
47Chapter 47 Bloody Killing of the Leader

Qin Ye ignored Feng Qingyun's plea and killed Yanglinghou with one sword. This has surprised everyone. What is even more surprising is that Feng Qingyun tried to intercept but still could not save Yangling Marquis. What does this mean?

This shows that the strength of the leader of Qingfeng Sect has been underestimated, he is definitely at the master level!

As Old Man Wu said before, even if he was willing to be merciful, Marquis Yangling still wouldn't survive.

The spies who followed used various means to spread the news back as soon as possible.

Qingfeng Sect has two strong masters, and Feng Qingyun, the previous leader of Qingyun Sect, has come out. No matter which news, it can cause a huge storm.

In a barren land in Qingzhou, three powerful masters actually appeared. If you include the dead Marquis Yangling, there would be four. It's so crazy. Even if there are no four powerful masters in the royal capital, it can be seen that if this news spreads, everyone will definitely go crazy.

"Am I - on the right track? It's not up to you to judge. Our Qingfeng Sect is stationed in Qingzhou. If there is a barbarian invasion, I will take off the head of the barbarian king, so you don't need to worry about it."

Qin Ye fought back very domineeringly.

Being rebuffed by Qin Ye, Feng Qingyun became even more angry. This junior has some strength but is so rampant. Is the Barbarian King so easy to kill? Not only is the Barbarian King himself a powerful master, but he also has several grandmasters who are very powerful. If he really wants to kill the Barbarian King, he will probably have to dispatch at least seven or eight grandmasters to surround him. Even so, it is only 50% to 60%. of certainty.

"Junior is ignorant, if you kill Marquis Yangling today, the Qin Dynasty will definitely send a large army to encircle and suppress you. Even if you hide in the sect and cannot come out, the people of Qingfeng City will be affected by you." Feng Qingyun snorted coldly and said. .

Qin Ye sneered, this old guy actually threatened himself with the Qin Dynasty and the people of Qingfeng City. He really thought that he was a holy mother, and immediately responded, "The people of Qingfeng City are the people of the Qin Dynasty. If the King of Qin vents his anger on his own people, That's the fate of the Qin Dynasty, what does it have to do with me!"


Feng Qingyun became angry because he didn't expect Qin Ye to be so good at talking. As Qin Ye said, if the King of Qin vents his anger on the people of Qingfeng City, it will only destroy the Great Wall. As long as the King of Qin is not stupid, he will not do such a thing.

"Okay, okay!!! Who doesn't know how to talk nonsense? Just let me test your skills."

Unable to fight with words, Feng Qingyun had no choice but to take action.

It was just Qin Ye's next words that made Feng Qingyun vomit blood in anger: "You come in first and then talk."

"Very good! Do you think that with the sect's formation, you can be foolproof? Let's see how I can break your sect's formation!"

Feng Qingyun's eyes burst into flames and he said angrily.


Before he finished speaking, Feng Qingyun had already taken action. He stood in the air and punched the sect's formation fiercely.

Feng Qingyun's punch was filled with anger, and he used all his strength. It was extremely terrifying. This punch seemed to shatter the space.

Once the strength of the third level of Grandmaster breaks out, it is indeed very terrifying, and it is much stronger than the strength of Yangling Marquis.

Everyone was watching to see if Feng Qingyun could break the sect formation of Qingfeng Sect. Marquis Yangling had tried to break it once before, but to no avail.

This punch was so fast that it actually caused a fist cry. At this moment, everyone nearby who had not retreated felt the extremely powerful fist intention.

However, this punch hit the defensive formation, causing only a ripple, and calm was quickly restored.

Feng Qingyun's face changed slightly. He punched with all his strength without any reservation, but failed to cause any damage to the sect's formation. He had to admit that this sect's formation was indeed very terrifying. No wonder even the fifth-level formation master couldn't break it.

Feng Qingyun's expression changed continuously, and finally he snorted coldly: "You can take care of yourself!"

He came here originally to rescue Yangling Marquis, but before he could save him, his old face was completely lost here. Knowing that he would not get any benefits if he stayed here any longer, he stopped staying and turned around to leave quickly.

