
[Bonus chapter] How Dare You!

The surveillance cameras at George's office got the whole thing on tape.

The assault happened at the end of the working day, it was a long one that George spent anticipating and mitigating all the accusations that the poisonous snake Sylvia Green could attack his Cynthia with. There were many obvious ones, but there were also many others that she could dig up or worse, half fabricate. Those were the worst kind, because with a mind as twisted as hers, the sky was the limit.

Having something against the snake would've been much easier, but she was very detail oriented and she cleaned after herself too well. Trying to find leverage to use against her or even better, blackmail her with…that would be a huge waste of time and resources.

But then, George's efforts were all rewarded just like that when the secretary's anxious voice came through, George couldn't have been happier to learn who it was that demanded seeing him without a prior appointment and coming unannounced. George's eyes were lifted up and he smiled broadly.

Henry was heaven sent. He could not have come at a better time. George knew the idiot ever since he was only a boy. He knew how hotblooded he was and how easy it would be to push all his buttons.

George pressed the red button on his desk, "let him in," he ordered.

The door opened, and an ugly fuming Henry came into George's gaze, his forehead was sweaty and his hands were shaking. And for a second, George genuinely wondered what Cynthia ever saw in that ticking time bomb.

She deserved a gentleman who knew how to keep his temper in check.


Cynthia deserved George. No one else.

He grinned at that thought, agitating Henry even further.

"I forgot that you were too slow to understand things on your own so let me spell it out for you, you are NOT welcomed in Evans-soft anymore," George snarled at the end.

"I still have an office here, and I am a member of the board and I don't need to remind you of the fact that my shares in this company are still significant,"

George bit his tongue on the inside. He hated that Cynthia never came and asked him to handle the divorce papers. This could've been negotiated back then instead of agreeing to separate business and personal matters. But George had faith in Cynthia, not only as the woman he loved but also as a talented businesswoman.

'This must be a part of her plan' he thought to himself.

"This isn't your office and you chickened away from the last board meeting, make it quick," George ordered.

Henry's hands were two fists by his side. "Word on the street is that you're rallying up the suppliers against me."

"What nonsense..." George was smiling from ear to ear

"I came to thank you for opening my eyes to the benefits of importing, thanks to you, I will make a hefty profit by the end of this year,"

Henry's face was anything but grateful.

"You will manufacture worse quality and carry higher initial costs," Henry was not fooling anyone with his pathetic attempt to change George's mind.

The two men glared at each other menacingly.

'I'm just getting warmed up,' George cracked his neck at that thought. His body was begging him to launch himself at his mortal enemy. But he wouldn't fall into the trap of the excessive dose of testosterone that was surging in his veins.

Henry looked like he needed one final push to be the one initiating the assault, and only then, George can finally beat the shi* out of the boy that broke Cynthia's heart.

He took a calming breath, "Listen, boy, you only have yourself to blame for fuc*ing up your business, you must be confusing me with that snake that gave birth to you, why don't you go wipe your tears with your mommy's little skirt?"

Henry surprised George when his body stopped shaking with anger and he laughed out loud instead.

'Sick bastard,' George thought, disgusted with the man that put up with these insults that targeted his mother.

Henry wiped his forehead and rubbed his face roughly with his hands. When he removed them, all humor was gone from his features.

"I married Sally to give my daughter my last name, I wanted her to come lawfully into this world,"

It was something that Henry never got over; the fact that his last name 'Green' came from his mother, and the fact that he never knew his father.

"Cynthia… I was going to get he-"

George scoffed, "What a noble deed, is this how you sleep comfortably at night" George's blue eyes sparkled with anticipation, "If you're done now," George smirked feeling the dimples his Cynthia likes so much, "I have to go satisfy my woman,"

Henry suffocated, then he saw stars.

Next thing he knew, he had shoved himself over George's desk and pushed both of them to the ground, he pinned George to the ground and grabbed him by the collar, delivering a punch at George's face couldn't have felt any better, he was about to punch him again when George pushed him off and pinned him down instead, chocking him by the neck with his left elbow.

George pulled his right arm to the very back and then punched him with all the grudge that he had for him over the years, he didn't hold back.

He knew well what the result of that hit would be. George was a blackbelt, and it was the first time in his entire life that he was using violence.

Henry hit his head hard and passed out immediately.

The door to George's office busted open with the secretary and the company's security running inside.

"Mr. Robinson!" his secretary exclaimed.

"I'm calling the police, sir," the security guards informed George.

"No," he said calmly, checking for Henry's vitals. "Call my father, tell him it's code red, and I want three copies of the surveillance records inside flash drives on my desk by the morning."

"Yes, sir," the security guard said, the other one was on the phone, following instructions.


Henry was still disoriented; he woke up a while ago to find his head bandaged and note that he was in a cell.

Not the government kind.

"That son of a bitc*" Henry said while his head throbbed. Then his head snapped in the direction of the door.





Henry knew all too well that he loved her, but the fact that he was able to recognize her by the click of her heels was disturbing.

He grabbed his stomach, it was the same pain he felt each time he thought about her or was about to see her. The pain in his stomach was worse than the pain in his head.

The door opened. And there she was.

His eyes drifted down to her belly before he even registered her face or what she was wearing.

"You…" she said softly, his eyes snapped up to find her green ones that were swollen under the makeup that tried and failed to cover it.

"How dare you put a mark on George's handsome face?"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

MerrySweetcreators' thoughts