
Fatal Kiss.

Iridesa was nothing more than a worthless slave who lived a horrible life at the inn she was forced to slave away at, always battered and abused by the owners in exchange for food and shelter since the day she was born. One day the innkeeper and his wife sold Iridesa to a brothel, unable to escape such a fate. Iridesa was about to end her life until a stranger came and saved her and when asked why he would go to such lengths for her he replied “I’m your father.” After she was taken in by her father her life had changed completely and 7 years later as Iridesa Orion she met him. The beautiful and mysterious Fay named Cillian Cassiopeia. ~Synopsis~ He stood before me as he looked deep into my eyes, my plump lips throbbed from his ravaging kiss and I felt drunk and hazy for more. He stroked a thumb over my lips as he spoke, his voice so deep it makes my entire core tremble. “When a Fae decides to claim a woman, he will have her at all costs. I want to claim you as mine. Do you know what that means?” My heart pounded at his words and I licked my lips nervously, noticing the predatory glint in his eyes when I did that. I asked “w-what does it mean?” He lowered his head to my ears knowing how sensitive they are and spoke with a seductive voice that made me melt. “It means I will marry you and mark both your body and soul as mine. I will make you scream my name in pleasure and I will show you just how much I yearn for a taste of you.” She let out a small gasp at his words and he growled low in his throat satisfied at her body's response to him. "You know one kiss is not enough. Now that I've had a taste I'm addicted..." He held my face and came closer, my heart pounded excitedly as I felt his breath close to mine once again. "C-Cillian..." I moaned his name and he growled like a beast. "Iridesa, Open your mouth and stick out your tongue..." ~end of synopsis~ Iridesa quickly finds herself craving more from this mysterious Fae but at the same time her mothers hidden past and dark secrets catch up putting all those she loves in danger, as she's caught in the web of a malicious trap she does everything she can to fight back as forces try to tear the two of them apart. Will their love prevail or will she still always be the same 12 year old girl who once had no will to live. DISCLAIMER - I don't own the copyrights to the cover image and will take it down upon request.

Celest2354 · Kỳ huyễn
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30 Chs

Chapter 23 - Am I going to die!? - Part 2

Chapter 23 - Am I going to die!? - Part 2

Kore hummed happily as she walked in through the castle doors holding a large bag of supplies. She had enjoyed spending the day shopping for her medical supplies and had found more than she expected.

This also allowed her to have some time to herself and take a break. "I can't wait to try creating my new oil and balms. They should really help lighten up Iridesa's scars." Kore was so excited to try out her new formulas so she could help Iridesa become stronger and healthier.

She pushed open the large doors before her and entered the main hall and was Instantly startled at the sight that greeted her causing her jaw to drop to the ground. "WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED HERE!?"

Lord Orion, Master Arthur and Tybalt were all sat in the middle of the room looking completely disheveled! Their clothes and hair were an absolute mess! She looked around her seeing the Furniture was strewn all over the place! The entire castle was a mess, it looked as if there was a huge storm inside of the castle!

Arthur pushed back his broken glasses as he explained. "It seems Iridesa has begun menstruating for the first time." Kore looked at him confused.

The last she heard Iridesa should have already had her menses but now that she thinks about it she's never actually noticed when she has them, she thought maybe she just didn't feel the need to tell her. But that aside this still doesn't explain why they all look like they have been through a storm! "Ok, but why the hell does it look as though a tornado traveled through here!?"

Tybalt spoke happily, not bothered about his state in the slightest. "Because it literally did! Iridesa created it using her magic and took the three of us for a spin!"

Kore was dumbfounded at his words. "Why would she do that?" Arthur explained further. "It seems the Inn keeper had lied at the time, Iridessa hasn't had her menses and she has no idea what it is either. She thought she was dying and went into a full blown panic and her magic went completely out of control thus explaining our sorry states."

Kore finally understood the situation.

Poor Iridesa she must have been frightened out of her mind and not to mention the pain she must be feeling at the moment. She nod her head, finally grasping the situation. "I see. well then I'll go have a look at her. You three might want to figure out what to do with this mess"

They all looked around at the place. It was a complete tip and would probably take a few days to have the entire main hall repaired and refurnished. It seems Iridesa had the potential to be more powerful than anyone knew.

Tybalt laughed "Wow, she really does have fathers temper though. I have never seen my father look so terrified before!"

Kore looked over at Lord Orion, finally taking notice of him. "I think I'll have to take a look at him next....?" They all look over at Paris who lay on the ground, knocked out cold.

I sat at the dining table eating some warm soup and placed a warm heating pad on my lap to ease the cramping.

Father, Uncle and brother just watched me eat in silence and I couldn't bring myself to face them as I avoided meeting their eyes. Miss Kore smiled nervously at the awkward atmosphere in the room as she sat next to me.

After Miss Kore had helped me clean up she gave me some medication and sat me down so she could help me understand what happened to my body was very normal and that I will be okay.

This helped me finally calm down and pull myself together. Once I had settled all my memories from this morning came rushing back and I felt my face burn with embarrassment and felt incredibly guilty! I didn't understand what came over me! The amount of power that surged out of me was unbelievable and now it's gone as though it was never there in the first place.

