
FANTASIA: This Virtual World Is A Little Bit Off From The Game I Know!

Guren, a second-year high school student, awoke in a strange world that coincidentally resembled the VR game he adored. He was unsure, however, because he lacked proof. As he searched for his reason in an unknown place and with an unknown goal, he came across various people, monsters, and other creatures that did not exist in his previous world. Thus begins the young man's adventure, the chronicle of his harem, in this world of mystery, with his trusted companion! This work will also be posted @https://www.royalroad.com/profile/277300/fictions For more people to be able to read this novel under the same title.

Tadano_Nariyuki · Kỳ huyễn
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46 Chs

Game 12: First Human Encounter!

{Fantasia, year 3050. Late April}

In a location that shakes the distance between the Royal Capital and, of course, a location that even Guren is unfamiliar with. Without his knowledge, a new story arc has begun!

A day on the outskirts of Wizteria Royal Capital. In a luxurious home that afixes elegantly to the city's isolation. A girl with golden silky hair that reached her lower back, pale looking skin, and a perfectly modeled figure stood by the expensive window in a building that revealed the wealth of those who lived there with a single glance. She looked away silently, as if her mind was preoccupied with something. A gloomy atmosphere that never suits her sweet demeanor.

"A pleasant day, my Lady. I have fully packed your luggage and all necessities, and we will proceed to returning to the Magical Academy in a short time. Are you ready, my lady?"

A courteous greeting from behind was delivered with a respectful bow by a girl dressed in a maid outfit. The girl by the window stood firm and replied unmovingly in a gloomy voice...


"My lady?"

"...why must I return to a place I've never cherished? Why must I do something against my will? Is there no freedom for me to embrace?"

"My lady, I..."

Her gloom hinted at her reluctance to leave. Her reason, however, is known everyone who are close to her. She turned to the maid with a silent sigh and a light but empty smile. Her blue eyes twinkled with a predicted sadness, and as her side-pony hair fluttered in the breeze, she passed through her.

"No need to worry. Forget what I've said, Mai. Let's go. I'm confident that my dear father and mother are both prepared for our departure..."

"As you wish, my lady! However, rude as I may sound, but let me say this at the very least..."


"My lady, there are things that we cannot solve unless we face them, and I believe that the lady I serve has what it takes to address those problems that are in front of her; after all, that resolve of yours is what I admire. And who knows, maybe something nice will happen down the road, like in a fairytale where the prince comes to rescue the princess."

The lady was deeply moved by what the maid said. As a result, she turned to face her with a light smile.

"Fufu, you say some interesting things for someone who rarely shows emotion, but let us just head down for now, shall we?"

"Yes, ma'am."

As she walked down the street, she noticed a carriage waiting for her. Her mother and father were inside the carriage, and guards stood on both sides, waiting for her arrival.

"I apologize for keeping you waiting, dear mother and father."

"It's fine," the father said. Then turn to the guards who are Guarding the march.

"Let us now return to the capital."

"As you please, sir!"

The journey began slowly after entering the carriage. Inside were the young lady, her maid Mai, and another girl with a small body frame. Her mother and father, too.

Outside, a procession of horse-drawn guards followed the lead of that important-looking carriage. They began their journey rattling on the rocky road, gradually speeding up.

They eventually made it thirty kilometers away from the capital. They continue on their journey, unafraid of the Forest of Mos which is know rampant for having a massive count of monsters. Everything seems to be fine. However, not until...



An unexpected explosion accompanied by a 'Yee-haw! The party's once-quiet journey was disrupted by their laughter.

"What's the matter?"

enquired the young lady's father, who was concerned about the situation. In response, one of the guards yelled.

"Bandits, sire! They were hiding in those thick bushes a while ago, waiting for us!"

"Oh no! It appears that our itinerary has been leaked!"

"Don't be concerned, sire! We will protect you all and the young lady with all our might!"

The guard then left to join the battle after saying this. However, due to the unexpected attack, the ambush successfully weakened the guard force, injuring the majority of them.

And then, all of a sudden, a stray arrow that had flown off to hit the carriage went soaring...

"NO, MY LADY!!!"

...a cry from the carriage echoed throughout!

The stray arrow accidentally struck the carriage's metal frame, snapping the arrow in half, and the sharp pointed part of it landed a clean hit, slashing the young girl's white scarless neck. It happened so quickly that none of them could ever react or imagine such a thing happening.

