
Anti Climatic

Xiao Wei and the Sirius Merchant Group traveled along the road at a steady pace. They have reached quite far away from the city. The surroundings became more and more deserted. There were no signs of life, only the distant sound of wind sweeping across the barren land.

Suddenly, the merchant group was surrounded by a large number of armed men. The attackers formed a tight circle around the horses and wagons, their faces cold and determined.

A knight stepped forward from the group of attackers and shouted.

"Drop your weapons and kneel! If you want to live, you better do as I say!"

Xiao Wei observed them before calmly replying.

"If we give up the wagons, do we have a chance to survive?" Xiao Wei questioned expressionlessly.

"Yes, obviously, now kneel down and drop your weapons," the knight sneered.

However, Xiao Wei and others around him didn't follow the knight's instructions.