


-Crushed Peonies-02

Sapphire Nightborne

I could do nothing but look down at my feet, wishing the ground would open up and swallow me. I had not thought about anything Xander had just mentioned, I had been short-sighted. All I thought of , in the past few hours, was that we needed the information Emery possessed immediately, never once did I think it would have a ripple effect. As a Head Warrior Commander of Blackwater, I was left with full authority to do whatever I wanted with captives as long as Ryder ended with the information he wanted, it had been that way for as long as I could remember... not once was I judged for my actions. Xander was right, even if we did have the information, if the pack followed in my example and lashed out against the werecats, we would be fighting two battles when we were already struggling with the one at hand.

/"Do you know why I was crying, Sapphire?/"