind Orion into the streets ignoring a speeding incoming carriage. The princess catches the scenario and dashed to save the pup. Those nearest were too stunned or awestruck to react as the princess stands scared in the middle of the streets facing the carriage while holding the pup. Orion's instincts kicked in, and without a second thought, he darted forward, managing to sweep the puppy and the princess out of harm's way.

The princess gasped in relief, her wide eyes filled with gratitude as she met Orion's gaze. "Thank you, kind sir. You saved both me and the pup from a terrible accident," she said, her voice gentle yet possessing a regal tone.

Orion's heart skipped a beat as he took in the sight of the princess before him. He nodded, his voice filled with sincerity, "It was nothing, Princess. I couldn't stand by and let anything happen to you."

Princess Amy smiled warmly, her gratitude shining through her eyes. "May I ask your name?"

"I'm Orion, Your Highness," he replied, a touch of awe lacing his voice.

"Well, Orion, you have my deepest gratitude. If there is ever anything you need, please do not hesitate to seek me out," she offered, her words filled with genuine kindness.

Orion's eyes widened in surprise, never expecting such an offer. "Thank you, Princess Amy. Your kindness is greatly appreciated." However, the Princess's personal maid had been searching for her. Apparently she had lost sight of Amy near the flower stall. Rose navigated through the throngs of people. On this particular day, her attention was drawn to a commotion near the carriage. Curiosity ignited within her as she weaved her way through the crowd, her eyes searching for the source of the commotion. And then she saw them - the princess and a young man, their paths intertwined in a serendipitous moment.

Without hesitation, Rose rushed forward, her heart pounding with a mix of excitement and concern. As she arrived at the scene, she witnessed the young man, Orion, springing into action. He had rescued the princess, Princess Amy, from an imminent disaster. The relief on the princess's face and the gratitude that shone in her eyes were palpable.

Rose watched as Orion's sincerity and bravery captivated the princess, their connection undeniable even in that fleeting moment. She couldn't help but be touched by the display of their shared humanity amidst the stark differences in their societal positions. She immediately ran towards the Princess in panic "Your Highness! Are you okay? Thank the Creator you're perfectly alright". Rose said with such a relief in her voice. "I'm fine thanks to the gentleman" Princess Amy replied. "Thank you kind sir" Rose bowed sincerely to Orion. "It was nothing. Anyone in my shoes would've done it. I'm just glad to be of service." Orion smiled back. "Oh the little pup probably doesn't have a home. I would like to adopt it if you wouldn't mind" Princess Amy said. "What a lucky day for this little chap" he replies. "I think you'll make a fine home" he said watching the princess stroke the pup. We should be on our way, my lady" Rose urges the princess. "I've had quite the adventure today. I think it's time I retired" She begins to walk back to the carriage. "I'll be on my way too, my lady" Orion smiled back at her as he walked away.

Later that evening...

Princess Amy paced back and forth in her lavish room at the palace, her mind consumed with thoughts of Orion. The memory of their encounter was still fresh in her mind, igniting a fire within her heart. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't shake off the enchantment that Orion had cast upon her.

As she gazed out of her window, lost in her reverie, a soft knock on the door brought her back to reality. Quickly composing herself, she straightened her gown and called out, "Enter."

Rose, her faithful assistant and confidante, stepped into the room with a warm smile. With her gentle demeanor and kind heart, Rose had become more of a friend than a mere servant to Princess Amy.

"Princess Amy, you seem troubled. Is there anything I can do to help?" Rose asked, concern evident in her voice.

Sighing, the princess turned towards her loyal friend. "Rose, I cannot seem to stop thinking about Orion. I fear I may never be able to forget him."

Rose tenderly took a step closer to Princess Amy, understanding the depths of her dilemma. "He seemed so charming. I can understand why you would feel that way. I've never seen you look at anyone that way. I'm not in the right position to advise you my Princess but I can only assure you it gets easier with time." Amy rests her head on Rose's shoulder "But I am of Royal blood and he's just a peasant. Whatever I might feel towards him must fade away. We're worlds apart." She said in a sad tone. "You know, Your Highness, I have never seen anyone with a heart as big as yours. You're kind and you treat everyone around you with respect regardless of their social status. If only the world had more people like you. You'll definitely see him again if your paths are meant to cross" Rose said as she gave a robe to the Princess.

Amy nodded, realizing the truth in Rose's words. "You are right, dear Rose. I'm sure our paths will cross once more if the Creator demands." With determination radiating from her, the princess resolved to find a way to see Orion once more. "You've had a long day. What you need right now is a good night's rest. I have prepared your bath, Your Highness" She said as she helped Amy undress. Princess Amy puts on the robe and thanked Rose for always looking out for her. "I am at your service, my Princess. Do let me know if you need anything else" Rose said with a happy expression on her face as she smiled and left the Princess's room.

Meanwhile, back at Orion's home, he told his experience to Chiron and Meredith. Meredith saw as he was so excited over it and he seemed so happy to have met the Princess. "Excuse me!" She said as she left to her room in a hurry leaving them behind in a cold manner. "Did I do something wrong?" Orion asked in confusion. He didn't seem to understand why she left. Chiron stood up and walked to his room as he pat him on his shoulder " My dear boy, that was quite the adventure. It has been a while since I last saw you filled with excitement. I am happy and It's not my place to talk but I just wanted to tell you that whatever you might feel towards the Princess, it is nothing more than a fantasy. The world would not support you as she's of a different world than ours. Maybe it could've worked out in another life. I am sorry Orion. You best forget her while you still have time" Chiron said in a concerned tone. He told him to get some sleep as he walked to his room.

Orion sat down all alone thinking about what will happen from now on but Fate has a way of interfering. His destiny was already entwined with that of the beautiful Princess. The choice was no longer theirs.