
Chapter 1811: Harvesting Honey

"Ah, this is so delicious! King, you should try some, it's really not greasy at all, and tastes especially good!" Jue Jue was overjoyed.

Bai Xing also tasted it and indeed, it was not too greasy and had a very unique flavor.

However, Xue Ganggang had already taken a clean, dry pottery jar, with not a drop of water inside, and scooped all the oil into it. The size of the jar was just right for the amount of oil.

"If the temperature is low, this oil will solidify into a white paste, it's not spoiled. If you use this oil to stir-fry, it depends on whether you like a lot of oil or not. If you don't want too much, just add a little less. From now on, you can decide for yourself," Xue Ganggang explained as she set the pottery jar aside to cool naturally.

She planned to leave once her foot injury healed in a few days, so she was giving Bai Xing these instructions now, lest she forget by then.

Bai Xing understood her meaning and hummed in acknowledgment.