
Fangs of Justice:The Werewolf Detective

Embark on a riveting journey with the infamous witch hunter Grayson as he finds himself entangled in a chilling mystery in a quaint fishing village. A notorious fugitive on the empire's wanted list, Grayson stumbles upon a case shrouded in the supernatural—an ancient soul lies dormant, and three sacred relics with the power to seal the paramount forces of the vampiric aristocracy are at risk. Who dares to awaken the Vampire King? Is it a resurgence of the vampires' thirst for power? A dark sorcerer's sinister scheme? Or perhaps a treacherous shadow lurking among them? As Grayson delves deeper, he is poised to unravel the layers of truth veiling this enigma. Yet, amidst the unfolding secrets, one remains tightly guarded—what enshrouded mystery lies beneath Grayson's own cloak? Discover the secrets that await in this tale of desire, dark magic, and the unseen betrayals that haunt the night.

BlackSheep9 · Kỳ huyễn
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98 Chs

Death Isle

"I'm starting to feel fortunate it's me who came here," Grayson quipped as the Captain finished, turning to Katheren and Seraphine with a spread of his arms. "Had it been the commander of the Knights, he might have leaped from his chair to declare, 'I'm sorry, but you're under arrest!'"

As he mimicked Andros with an air of righteousness, Katheren and Seraphine couldn't help but laugh, covering their mouths. But then, Grayson's expression sobered as he turned to the Captain. "You're lucky; I'm not that kind of man. Now, tell me, how does one become this thief?"

"The enchantments I've seen are threefold, and I've figured out the first," the Captain began, pointing downwards. "At the bottom of the sea near the isle lies a slab that can lift the outer barrier."

"It sounds easy enough," Grayson nodded, seemingly pleased.

"Yes, for those with strong swimming skills, it's trivial. But first, you'll need to hold your breath for about five minutes. Someone must press their hand against the stone – the ancient power will transmit to the isle, temporarily lifting the outer seal."

"Temporarily?" Grayson caught that crucial word. "What do you mean?"

"It means as soon as you remove your hand, the barrier will restore," the Captain explained, furrowing his brows.

"That's great to know. Anything else we should be informed of?" Grayson followed up.

"Once on the isle, you'll follow the path to the lair, encountering enchanted stones along the way. If you can pry open the doors behind them like thieves, you might stealthily enter the lair's depths and perhaps find the chance to kill it before making your way out alive."

"So the key seems to be how to pry open these doors?" Grayson asked, eyes fixed on the Captain's bearded face.

"Use your head. If you're smart enough, you'll find the way," the Captain declared after downing a shot of rum, his words heavy with implication.

"Good advice that I'll take to heart," responded Grayson, bringing his glass to his lips. "Then we best set sail now. To the damned isle first, then to meet its master."

At the Captain's command, the pirate ship set sail for Death Isle. En route, Grayson joined Katheren and Seraphine on the ship's bow.

The deck was tranquil under the starry sky, the horizon yet to lighten. A night breeze wafted over, stirring the ladies' hair and bringing a hint of coolness. They stopped at the railing to watch the ship cleave through the waves.

Turning to Seraphine, Grayson requested, "Soon we'll be near the isle, and I'd like to ask you to..."

She cut him off, "No need to say more. I understand and accept. No one knows these waters better than I do. It's my duty to open the first door for you."

Her voice conveyed concern as she glanced at Grayson and Katheren, "But after that, you're on your own. I wish I could accompany you, but it seems there's only so much I can do for you two."

"Don't worry about us. If you think I'll meet my demise here, I can only laugh at the idea," Grayson assured her with a smile.

"I want to believe in you, as I do Andros and Morven. I've always trusted you all, haven't I?" Seraphine's expression was grave as she extended her delicate hand towards him. They clasped hands, and she turned to Katheren, pleading, "Don't disappoint me. I can't afford to lose any of you. I'll be waiting for your return."

"Count me in!" came the Captain's gruff voice from afar. They turned to see him with Lia at his side, approaching slowly.

"The lady's right. You must return alive, and I'm here to lend a hand," the Captain offered, handing his ghostly pistol to Grayson. "Fire a shot into the sky if you need me. I'll assist, but remember, it's not unlimited use."

"Thank you, Captain," Grayson said, accepting the weapon and securing it at his waist. "We're approaching," the Captain announced.

As they turned to gaze upon the isle, a sinister sight unfolded before them. The island's dark mountains and trees cast an eerie shadow under the dense black clouds, resembling a foreboding fortress of horror.

"The journey is shorter than I expected. Brace yourselves; the game is about to begin," Grayson said, nodding with significance to his companions.

The ship anchored near the isle, and the Captain summoned a muscular spectral sailor who had seen the stone. "He'll guide you to open the outer barrier," the Captain informed them.

"I'm off, then," Seraphine said, turning to Grayson, who took her into a gentle embrace and whispered encouragement in her ear.

She nodded, hugged Katheren, pecked the little owl, and dove into the sea, leaving a trail of ripples.

A ghostly dinghy was summoned. Grayson and Katheren descended into it, awaiting the moment Seraphine would lift the seal.

After some minutes, the isle's hazy veil lifted. "They've done it," the Captain applauded. "I thought they were all landlubbers!"

"Set off, Demon Hunter, and good luck," he called down to Grayson and Katheren.

"We'll hold you to your word, Captain. Take care of Miss Seraphine," Grayson called back confidently.

He waved to the Captain and Lia before the dinghy carried him and Katheren toward the dark isle. As it drew closer, Grayson turned to Katheren and asked softly, "Are you afraid?"

She bit her lip and nodded, then looked away towards the cloud-covered isle, flinching as thunder struck the island's peak.

Grayson grasped her hand reassuringly. "Remember what we said when we first decided to journey together? We're partners, and we face everything together."

Her eyes widened with resolve as he imparted trust and anticipation. It felt like a floodgate of strength opening within her.

They reached the isle's black shores, where Grayson stepped out with a resolute stride, followed by Katheren, armed with silver pistols. They ventured into the black forest, where twisted trees seemed to watch them with malevolent intent.

"Elyra, scout ahead and keep us alerted," Grayson commanded.

As the owl took flight, they waded through the eerie silence, the whispering wind attempting to ensnare their thoughts.

"Stay focused, ignore the whispers," Grayson advised Katheren, who nodded firmly, gripping her pistols.

Suddenly, Elyra returned with news, leading them to the first enchanted stone at a crossroads deep within the forest.

"This way," Elyra pointed, and they delved right.

As they turned, Katheren caught a glimpse of a white figure in the underbrush—a disheveled woman, draped in white, her blood-red eyes fixed on Katheren from the shadowy night.