
27Chapter 27: Kill with one swordIn the arena.

The two stood face to face, looking at each other with a trace of murderous intent.

Liu Er laughed ferociously and drew his sword out of its sheath. It was a yellow-level high-level weapon. The blade was filled with golden light and was extremely powerful.

Wan Chen's weapon is an ordinary iron sword. Ordinary iron swords like this were made by the old sect leader from the old blacksmith for training by his disciples.

Qin Ye didn't have any good weapons himself, so naturally he wouldn't equip Wan Chen with one.

Liu Er looked at the iron sword in Wan Chen's hand and sneered, "I have long heard that the Qingfeng Sect is so poor that there are only a few buildings left. It seems true. They don't even have a decent weapon."

A good weapon is of great help to a warrior and can increase his combat power. For example, he is currently at the second level of innate realm, but if he has a high-level Xuan-level weapon, he can leapfrog and challenge the third or fourth level of innate realm.

The yellow-level high-level weapon in his hand was given to him by the Second Young Master for his great service. It is extremely precious.

"I can defeat you with this sword."

Wan Chen said confidently, he no longer hid, and the innate realm aura suddenly burst out from his body with an astonishing momentum.

Opposite Liu Er naturally felt Wan Chen's innate momentum, and his face changed slightly. This momentum seemed to be somewhat different from his, and seemed to be stronger than his own...

How can this be!

He was at the second level of innate realm, and Wan Chen had just broken through to the first level of innate realm a few days ago. How could his aura be stronger than his own? This must be an illusion.

The moment Wan Chen's momentum broke out, the four sect masters all felt it, and secretly said in their hearts that Wan Chen was indeed in the innate realm.


Liu Er suddenly burst out with the momentum of the second level Xiantian realm and took the lead to take action.

He flew forward and slashed at Wan Chen with his sword. This sword carried a terrifying momentum, and it was obvious that he had used all his strength.

This is not a challenge, it is more like a life and death struggle. Anyone with a little vision can see it.

In the stands, everyone had different expressions. The head of the Wan family, who had been smiling just now, now looked worried, while other families were gloating.

It was obvious that Sect Leader Qin had just offended Lord Hou's Second Young Master, and now the Second Young Master sent guards to teach Wan Chen a lesson.

If the Second Young Master's personal bodyguard takes action, this Wanchen Immortal will be destroyed.

While the other three major families were gloating about the misfortune, they also pretended to come over to comfort the Wan family leader.

The head of the Wan family is all focused on the arena at this time, so how can he have the energy to deal with them.

Could it be that Wanjia's hopes were dashed just like that?

You want to know what an innate strong man means to Wanjia? As the head of the Wan family, it is obvious that he is above the sect. Other sects will have no choice but to fawn over the Wan family in the future. With the huge resources and the support of the Qingfeng Sect, the Wan family will definitely be able to take off, and maybe he himself will be able to get a glimpse of the innate realm.

The other Zhou family members were no longer jealous at this time, but were instead worried about Wan Chen. In this short period of time, they also realized that Wan Chen's life was only good for the Wan family and had no harm.

The only person present who was not worried was probably Qin Ye.

Because only Qin Ye truly knows Wan Chen's strength.

On the ring, Wan Chen faced Liu Er's terrifying knife with a calm expression, not showing a trace of timidity.

To him, this is all a small scene.

You must know that his sparring partners are all much better than Liu Er. Compared with them, Liu Er is obviously much worse.

"Tian Yuan Sword Technique!"

Wan Chen let out a soft drink and waved the long sword in his hand. All the spiritual energy around the square rushed towards Wan Chen...

Suddenly the color of the world changed, and the surrounding area seemed to become dark.

A blinding light suddenly lit up, gradually getting brighter and brighter.

Wan Chen swung out his sword and the surrounding space was locked. Liu Er's body felt like his body was suppressed in the air by the opponent's powerful aura. He still maintained his offensive movements. He tried to move, but was unable to move.

Liu Er was immediately shocked and felt that he was facing death at any time. He asked in horror: "What kind of sword technique is this-"

"Such a superb swordsmanship! Before attacking, you can suppress the opponent with momentum alone and make the opponent unable to move. This swordsmanship is probably of earth-level quality." The second young master stood up with a swish and stared at Wan with piercing eyes. dust.

Later, the Second Young Master was overjoyed with surprise. It was such an unexpected joy. The death of an innate bodyguard was only a small loss to him. He could recruit another personal bodyguard at any time as long as he was willing.

But an earth-level skill is different. This is a skill that only those large sects have. Even the Hou Mansion does not have earth-level skills. If you get this earth-level swordsmanship, you can even easily create a sect. As for the title, it doesn't matter.

This time it turned out not to be in vain.

As for whether the Qingfeng Sect will give it to him or not, that is even less important. Whether the other party gives him or not the treasure he likes has the same result.

"This Qin Ye may have a big secret. I'm afraid he won't hand it over happily. It seems that some means must be used."

The second young master turned his head and glanced at Qin Ye, thoughtfully.

On the ring, the sword energy soared into the sky, shining brightly. The sword energy passed through Liu Er's body like lightning without any obstruction.


Liu Er's body split into two and fell to the ground.


The screen suddenly stopped.

Liu Er, who was in the second level Xiantian realm, was actually killed by Wan Chen with one sword.

On the field, everyone's eyes were wide open, their eyes were dull, and they couldn't believe it.

It has only been half a month, and Wan Chen, who joined Qingfeng Sect, has become so powerful. Not only has he broken through the Xiantian realm, but he has also killed a Xiantian realm expert with one sword...

Now, who dares to mention the word "waste".

On the ring, Wan Chen was also shocked. He just wanted to cripple his opponent, not to kill him. Who knew that this Tianyuan sword technique was too brutal and directly split Liu Er in two.

Wan Chen looked at Qin Ye for help and blinked, as if to ask if he could be saved now?

Qin Ye rolled his eyes, as if to refuse him. The person was split in half and was already cold. A professional black team could be invited to carry the coffin.

The four sect leaders were also shocked. This Qingfeng Sect was really terrifying. They actually had such a terrifying sword technique. What surprised them even more was that Wan Chen was so bold that he dared to kill the guards of the second son.

Killing someone's guards, and killing them in front of him, isn't this a slap in the face of the second son?

Can the second son endure this?

If he endured it, wouldn't the authority of the Marquis's Mansion be challenged?

Moreover, they believed that the Second Young Master would not be able to endure it.

The city lord was so shocked that he couldn't close his mouth. Such a great sect had emerged in the place under his governance. What was even more terrifying was that the disciples of the sect killed the Second Young Master's guards in front of everyone. This was beyond his control, which meant that he could no longer intervene in the next matter.

Qin Ye saw everyone's expressions, and then looked at the Second Young Master. He also wanted to see if the Second Young Master could endure it.

Whether the Second Young Master could endure it or not, the result was the same.

Qingfeng Sect was Qingfeng Sect, not the Qingfeng Sect of the Great Qin Dynasty.

Qingfeng Sect was to stand at the top of the continent, and the Great Qin Dynasty was just a small dynasty. If he was afraid, there was no need to talk about leaving the Great Qin Dynasty.

"I'm afraid this hatred has been made. No matter whether you can endure it or not, in order to have less trouble in the future, the Yangling Marquis' Mansion must be destroyed."

Qin Ye's eyes were deep, and the ending of the Yangling Marquis' Mansion had been arranged by him.