
Fast times at West Point high

Queen_kay31 · Thanh xuân
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First day new job

(Dayton's Pov) 

   As I was about to walk out the door, my little dog ran out the door of my apartment. I rushed to get her before she made it to the elevator. By the time I got her to the doors the elevator it open and a family walks out with a husky which sniffed my dog. After I put Leah in her cage and gave her a treat than I ran to the elevator because I could not be late for my new job. When I got to the living room of my apartment I saw that my younger brother was in the kitchen cooking, which is something he never does so I knew he wanted something.

He asked me if I wanted some, that made me really look at him because it just proved he was up to something. When I stopped to talk to him he started to ask me for some money which I had no problem giving him but I did have a problem with him asking me for money when he had a job.

  I said "Look man if you want money why don't you come to the place I just started working at you could probably get an assisting job or something."

   He told me that didn't sound like a bad idea but then he went back to "his room".

   I am really grateful for my little brother because with out him pushing me, I wouldn't be living in this nice ass apartment with 4 bedroom.

     When I made it to the elevator a young lady was running towards the doors yelling. As she made it she was out breath so I asked her was she ok.

   When I got a better look at her face she had a face that made you want to know her. I didn't know if she was older than me or not but I could tell I would see her another time.

Mackenzie POV

   As we made our way out of the elevator my husky went crazy. He must have heard something because he began walking in circles.

    He only does this if he smells another dog. When he calmed down the elevator doors opens and a man in a suit is picking up his dog. He looked cute so I made sure he did not see my face when we left the elevator.

   When we got to our door, I ran straight to my room because I had to get ready. I was running around the house looking like a crazy person because I was the only one going to school today even though it was the first day.

   I should have known this was going to be an off day because of everything that happened that morning.

(Earlier that morning)

   When I first woke up we were still driving back to are home and the bullshit that I woke up to was to much.

    First I was sitting in the back row of are van ( I don't even remember getting back there). The only reason I woke up was because my sister who was two was throwing food for our dog, who was in the back with me. Only he was sleep on the floor and all the food was hitting me.

   So when I got woken up by her little ass I got up and checked the time and saw 3:45 am and we hadn't even crossed the state of Oklahoma yet. So I was having doubts that I would make it in time for school.

  When we finally crossed the state border of Oklahoma and made it to Texas it was around 5:15am. I just decided to sleep again because one of my little brothers started to sing out loud and my little sister joined in and my parents decided that they were deaf all of a sudden 😒.

  When we finally got home I had to rush so I would not be late for school. I changed my clothes and got my bag and ran to the elevator. I yelled hold the door before making it in the door.

   The guy I saw before was there and asked me if I was ok. Before I could answer he told me his name, it was Dayton. I said hi and you have a cute dog.

   He looked confused, he must not have seen me walk out of the elevator with my parents. I told him my name and he told me it was a pretty name. He asked me for my number and I told him I will see him another time.

(In other words, I did not give it to him).