
Bloody Night(II)


Knight Omar spat out a mouthful of blood, his face twisted in horror.

Earl Evan's group visibly tensed, their expressions darkening at the grim sight before them.

Knight Omar lay on the ground, his chest caved in. Luis stood over him, one foot pressing firmly on his chest. The knight's once formidable strength as a 3rd stage fighter had been rendered meaningless in a single blow.

Meanwhile, Earl Evan was surrounded by four Blood Slaves, their relentless assault forcing him to retreat step by step.

Anna fared no better. Though her body was riddled with injuries, her strength seemed to surge with every passing moment, her fierce determination reminiscent of a berserker in battle.

But her resolve wasn't enough. One of the Blood Slaves seized her by the waist, tightening its grip.

"Wait! Please wait!" Earl Evan shouted desperately, panic flashing in his eyes as he witnessed the dire situation.
