

A weekend away with her boy friend to attend a wedding turns into a nightmare when the bride is murdered before the wedding. Johanna is yet to learn a big secret about the man he loves that might change her life forever. What if all she thought she knew had been a lie? There is another world beneath the one she knew. Can love prevail through betrayal and lies? Who murdered the bride?

Jojo_Ryna · Thành thị
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7 Chs

6. Lorenzo

I seat by the bed and watch Jo do her make-up by the dressing mirror. I stare at my phone when a message dings.


Where are you guys?

"Tell me that wasn't Kate." Jo mutters as she makes the final touch of her make-up on her face

"Fortunately no. Unfortunately, it was Max."

"Shit. That means I should probably hurry."

"I think they can wait a few more minutes." I shrug. Jo steps away from the dressing table to the bed where her dress for the night lays.

"I hope you are not mad about today. I..."

"I understand and respect that Jo. I am not mad about anything. Infact I got a little something for you." I pull out a black velvet box from my pocket.

Her face when she opens the box is priceless.

"Babe." Jo coos.

"Do you love it?"

"What is there not to like? It is stunning." she gushes while she stares at the necklace.

"Do you mind?" I ask.

Jo turns his back to me. I clip the necklace at the back of her neck.

"It is beautiful babe. I love it." she grins.

I watch her put on her dress and conveniently help her with the zipper. I hate to admit about how nervous I am about tonight. I am supposed to tell Johanna the truth tomorrow after my brother's wedding. Each smile and beam she gives me lights me up and destroys me at the same time.

"You look incredible tonight." I compliment as she takes a once over in the mirror.

"How incredible on the scale of one to ten?"

"Twelve. You look like mine." I declare with a smirk pulling her against me.

"Okay lover boy. We gotta get downstairs before they send someone for us." Jo pulls away to put on her heels.

"And finally they show up." Emma sarcastically rolls her eyes as soon as we make it out of the house to the backyard where the rehearsal dinner was organized.

The guests have already taken their seats by their respective tables.

"You look stunning by the way." I compliment Emma.

"Thanks and so do you."

Emma leads us to the table with Max and Kate, Enzo's parents and who I assume are Kate's parents. They were to arrive this evening for the dinner.

Max sends us a glare as we take our seats. Kate on the other hand acknowledges us with her brows.

"Sorry for the delay." I apologize.

"It is okay darling." Mother mutters.

"Enzo darling, it has been a long time." Mrs. Evelyn, Kate's mom beams.

"Has it been Mrs. Evelyn?" I smile.

"Yes. William and I last saw you at your graduation." Mrs. Evelyn responds.

"I hadn't realised." I lie. It has actually been that long since I was at Kate's house. I guess it has a little something to do with Evelyn not entirely being supportive of Max and Kate's relationship. She thought of my brother as bad news. I understand Max can be a little reckless but one thing I know for sure about him, he would never hurt Kate. He would never do anything to put Kate's life in jeopardy.

"I heard about your business in Manhattan." William mentions.

"Enzo has built an empire of his own down there." Father smiles proudly.

"What can I say? I learned from the best." I mutter. My father Arnold Hammond owns one of the largest business empires in the world. He owns shares in multiple enterprises across the globe. He taught me all I know about business and surely has worked for me.

"Come on you guys. It is our rehearsal dinner and all you can talk about is business." Kate glares.

"Sorry darling." William apologizes.

"No more business." she says. Everyone nods with approval.

Food starts to be served immediately starting with the appetizers followed by a full course meal and then dessert.

"I really love Miss Hubert. This is the best dessert I have eaten in a while." Jo continues to stuff her mouth with the chocolate cake.

"Should we take Ms Hubert with us honey?" Kate pleads.

"You should take that up with mom." Max replies.

"Olivia?" Kate begs with her best puppy eyes.

"Absolutely not. I love you Kate dear but you are going to have to get your own chef." Mother says. Kate's face falls in defeat.

"Don't worry. I could help you get one anytime you want." Mother suggests.

"Really?" Kate's face lights up.

"Yes. I would be glad to help."

The night is filled with speeches most sweet while others are emotional. I smile when I see Max and Kate happy. I just wish the best for them. When the speeches are done, Max and Kate are called for the opening dance. Everyone at this time can see how much the two are in love. The couple literally reeks of pheromones.

"They are so beautiful." Jo comments.

"Yes. It is so surreal that tomorrow they get married." I say.

"They literally deserve each other." Jo stares into my eyes. I get lost into her beautiful hazel eyes for a second.

"Right. Do you mind if I steal you for a dance?" I ask.

"No." Jo takes my hand and we get onto the dance floor. The other couples have joined too by now.

"About this thing you wanted to show me." Jo starts.

"It can wait. Tonight, I just want to spend it with the most amazing woman in the entire world." I smirk.

"Words like that will get you in trouble. What do you have to say about Florence  Nightingale or Michelle Obama?" she teases.

"I don't care about them. You are the most amazing woman I know." I profess.

"Flattery will get you everywhere Lorenzo Hammond." she blushes.

"So what do you say we get out of here..."

My words are cut short when my father interrupts.

"I wish to steal Miss Gibson for a few minutes." Father asks.

"Absolutely. See you later babe." I walk away to find mom who is already waiting for me.

"I feel like you have been home but we haven't talked that much. Are you avoiding your mother Lorenzo Hammond?" Mother accuses. A look of guilt washes over my face. How do I tell her that it wasn't intentional?

"I missed you Enzo. You wouldn't let us visit you in Manhattan." Mother inspects my face.

"I know you had your reasons and I assume it has something to do with her." She looks over at Johanna who is smiling at something father just whispered to her.

"I plan on telling her." I mutter.

"Johanna is a nice girl Enzo. I see the way she looks at you, it is a look of a person who is completely in love with the other person."

"I am completely in love with her too mom."

"I know son. I am worried how she will react about everything."

"Me too mom. I don't want to lose her. She's the best thing that has ever happened to me."

"You'll figure it out Enzo." Mother assures.

How am I supposed to be calm when everything is at stake?