The matter was settled, Old Man Wu turned around and returned to Qingfeng Sect.

Qin Ye asked him to come back with Yanglinghou's head, but Yanglinghou had been split in half by Qin Ye's sword, and Old Man Wu stopped taking his head.

Except for a few spies, most people did not dare to stay any longer and left one after another.

Following this, news of this battle spread outside at an extremely terrifying speed.

Blood Killing Headquarters.

After the leader of the Blood Killing received the news, he immediately summoned the elders and said: "The ten elders went to Qingfeng Sect to perform a mission some time ago, but now it seems that they will not be able to come back."

All the elders were also shocked. No wonder they couldn't contact the tenth elder. It turned out that something had happened. They didn't know that Qingfeng Sect, a small and unpopular sect, would have two powerful masters. It was so insidious. They were glad that it was not them who went there before, otherwise they would be the ones who perished.

Even Yang Linghou, who was in the master realm, fell to the Qingfeng Sect, which shows how terrifying this Qingfeng Sect is.

The leader of Blood Kill issued an order: "Qingfeng City secretly sent people to station to inquire and collect all information about Qingfeng Sect. Remember, this station will not accept any tasks and do not conflict with any forces."

"The leader is wise." The elders flattered him.

The Qingfeng Sect has two masters, and they already need to be paid close attention to. In addition, the leader of the Qingfeng Sect was assassinated before, so they need to pay more attention at this time. No one knows whether Qingfeng Sect will come to kill him.

The leader of Blood Kill suddenly thought of something again, and then said: "From now on, the Blood Kill headquarters will be moved. We can't stay here anymore."

He couldn't guarantee whether the ten elders had already explained everything about the blood killing. After all, he knew the terror of the powerful master. If the ten elders fell into the hands of the opponent, if he wanted to know something from the ten elders, he only needed to do a little trick. Just a little trick.

"Chief, now that Marquis Yangling is dead, without Marquis Yangling in Qingzhou, there will be no force that can stop us. Should we take the opportunity to expand our force?" Some elders suggested that this time is indeed very suitable to expand our force. After all, everyone He was in danger and could no longer stop the bloodshed.

The leader of Blood Kill thought about the pros and cons. As the elder said, this time is very suitable for expanding his power. However, he always felt that the crisis seemed to be approaching. It was better to be calm at this time, so he rejected the elder's suggestion.

"This old guy Feng Qingyun has also come out. I know that this old guy will not die so easily. However, this old guy Feng Qingyun has no profit and can't afford it early. He has been cheating his death for so many years, and he will jump for the sake of Yangling Marquis." Come out, it seems that the Qin Dynasty has promised a lot of benefits behind this."

The blood-killing leader thought of another piece of news in the intelligence, and couldn't help but look in the direction of Qingyun Sect.

Qingyun Sect is a seventh-grade sect with strong strength and a very close relationship with the Qin Dynasty. Although they have not officially joined the Qin Dynasty, many of their disciples have entered the Qin Dynasty's army, which can't help but make people think wildly.

You must know that generally, no matter how small a sect is, they will never allow their disciples to participate in secular officialdom. Firstly, it is not necessary, and it will cause people to misunderstand that seeking refuge in the imperial court will cause them to be isolated from other sects; secondly, once this is done, the sect's strength will be greatly reduced. If a sect is damaged, in addition to high-end combat power, a sect must also have mid- to low-end combat power. It is impossible to send elders to solve it at all times.

Once you enter a sect, you will be a member of the sect for life. This is true for all sects in the world.

Therefore, there must be something fishy here, but if it is said that the Qingyun Sect has defected to the Qin Dynasty, the leader of the bloody murder will not be believed. The strength of the Qingyun Sect is here. Even if the overall strength is not as good as the Great Qin Dynasty, there is no need to join the Great Qin Dynasty. This will not be of any benefit to them. Therefore, after thinking about it, the leader of the Blood Killing must be some kind of deal between the Qingyun Sect and the Great Qin Dynasty. .