"You idiot! Why did you hit the girl?! Now we wont have a good pay with this job!"

"I'm sorry, boss!"

The leader of the bandits yelled in disappointment and distress in an angry tone. Their intention had been revealed by the way he said it. To attack the party, kill all of the guards, and kidnap the girl and her family.

"Enough! Kill all the guards and kidnap the girl's mother and father, as well as the maids! We're going to have a good time tonight!"

"Yes, boss! Hahaha! Yeeee-hawww!"

And with that unsettling laugh, the unharmed bandits carried out the order.

"Guhh, it must be 'them' who sent these guys, but now is not the time to dwell on that...someone...someone...anyone...please save the young lady!!! Quickly..."

The leader of the guards prayed in despair, filled with fleeting hope and pain from his wounds. And as the light in his eyes dimmed due to blood loss, a loud impact jolted his mind awake!


"{Swift Physical Combat: Form Number 3; GROUND SHAKER!}"

Guren made his entrance by smacking the ground with both closed fists.

"I tried to use a locked skill, and as I suspected, the effects are nerfed," he grumbled. As he stood there, he looked around and saw the horrifying scene. Guren turned to Andrea, his face enraged.

"Damn it, Andrea! We were minutes late! Go check on all the injured and secure them!"

[Affirmative! But, Master, what about you?]

"It's fine; I'll deal with this horde of rude, unimportant NPCs!" (Note: Non-Player Character)

[{Understood! Engaging Scanning of the Area: Completed! Getting Started: Gathering the Injured! Good luck, Master! }]

"Well, said Andrea...Now then..."

Andrea took off to obey her masters' orders. And now all that's left is Guren in the midst of the bandits. With his usual calm expression, he released an aura that filled the air with chill.

"Who are you, brat?! What are you planning on doing, interfering with the adults' enjoyment?!"

"Get lost, boy! Hahaha. A snot-nose brat like you has no place here!"

"Enjoyment, huh? Kukuku! FUHAHAHAHA!!!"

"Wh-what the hell are you laughing about?"

Asked the leader of the bandits, while looking at Guren bursting with laughter. His hand was covering his face as he remarked with a smirk. A very malicious smile if you ever saw one. (Note: This is our main character.)

"Fuu! Nothing, just relief; now I can kill you all without feeling guilty!"

Laughing. They didn't seem to believe him after he made this declaration; instead, they laughed at him and mocked him.

"Kill? Hahahah, brat, know your place!"

"Ahh... I know exactly what mine is, but what about yours? {Spatial Magic: DIMENSION LOCK!}"

A barrier was erected from Guren's position in the center, enclosing them all inside. A dimensional separation that prevents anyone from entering or exiting the prison-like barrier until the caster dies or cancels it. That is the {Spatial Magic: DIMENSION LOCK}

"Now, let us have that enjoyment you're bringing up! COME! SAKURA!"


A Japanese-style sword materialized on his waist. Everyone who witnessed it was taken aback.

"Being surprised, on the other hand, will not help you at all."

That is because they had all become prey to the fearsome sword, SAKURA.

"Let's get this over with quickly, SAKURA! Flash Sword Art: Form Number 9; NIGHTMARISH SWORD-DANCE"

"Wait, what happened?"

"I can't see any light!"

"Gaaa!!! Help!!!"

All traces of light vanished from view with an abrupt shock in the air. Nothing but unfathomable darkness filled the isolated dimension. In the midst of the darkness, whirling blades danced in the nothingness, slashing the blinded bandits one by one. And with this anticlimactic battle, the battle was won by the most one side possible. A total annihilation!

And after that, Guren heaved a sigh of disappointment.

"Haaaa... This sucks. How did my first human encounter turn out like this. Just great. But with this... my third conclusion was proven. This blood isn't data at all... What the hell, I feel like puking!"

[Notice: Master, come here quickly!]

The carriage could be seen from a short distance away. Andrea, with a strange voice, called out.

"What's going on, Andrea? It's strange; you seemed panicked."

[{Report: Emergency, Master! Look inside the carriage!}]

What makes this girl act like this?

"Hmm? Inside?—huh?"

Surprised. A puddle of blood greeted Guren as soon as he caught a glimpse of what was inside the carriage. A maid in a blood-splattered outfit sobbed beside the severely injured girl. She is not, without a doubt, not dead. However, the amount of blood spilled inside the carriage was enough to make the girl's parents weep for her.