I had finished drinking my soup and felt full. I sat there quietly fiddling with my spoon. I really had to apologize for my attitude this morning and for almost tearing apart the entire castle!

"I…" They all look over at me as I hesitate to speak.

"Pftt!" Just then my brother burst into laughter. Miss Kore looked at him annoyed. "Haha! I'm sorry, I just remembered fathers expression when Iridesa threw the pillow at him, hahaha!"

I cringed at his words remembering. "It was actually quite amusing to see my brother frightened for once." Uncle Arthur also joined in and I blushed brighter wanting to hide under the table.

I noticed my father was annoyed at their comments, his face turning red like mine and felt so bad "I-I'm sorry! S-stop picking on father!" Father also chimed in on their conversation.

"You think I don't remember the way you cried when we were swept by the tornado, Tybalt." Brother blushed and Miss Kore laughed this time "Haha! You cried, aren't you supposed to be a brave strong knight!"

Brother whined at father for embarrassing him. "Well at least now we know not to ever make Iridesa angry." Father said with a pale expression and everyone agreed with him as they all trembled at the memory of my tornado. I cringed at his words. "P-please just forget about today! That was so e-embarrasing!"

Tybalt teased me further. "How could I ever forget! I especially remember that golden expression you made that looked like you're about to take the best dump ever!" Everyone burst into laughter at his words and I was fuming as I saw my brother clutch his stomach and laugh. Feeling frustrated I didn't hold back and decided to give him a taste of his own medicine."Y-you mean just l-like the one you t-took when you saw my t-tornado!"

"PFFFTT!!!" Father instantly spit out his drink on uncle as those words left my mouth."Pftt!!" However I didn't stop there. "T-that dump must have weighed a ton of bricks c-considering h-how fast your p-pants hit the floor!"

This time it was Uncles turn to spit his drink on fathers face "Pfftt! I-Iridesa! T-thats a bit harsh...." Miss Kore raised her glass to her face trying to cover her laugh as she drank. "It's n-not good to lie, Iridesa!" Brother exclaimed embarrassed and I smirked as I continued. "I-I'm just relieved that my tornado didn't pick up your lethal package otherwise we would have all had to be institutionalized!!!" Miss Kore choked on her drink, spitting it all over Brother! "Pfttt!!! Haha! That's gonna be hard to recover from!"

I then felt a shadow looming over me and looked up nervously. "Uh oh…I think I may h-have overdid it…" Tybalt stands before me and I laugh nervously. "Since you know how to levitate you won't mind being pushed off the tower again!" I jumped out of my chair as he tried to grab me "I was o-only joking!!" Brother chases after me as I run. "Get back here! I'll scare you so bad you'll take a dump that's bigger than you are!"

Kore looks at the two hopelessly as they run around the castle. "Well, that was eventful…" She says awkwardly as Arthur and Paris sit quietly with wine dripping from their heads.

"You guys want napkins? You got a little something…" She says nervously pointing at their faces. They both turn to her quietly and she laughs nervously "Haha...I'm just gonna go make sure they don't murder each other, Ahem… I'll leave you guys to your meals, and umm…your remaining dignities,…"

Kore quickly walks away from there and runs after the both of them as they chase each other into the kitchen. "Hey! You stop throwing flour at your sister! And you-Wow that was a good shot, you ever considered trying out for- Wait, what the heck am I saying!? Stop hitting your brother's face with eggs, you both look like a cake batter gone wrong!"

Arthur and Paris both sat at the table silently listening to the banter from the kitchen. "Those kids are sure to make you proud one day brother." Paris glared at his brother.

"I'm serious, you bake them at the right temperature and the world will see a cake like never before, perfect to go along with these beverages that were all constantly spitting at one another." Paris squinted his eyes at his brother, "If you insist on turning my annoying children into dessert I shall roast their uncle over an open fire as the main course with my jousting knife."

Arthur replied to his threat "well someone is feeling a little sensitive…" Arthur then smiles realizing how Iridesa had finally begun to feel more at home each day. "I have to say, seeing her temper today may have surprised me but made me a little happy, it seems your daughter really takes after you, brother." Paris smiled as he watched Iridesa levitate Tybalt into the air and leave him hanging on the chandelier with Kore trying to catch him and eventually buckle under his weight as he falls on her whilst screaming, "Kore, my hero!" And she scowls while blushing simultaneously and holding her bad back.

"I can't wait to see what future awaits us when this one grows up, something tells me she's going to be quite a handful." Arthur nervously laughs at his brother's words. "I'm feeling goosebumps just thinking about it." He says as he watches the three of them finally exit the kitchen holding onto each other for support as they limp their way up the stairs, looking like they jumped face first into an all you can eat buffet.

Soon 7 years go by, each day more eventful and crazy than the last and though Iridesa still missed her mother dearly she never had a dull moment in her life as she opened up her heart to her newfound family. But this peace and happiness didn't last for long as the monsters of her mothers dark past plotted and preyed on her. Threatening to destroy all that is dear to her...