
9Chapter 9 Summoning Gui Hai Yi Dao

Qingfeng Mountain, Qingfeng Sect.

After Qin Ye, Wu Xuan'er, and Wan Chen left Qingfeng City, they soon returned to Qingfeng Sect.

Qingfeng Sect is located on the top of Qingfeng Mountain, covering a vast area. It used to be beautiful, with many buildings and magnificent momentum. However, after experiencing many upheavals and falling into disrepair after its decline, it has now become dilapidated.

Although some buildings have collapsed, they still have traces of battles on them, which shows that the upheavals that Qingfeng Sect experienced were not small.

Although Qin Ye and Wu Xuan'er have long been accustomed to it, it is inevitable that they are a little embarrassed to have an outsider around them now.

Looking at this dilapidated sect, Wan Chen is still a little confused despite some psychological preparation in his heart.

This Qingfeng Sect is really miserable. Even the Wan family buildings are better than this Qingfeng Sect. No wonder the five major sects kicked Qingfeng Sect out.

But Wan Chen is a little confused. The sect master is already a master of the innate realm. Why doesn't the appearance and environment of this Qingfeng Sect be dealt with? The sect is like a house. Without a bit of majesty, others will inevitably discriminate against it.

"Sect Master, this..." Wan Chen couldn't help but speak.

Qin Ye took out the majesty of the main sect master, coughed, and said: "My Qingfeng Sect has gone through hundreds of years. These dilapidated scenes are witnesses of history. We, the descendants, must always keep them in mind and contribute to the rise of Qingfeng Sect."

It turned out that the sect master deliberately left it. Wan Chen was immediately excited and nodded heavily: "Sect Master, I, Wan Chen, will definitely live up to the trust of the predecessors of all generations and work hard for the rise of the sect."

"Ruzi is teachable." Qin Ye nodded with satisfaction, thinking in his heart that this kid is really easy to fool, but the actual situation is that Qin Ye has just crossed over and has no time to clean up. Moreover, it costs a lot to repair these buildings. The valuable things in the sect have long been moved away by those brothers. Qin Ye has no money to repair them.

Of course, these will definitely not be told to Wan Chen. The majesty of the sect and himself must be maintained.

The three of them walked into the sect, and Qin Ye said to Wu Xuan'er, "Take him to find a place to stay."

"Yes, Master Brother." Wu Xuan'er responded.

Wu Xuan'er took Wan Chen to a building in the north, where the disciples' rest area was. It was in a mess, and some daily necessities were scattered everywhere on the ground.

Wu Xuan'er blushed and explained, "Originally, someone cleaned here every day, but something happened a few days ago, and the cleaning servants temporarily went down the mountain."

Wan Chen nodded and said nothing. He came here to practice. As long as the master sincerely taught, he didn't care about anything else.

Wu Xuan'er pointed to a large area of ​​houses in front of him and said, "There is no one here now, just choose one."

"Yes, Great Elder." Wan Chen responded and walked in. He found that the disciples' rooms were not very different, so he randomly chose one.

Seeing that Wan Chen had already chosen a room, Wu Xuan'er said, "You clean the room now. The master should summon you tomorrow."

After that, Wu Xuan'er left in a hurry.

What happened today shocked her. She also realized that she was not strong enough and made up her mind to break through the innate in a short time. Otherwise, if the disciples' strength exceeded her, she would not have the face to be the elder.


Qin Ye returned to the bedroom and asked the system in a hurry: "System, I have completed the task of accepting disciples. Where is the reward?"

Because he had not heard the system's prompt, Qin Ye hurriedly sent Wan Chen away and asked the system.

"Host, the task of accepting disciples has not been completed." The system's voice sounded in Qin Ye's ears.

"System, didn't I accept Wan Chen as a disciple? How could it not be completed?" Qin Ye frowned and asked.

"Host, you just brought Wan Chen into the sect, and you haven't accepted him as a disciple yet." The system reminded.

"..." Qin Ye.

Although he made a mistake, Qin Ye was not in a hurry. Wan Chen had already entered the sect. This was like meat on the chopping board. He could accept him as a disciple at any time, and the system reward would not be his by then.

Thinking of the two blind boxes he had received in the square but had not opened yet, Qin Ye quickly communicated with the system: "System, open two blind boxes."

"Okay, host." The system agreed.

The system prompt sounded in Qin Ye's mind soon.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for opening a blind box and obtaining the heavenly-level martial arts "Tianyuan Sword Technique"!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for opening a blind box and obtaining a low-level character summoning card!"

Qin Ye's eyes lit up immediately, and he almost jumped three feet high with excitement. The system was still too generous.

According to what Qin Ye knew from the records of the sect, the martial arts in this world are divided into four levels: heaven, earth, black and yellow, and the Qingfeng Sect's martial arts are the lowest level of yellow. The heavenly-level martial arts are unheard of in places like Qingfeng City.

Now that the Qingfeng Sect needs to rise, the martial arts are indispensable, and the "Tianyuan Sword Technique" just fills the gap in the martial arts.

"I will pass the Tianyuan Swordsmanship to Wu Xuan'er and Wan Chen tomorrow." Qin Ye did not hesitate at all. Although the Tianyuan Swordsmanship was good, it was not as good as the Eight Nine Mysterious Arts he practiced. The two arts were not at the same level at all. .

"System, what character does the character summon card summon?" Qin Ye remembered that the blind box had opened a low-level character summoning card just now, and asked the system.

"Host, the low-level character summoning card can summon some low-level characters to the host, with varying strengths. These characters are 100% loyal to the host. After the host summons, they will find the host after an hour." The system replied.

"Well, then summon it."

"Ding, the host has a low-level character summoning card. Are you sure you want to use it?"

"Use it." Qin Ye said without hesitation.

"Ding, opening the low-level character summoning card, summoning..."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for the successful summoning."

"Congratulations to the host, successfully summoning Gui Hai Yi Dao."


Gui Hai Yi Dao!

Qin Ye's face was shocked. He was too familiar with this Gui Hai Yi Dao. Isn't this the number one spy among the four spies in the hands of Zhu Wusi, the Iron-hearted God Marquis in the world of Tian Xia Di Yi?

His martial arts are top-notch even in Tian Xia Di Yi. He was once a disciple of Ba Dao, but he was better than his master and finally defeated Ba Dao.

Later, in order to avenge his father's murder, he practiced Xiong Ba Tian Xia and Avici Dao San Dao. Because he couldn't control his inner demon, he cut off his right arm, but later he learned the left-handed sword technique and his strength was even better than before.

I don't know what strength the person summoned by the system is.

"System, open Gui Hai Yi Dao's personal information."

Suddenly, a screen that no one else could see appeared in front of Qin Ye.

[Character]: Gui Hai Yi Dao

[Race]: Human

[Cultivation]: Grandmaster Level 1

[Skills]: Jue Qing Zhan, Xiong Ba Tian Xia, Avici Dao San Dao

[Weapon]: Fen Xue Bao Dao
