
Farmer Li

Farmer Li Qing possesses a rare talent - a spiritual constitution. Many girls accompany him, unwilling to leave his side, as they together endure numerous hardships and venture further and further on the path of cultivating immortality.

DaoistE4NTL3 · Kỳ huyễn
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40 Chs

This woman, crazy, right?

Li Qing looked numb as he invited Tian Yue'e into his home, his entire body was in a state of confusion.

He didn't expect that he had been so cautious and careful, but he was still seen.

Moreover, he was still seen in Han Mei's house.

Li Qing was a little flustered, and for a moment he saw but didn't know what to do.

Under the light, Tian Yue'e's skin seems to be glowing, under the knitwear that deep bottomless gully appears more and more clear, and she is wearing a village dress underneath.

What she wore underneath was even a wrap-around skirt that no one in the village dared to wear.

Through the short skirt, even vaguely can see the root of the thigh.

However, at this moment, Li Qing did not have any mood to appreciate this worldly luxurious dress.

His mind was filled with the words that Tian Yue'e had just said.

Li Qing himself is completely indifferent, the rumor just spread out, afraid of what?

But his sister-in-law definitely couldn't handle it!

If she knew about this news, there was no telling how she would react.

In case ...

Thinking of this, Li Qing suddenly realized that something was wrong!

Tian Yue'e didn't spread this matter around after seeing it, but ran directly to him, I'm afraid she has some purpose.

"Sister Yue'e, you want to?"

Li Qing looked at Tian Yue'e and asked carefully.

Tian Yue'e smiled dementedly, "Do you see that I look good in this?"

Li Qing nodded again.

Tian Yue'e tilted her head slightly and murmured, "You probably don't know that Han Mei and I are very close in private, she's like two months younger than me. Now that she's widowed, and I, who can't marry, am also similar to a widow."

"I had a boyfriend outside before, but they were in good condition and looked down on me, and then it was over."

Li Qing did not want to listen to her tell these stories of the past, took a deep breath and asked, "What do you really want?"

"Don't be in a hurry!" Tian Yue'e's eyes lightly turned, smiling cheekily, she asked, "How did you and your sister-in-law get along?"

"It got that good." Li Qing said in a muffled voice.

Tian Yue'e smiled like a fox, the smile at the corner of her mouth was full of cunning, "I guess it's a love that grows over time?"

"A sister-in-law who has been widowed for more than a year, before she can taste some sweetness of a man. One, a young uncle who's strong and in the prime of his life, and at your age, has the biggest craving and desire for a woman's body."

"So I'm guessing that you initiated it, yes?"

This feeling of being taken advantage of made Li Qing very uncomfortable, but he couldn't refute it.

"Looks like I guessed right again." Tian Yue'e leaned her body back slightly and crossed her legs.

She looked straight at Li Qing, a hint of charm suddenly seeping out of her eyes, and the tip of her slender tongue, gently crossed her lower lip as she asked, "Doing it with your sister-in-law, is it comfortable?"

Li Qing took a deep breath, suppressed the irritation that welled up in his heart, and didn't say anything.

He hadn't done it before, so how could he know?

"Don't be angry." Tian Yue'e smiled, "Then do you ... want to do it with me?"

"Hmm?!" Li Qing looked over in surprise.

This woman, crazy, right?

Tian Yue'e's delicate right hand, slowly crossed her own collarbone and landed on the gully that was pressed out by that fullness, her mouth slightly opened and suddenly let out a light gasp.

"I've already almost forgotten, what kind of feeling that really is ..."

"Those damned long-tongued women in the village, let me even find a countryside man thoughts are extinct. In fact, I don't hold any thoughts about marriage now, when my sister comes out of school, I'll be almost exactly middle-aged, just in time to wander outside."

"Today see you hold down that big guy dislike in Han Mei's buttocks, I suddenly have some desire, do you understand?"

This ... Li Qing really understands.

He longed for his sister-in-law almost all the time.

It's just that he didn't expect that the purpose of Tian Yue'e's search was to let him get her.

Seriously, this condition, Li Qing is really a bit unable to refuse.

Tian Yue'e tall, and will dress up, looks or the kind of very durable girl, what he pretends to be reserved?

But Li Qing didn't like being threatened at all.

He hated that feeling.

But Tian Yue'e clearly laid out the conditions, which was to let him get her, and then she kept the secret.

This seemed to have become a circle again, winding Li Qing inside.

After thinking about it for a while, Li Qing decided to go along with it.

The next moment, Li Qing nonchalantly put his hand into Tian Yue'e's knitwear, and pinched that full softness.

Tian Yue'e's these two things, on the outside look is not very full, but Li Qing hand grip, surprisingly not small at all.

The shape of the pinch up was a bit like a peach, but it felt great.

In order to stabilize Tian Yue'e, Li Qing could only do something first.

Usually it was him trying to take advantage in every way possible, this was the first time he had done it the other way around.

"Ah ... good brother, you are a little stupid Ao, pinch the center, um ... right, there is the most sensitive." Tian Yue'e's body was soft, leaned in Li Qing's arms, and her mouth murmured a soulful light gasp.

This sound almost sent Li Qing away on the spot.

It was too damn powerful.

Pinned to the bone!

"You're such a slut!" Li Qing rubbed and said in a wicked voice.

Tian Yue'e had a face of enjoyment, her long eyelashes fluttering gently, her cheeks covered in flushed red.

"Ah ... good brother, that's it ..."

"Good brother, use more force, I'm so excited."

Li Qing looked at Tian Yue'e this way, the hot blood in his body rushed to his head one by one.

It was too tantalizing.

"Ao, I can't brother, I seem to ... seem to ..." Tian Yue'e shouted again, this one was extremely loud.

Li Qing was startled and quickly covered her mouth.

If this is heard by the next door Gao Li and Yang Xuelan two families, then it is finished.

Tian Yue'e gasped sharply a few times, and suddenly twisted her legs, like a puddle of mud, and collapsed by Li Qing s legs.

She seems ... to be finished?

Li Qing looked like this.

In a few moments of work, Tian Yue'e's face was actually covered with fine beads of sweat.

She rested for a small while before she grabbed Li Qing's leg and stood up, "Good brother, your hands are too powerful."

Li Qing snapped, "You are comfortable, but I didn't get anything."

Seeing this, Tian Yue'e giggled and scratched on Li Qing's small tent, "This has to be blamed on you, who let you make me comfortable so quickly? Next time, my sister will first use her mouth to make you comfortable, okay?"

Saying that, she pointed to her red lips.

Li Qing was stunned, is this okay?

His mind instantly heated up.

"Not next time, just now!"

Lin Qing's mind was hot, and he hugged Tian Yue'e's delicate body!