
Fantasy Life Dream Diary

Rayne is person with pride and his goal is to be rich and successful someday. Unfortunately for him, life is unfair and he was not given a chance to rise in the field of his choice. He continue to struggle in life vying for a chance to succeed as he refuse to give up his ideals. In the midst of all this, he discovered a new life within the world of dream in the comfort of his bed. He embraced this brand new life. Armed with the knowledge he already have, he struggled in this new world as well and challenged himself to be a much better person that he can never be. This is the story of his fantasy life within a dream that changed his life in reality.

AresAcedia · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

Chapter 9 - The Other Rayne

A week had past since Rayne's mana awakening. During this time, all he did was learn the mana technique and some magic, as well as training, getting used to his new found power. He had sparred with Max in the inn's basement during the day while study more about mana and magic at night.

He also didn't not forgot his prior appointment with Henry and visited him for a sparring. He was able to win once as he had surprised him by using magic. But once Henry had known, he did not hold back as he also began to used magic and trashed Rayne ever since.

Although that happened, Rayne was able to learn a magic skill called Ghost Step from Henry. He had quite a harvest overall from his visit.

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A young man yawned as he fixed his bed, waking up from a good night sleep.

The young man is Rayne.

Different from his other self in Fantasia, Rayne in the real world was an plain looking person with a thin-build, average height, and brownish skin-tone. A typical trait for Asian people.

He also lives with his family here. But he mostly lock himself in his cramped room, fiddling with his phone.

After the pandemic, Rayne had rarely got out of the house. Although people had already adapt to the new normal, most things can be done online nowadays with a few click of a button.

Once done drinking a cup of coffee, Rayne switched his phone on and opened a popular job hunting app. He began browsing through and check for any back office job vacancy with a decent pay. He rigorously searched and applied for as many job vacancies he could find to the companies which offices were accessible to him, taking him almost 2 hours to complete.

Finished sending job application, Rayne sighed and said, "Hopefully, I will be shortlisted."

Opening another app, he began to recalled what he had done in his dream and wrote them down. This has become part of his daily routine not too long ago.

If it was not job hunting on web or writing about his dream, Rayne would busy himself reading internet novels from a famous web novel site.

This is what makes his everyday life ever since he graduated, living like a NEET.

Before noon, the sound of clashing cooking utensils can be heard in house as his mother cooked food for them. there was also some dogs barking and cats meowing in the background.

"Lunch is ready." his mother shouted, knocking on his and his younger brother's room, located just next door with only plywood separating them.

"What's today's lunch?" he heard his eldest younger sister asked.

"You'll know when you come out and eat." his mother answered.

But even so, Rayne still did not go out of his room and just shouted, "You guys go first. I'll eat later." and continued what he was doing.

Hours passed. Rayne began to feel hungry. He got out to get some leftover food that had already gotten cold.

Even so, he filled his plate, took a bottle of water in the refrigerator and returned to his cramped room to eat. He relished the food, eating as fast as he could, stuffing them in his mouth while watching anime on his phone.

It was 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Rayne's phone suddenly ring while he was in the middle of his reading. It was an unknown number. But even so, he still accepted the call, placing the speaker in his ear. "Hello." he answered.

"Hi. May I speak to Mr. Rayne?" a woman's voiced spoke in the other line.

"Yes. This is Rayne speaking."

"Good afternoon, Rayne. I'm Betty from [XXX] Company. I saw your resume online. This is for a Sales Coordinator position. Would you to pursue your application?"

"Yes. Sure."

"Great. First, can you please introduce yourself?"

"No problem. My name is Rayne Sixto, 24 years old, from A-city. I just finished my studies in A-College, took up Bachelor of Science in Business Administration major in management. My hobbies includes reading online novels, and browsing the internet. I am a fast-learner, with keen attention to details, very punctual, and highly organized. That's all. Thank you."

"I see. Do you have any experience in sales?"

"Unfortunately, I don't."

"In your resume, it stated you had previously work as a call center agent. Can you give us a brief overview of your responsibilities at your last job?"

"Well. As an agent, I was assigned in an inbound healthcare account. Meaning, I answer calls from customer. My job responsibility is to assist the caller, who were usually healthcare providers, and assist them of what they are calling about. It would be either to create a request for their patients' medical treatment, in which we asked and gather the needed information from the caller and enter it in a system for processing, or to check on the status of an existing request, which we check in the system and provide whatever the status of the request and its details, but only if they were part of the request. Either way, in every call required a proper authentication, so I would ask a series of questions which includes getting the callers name, contact number, person or facility they were working from and its address and their patient, who would be the member of the healthcare insurance company that outsourced our services. At the end of the every call, we make records of it and make sure it was well documented."

"I see. And why did you left the company?"

"I actually resigned."

"Resigned, huh. Any reason?"

"As you might have noticed, I was actually a working student before, studying in the afternoon and working in the night. In the last semester of my 4th year, there were seminars, thesis and OJT that I have to either attend, organize or complete to graduate as part of the school's curriculum, And those required more time and attention. I judged that based on my capacity, I won't be able to juggle both, so I decided to resign from work and focus on my studies."

"Got it. How much was your previous salary? And what is your expected salary?"

"I had a basic salary of approximately 18,000 a month. For my expected salary, It would be nice to have something higher than that, if possible. Or at least that much."

"18,000 or higher. Okay. I think that will be all for me. I will be forwarding your application to the operations manager and schedule an interview. It will be held onsite. I will inform you via email about it. Thank you for taking my call."

"Thank you as well. Have a great day. Bye."

After dropping the call, Rayne was continued his day as usual, but with a noticeable change in his expression.

Later that night, Rayne took some time to do some research about the company he got a call from. He wanted to learn about the company's basic information and background. While at it, he also checked and research on the duties and responsibilities of a sales coordinator, writing and summarizing them on a piece of paper. This took him a while to complete.


Rayne yawned for the nth time, switching his phone to look for the time.

"It's already this late." he talked to himself.

The time is already 11:11 PM.

He quickly tidied his notes, organizing his thing.

"Time to hit the sack."

He said as he turned off the lights and went to bed.