

Her mind was in a confused state. She was ready to create an excuse, lie, ignore him but kissing him? Was kissing him even an option?

She stood still for a couple of seconds as she tried to make sense of the situation. Xi Long has brought her closer and held one hand on her waist and one in her hair as he pressed his lips harder against her. He was ravishing her, aggressively kissing her as if he was staking his claim on her then and there. His rough hands contradicted against his soft lips. He tasted like her favourite flavour of ice cream - mint. During their first kiss she didn't notice but now in this situation all her mind could do was capture details. She hated to admit it but she enjoyed the way he held her, fierce but gentle.

Getting some strength back in her she fought against his hold but all it did was turn him on more. Her struggling against him caused her body to rub against him, her soft chest against his hard one. Annoyed at her lack of response he moved his hand down and gripped her behind. She gasped - 'th..this...brute! He actually just grabbed my butt!!'

Taking her gasp as his invitation he dove his tongue into her mouth and tasted her. She tasted just like he remembered bitter sweet berries. Getting lost in the kiss he explored her mouth and slowly moved his hands against her body. He wanted her to respond and get comfortable with him so he was not going to go further than kissing but no one said he couldn't touch?

Ying Yue tried hard to fight against him but it was too much for someone as inexperienced as her. She had made the mistake of wearing thin clothes so every touch he made felt as if he was touching her bare skin. Her body was in flames, everywhere he touched set slow fire on her, building the heat further. She felt herself relax and awkwardly tried to respond to his kiss. As she felt herself surrender to his kiss, the door slammed open ending their moment.

Xi Long felt his blood pressure rise again. 'Another interruption!! Why have they all happened today!' Just a second ago he felt his kitten slowly relax her body, she even moved her lips slightly against his. Just as he was brimming in happiness from her accepting him, someone stopped her and now she was back to her reserved self. Pulling away from her he glanced at her face and his eyes darkened at the enticing scene in front of him. Her body was reserved but her face was aflame, eyes sparkling but dazed as she looked back at him. Her cheeks were rosy and her red lips were swollen from his attack. Refusing to let anyone see her like this he held her head and hid her face in his embrace.

Turning to look at the intruder he let his anger show towards the man who dared to interrupt him.


Lei Shufen was sweating. He had rushed as soon as his boss sent the message saying he was ambushed. Sending the men before him he closed off the surrounding area and ensured the cctvs would be 'randomly' malfunction as they whisked the bodies away. They were to be sent to the dungeon and no one could trace them. After dealing with that, he ran inside to see if his boss was okay. 'Was he hurt? Oh no boss wait for me!! I'll save you.'

Now. He was standing in front of his boss who had not even a scratch on him but glared at him with anger of a thousand suns. He had rushed into see his boss in the embrace of a woman and was shocked. Was this not the lady he spent many sleepless nights trying to find? His boss had already found her? He was now convinced that the woman before her was the next lady boss. He had never seen his boss search so desperately for someone let alone kiss her with such abandon!

It was a sight to see, both wore ripped clothing and had splatches of blood coating them. His boss had a gun in his waistband and two daggers lay at their feet which definitely belonged to the mystery woman. But worst of all his boss was angry! At him!

'Huhu boss why are you glaring at me. How was I supposed to know she was with you! And that you were ....kissing! This is not fair huhu, leave your poor servant...'

"Um bo-boss...we ha...have sent the men outside to the dungeon. Are you okay? Are you hurt?? Is the lady boss hurt??"

Just like that Xi Long's anger calmed and Ying Yue's confusion rose. Her face was still pressed against his chest. She was embarrassed that she let herself go and actually respond to the kiss! Then to top it off they were caught! 'Ying Yue how weak have you become that one man is able to affect you like this!' She stood silently against him as she attempted to collect herself. A voice spoke out that sounded similar to the man she had heard in the alleyway. Was this his secretary?

"Was the lady boss hurt?" Who was the lady boss? Did he already have a woman?? She did not hear another person walk in??

"She is fine." Xi Long spoke in a soft voice that she never heard before. It sounded as if he cared for her a lot. Then why force her on this breakfast if he already had someone

Pushing against him strongly her eyes blazed as she looked around for the 'lady boss.' She wanted to see who had the capability of making him so soft but was surprised to see no one there. There was no one else but Xi Long, his secretary, and her. Who could be the lady boss and she was the only woman here...

'Wait. ME? Am I the lady boss???? What!'

Hope you like the snu snu, don't worry there will be more in the next chapter ??.

Currently rush writing this as my mom is making go shopping with her for some wedding clothes. Hope you enjoy it and thank you so much for the support so far! Can you believe we broke the top 500 for a couple of hours.

Love to hear how you guys think, tell me how the book is going in the comments below!

WinterQweencreators' thoughts