"Are you the one who saved us? I'm grateful...but my daughter..."

In a sad tone, the bearded middle-aged man said who, along with his wife. He is grateful, but he cannot rejoice over what the girl with the golden silky hair has gone through.

"Thank you for saving us, sir. If only I had used my magic, maybe I could have made a difference. I am the most useless here. Please forgive me, my lady..."

The maid stated. Even though she doesn't show any emotion, the sadness in her words is palpable.

"Don't be too hard on yourself, Mai. We all know that if you use your magic... Anyway, good sir. Thank you for saving us."

"I don't know if I did, but..."

He responded. Guren made up his mind as soon as he saw this scene.

"Did you try healing magic on her, Andrea?"

[It's a negative, Master! The wound is simple to heal on its own. However, given the amount of blood lost, healing magic will be ineffective.]


With what Andrea said, the family let out a sad groan, and the cries of the maids beside the girl grew louder over time.

"Onee-sama, onee-sama, onee-sama!!! hic...hic!"

"Chika, don't cry... Your tears are making the lady's dress soaked."

"But-but... what about you, Mai-nee? Aren't you crying as well?"

"I'm not, stupid! This is just a sweat! My eyes are just sweating!"

Guren was amused by this scene. 'She must be a good girl,' he reasoned. 'Her maids adored her this much.' He then looked at Andrea.

"That was a wise decision, Andrea; well done!"

"What, Master, why are you suddenly praising me? It's creepy..." (Note: This is our Andrea, fidgeting!)

"Creep-?! Haaa..." That sure is harsh.

Guren exhaled a sigh. For the time being, he decided not to be bothered by the remark. And he gave an order in a gentle tone.

"This room is too crowded; Andrea, would you mind guiding Sir and Madam outside for the time being? I'd like to try something, but with this space, it may not be possible; and keep them safe out there, you hear?"

[Affirmative: Roger, Master! Please follow me.]

"But, our daughter..."

[There's no need to be concerned, sir, madam. My master had a thing for big boobs! And take a look at your daughter, she's so endowed. My master will not allow such a girl to die in front of him! After all, he is a closet pervert! A advocate of boobs! Though, he likes little ones like mine too! ](Please take note: this is Andrea!)

"Gah! You talk too much! And what the hell is a boobs advocate!? Just go outside!"

He was agitated and flushed. But in all certainty, he didn't denied the fact about boobs. (Note: Which man in the universe despises boobs? NAY!)

"I see, so my daughter is in good hands."

He laughed. Andrea's joke made him smile, if only for a moment. But it's not entirely a joke.

"Wait, you too, sir?"

"I entrust you with my daughter... Please...uhmm?"

"Yuiren. My name is Yuiga Guren, but you can call me Yuiren!"

He said it with a cheerful smile. In response, the bearded middle-aged man smiled back.

"Then, Yuiren-sama... please assist our daughter." (Note: 'Sama' is a high regard honorific that expresses respect for the addressee.)

"'Sama'? Oh, please...But first and foremost, her health! There's no need to be concerned, sir. I will do everything in my power to keep her safe! "

He responded. Soon after, he shifted his focus to the girls.

"Ah, please stay here, you two maids; I need you to support her frame."


"Y-yes, sir!"

They responded with a shy smile, stiff and a little blushed. By Guren's request, Andrea and the parents of the author's yet-unnamed girl went outside. Guren made his move for healing, taking advantage of the space created by their cooperation.


Guren began emitting a golden light with all of the energy he emitted, and soon after, gold wings appeared in his back from nowhere.

"The creator of all, the blesser of life, grant this girl a healing blaze!" White Magic: Fifth Blessing; HEALING GRACE!

A white light flashed across the carriage and spread throughout the area where they were. All wounded, all injured, heavy or light, as long as they are alive, have begun to feel warm. The warmth of light emitted by the carriage began to heal all manner of wounds. One by one, as if they hadn't even been wounded in the first place, they healed with no trace of the injury at all. That applies to everyone, including those inside the carriage. The girl's wound began to heal, regaining all of the blood she had lost. The wound did not last long. It was as if it was not there in the very beginning.

The girls' eyes, however, remained closed. She was still sleeping, and even worse, she wasn't breathing!

"Release RAPHAEL!... This is bad!"

Guren said this as he felt the girl's noise, confirming that she wasn't breathing.

"I felt a faint pulse, but she wasn't breathing!"

"N-no way! Onee-sama will die if she doesn't breathe!"

Yes, that's obvious, Chika-chan!

"No, don't be hasty. There is one way we can make her breath. An emergency CPR. Do you two know of it?"

"C?" says Mai.

Chika: "P?"

"R!" exclaims Guren. "Do you know how to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)?"

"We're very sorry, Yuiren-sama! We have no idea what that was... please forgive our ignorance!"

"All right, Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a lifesaving technique that can be used in a variety of situations, such as a heart attack or near drowning, where someone's breathing or heartbeat has stopped. Do you understand?"

"I-I see... yes... but we still don't know how to do it. Forgive us..."

"No, don't worry about it..."


"Hopeless, huh? I guess I'll have to do it myself. First and foremost, can you remove her upper underwear—guh, aww!!! Hey, what's that for?!"

"What are you saying, pervert? Ordering us to show you our lady's chest?"

Mai retaliated by saying this right after landing a huge slap on Guren.

"I didn't tell you to show me!!! Do it now, or else this girl will die!"

"Ugh... Okay... But don't do anything suspicious, ya hear?"

"I won't! I swear!"

Guren responded with the thought, 'What's with this 180 degree turn of treatment?'

And with that, the hook of the young girl's bra was slowly being removed, and as soon as it loosen...


...a silent remark from this closet pervert mixed with air as he noticed the lining of the girl's frame over her no-bra clothes. (Note: Man of culture!)

"Wait, did you say something?! Yu-i-ren-sa-ma?"

"No, I didn't! (sighed) Forget it... let's get started!"

Guren instructed the maids to place the girl on her back on a firm surface. After that, he knelt beside her and placed his heel on the center of her chest.

He kept his arms straight and covered the first hand with the heel of his other hand, interlocking his fingers on both hands. Keeping his fingers raised so that they do not come into contact with the patient's chest or rib cage.

He leaned forward, his shoulders directly over the patient's chest, and pressed down about two inches on the chest. He released the pressure but not his hands, allowing his chest to rise again and again.

He then moved on to the girl's head. To reopen the airway, he tilted her head and lifted her chin. Allowing her mouth to slightly open.

Guren pinched the nostrils shut with his forehead hand while supporting the girls' chin with his other. He took a normal breath and, after looking at her pinkish-beautiful lips, he placed his mouth over the girls'!

"Wait a minute—what are you doing, you scoundrel?!?"

Mai yelled, her face flushed, while Chika stood there with her mouth hanging open. This was the first time in a while Mai showed such expression. But, with all his might, Guren ignored the two of them at that moment.

Guren blew until he noticed her chest rising. He took his lips away from the girls' and looked down her chest, watching her chest fall. And when he saw she wasn't waking up, he repeated the process three times more. Chika fainted as a result of this scene, and Mai's mouth hung open as it had never moved before.

Not long after, the girl opened her eyes to find Gurens' lips locked on hers. But she was too weak to react. And as soon as she awoke, Guren noticed and smiled, relieved...

"Oh, thank God, you awoke!"

And these are the words that escaped from within. Even those outside the carriage are being informed.

"She did? Our daughter did?!"

The girl's parents rushed in with joy to see her awake, but with burning red and hazy eyes... after having Gurens' lips on her not long after awakening... She was bright red with blush and steamed oozing from her. She passed out yet again!

"What's the matter, our daughter?"

"Don't be alarmed, madam, sir; she just fainted; she's fine now..."

Though he knew why she fainted, he didn't say anything about it. And Mai was still there, mouth hanging open.

"Master, you did something, didn't you. You rascal!"(Note: This is Andrea!)

"I didn't!"

Guren thought to himself at the time, 'I already knew it once in the labyrinth...' A girl's lips, on the other hand, are warm and soft. It feels good..' (Pervy)

Finally, he realized that perhaps his First Human Encounter was not as bad as he had anticipated! True, he's a closet pervert! However, there is nothing wrong with a man being a pervert. It includes all of us.

...To be Continued...

Chapter Quiz!

How did your first kiss experience go?

A. I won't share it. It's embarrassing.

B. It went really well!

C. Too bad! I was not able to make the other party comfortable!

D. I don't have a first kiss experience yet. Damn it!

Edited chapter is out!

Happy read, guys! Thank you for supporting me by reading this book.

And if you feel like cheering me up! please VOTE for our book!

keep safe, Thank you, Everyone!

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