
Fang Cultivate Immortal

In the realm where immortality is sought through cultivation, Where strong eat weak, A transmigated person, with stability like old dog, Travel through different realm, Unexpectedly, thousands of years later, he would become a big boss in the world of cultivating immortals! Unlimited stream, (Douluo---)

DaoistHI4fqd · Kỳ huyễn
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: People Are cultivating immortal

As the north wind howls mercilessly, it sweeps through the landscape, lifting heaps of snow high into the air. The harshness of winter creates an imprisoning atmosphere, where even dripping water freezes into solid ice.

Yet amidst this sea of white, a remarkable sight emerges—a thriving forest of emerald green bamboo. The bamboo leaves possess a striking turquoise hue, resembling precious emeralds with their exquisite and translucent shine. Each leaf glistens with water droplets, resembling radiant pearls that reflect light.

Delicate veils of dreamlike, snow-white mist linger, enveloping the surroundings and transforming the place into an enchanting realm that resembles a fairyland.

Within the bamboo forest, a creature resembling a four-legged snake rapidly crawls through the grass. Its scales leave behind faint traces of vibrant colors in the air, creating an otherworldly spectacle.

Suddenly, a chilling gust of wind swoops down, landing upon the unsuspecting four-legged snake. The temperature around plummets drastically, causing the snake to instantly freeze, transforming into a lifelike sculpture made of ice.

"At last, I've captured this troublesome thief," a voice declares.

The bamboo forest stirs, and a young boy around 5-6 years emerges from its depths. He possesses agile movements and a commanding presence, standing tall and straight like a majestic pine tree. His features are handsome, with deep and crystal-clear eyes. Adorned in a thick, padded jacket, his face exhibits a sense of relief in this moment.

Approaching the icy sculpture, Fang Xi extends his hand to grasp the frozen four-legged snake. Gradually, his expression darkens, and he murmurs to himself, "What a loss!"

"This low-level demon insect, the Skink, is valued at a spirit crystal. I've wasted three whole days trying to capture it, not to mention the 'ice talisman' I've expended. Even though it's merely a first-level talisman of low grade, it still cost me half a spirit stone!"

Fang Xi's face was full of depression.

  The so-called 'spirit crystals' are fragments of spirit stones. Generally speaking, ten spirit crystals can be exchanged for one low-grade spirit stone.

  This transaction is of course a loss.

  However, if you don't do it, you can't do it!

  Because Fang Xi is the spiritual farmer of this bamboo forest, the next year's harvest depends entirely on the growth of this bamboo, so naturally he can't let this demonic insect ruin it.

  Hoo hoo!

  A gust of cold wind blew, making Fang Xi shiver coldly.

  He raised his head, looked at the sky full of noises and started to snow again, couldn't help wrapping his little padded jacket tightly around his body, and sighed in his heart: "Before I knew it, it's been a year since time travel? Didn't I time travel? I dare to believe that it turns out that cultivators are also afraid of the cold..."

  Yes, Fang Xi is a time traveler!

  His time travel, speaking of it, is unremarkable and nothing special. He worked hard in his previous life, was decadent after being admitted to university, neglected his studies, couldn't find a good job, and was told by his parents after graduation that he was squeezed into the entrance examination. The public army, and then the math problems of the line test made life worse than death.

Facts have proved that people are forced to rush, and they still can't solve the math problems!

  It's a pity that Fang Xi was on the examination room before the results of the public examination came out, and she crossed over!

  As soon as he opened his eyes, he came to this world where immortal cultivators existed, and he was also possessed by a Yound boy named Fang Xi.

  This young man named Fang Xi has first levels of Qi Refining and is alone. He is a spiritual farmer who is attached to Qingzhushanfang City, Yue Country, Nanhuang Immortal Cultivation Realm!, He just started cultivation.

  Originally, Fang Xi still had some disbelief in time travel, but after several hours of tossing, after tremblingly releasing the first small spell in his life according to his body memory, he was finally convinced that he really had mastered supernatural power, Became a high fairy!

  Of course, immortals are not considered immortals, they still have the elements of ordinary people, they have to experience cold, heat, cold and heat, and even birth, old age, sickness and death.

  The best example is the Situ family who controls Qingzhushanfang City. It is said that there are more than one 'foundation overhaul' in the family!

  As monks in the Foundation Establishment Stage, they are completely in line with the imagination of ordinary people. At least, their lifespan has been doubled, and they can easily live for two hundred years!

  Two hundred years! In the previous life, one could already see the rise and fall of most dynasties.

  Therefore, Fang Xi chose to inherit everything from the original owner, and continued to be a spiritual farmer in Fang City, and started her own path of cultivating immortals.

  at this time.

  Although He was very disgusted, after complaining, Fang Xi put the skink away carefully, after all, it was also a spirit crystal!

  He inherited the original owner's savings, and now his entire net worth is only a few tens of spirit crystals!

  As for the 'Green Jade and Green Bamboo Forest' in the sixth part of the land he is in charge of, the bamboo rice matures every year, and after paying half of the tax, there is only one hundred catties left, which is about one stone, worth thirty spirit crystals...

  After working hard for a year, I earned three low-grade spirit stones...

  "Alas, cultivating immortals is difficult, and survival is even more difficult!"

  Fang Xi sighed, waved off the snowflakes on her body, and began to clean up the weeds in the bamboo forest.

  These weeds are also nourished by the spiritual energy, and they grow very hard. If you don't pay attention, they will compete with the Jade bamboo for nutrients and affect the harvest.

  Therefore, if you want to be a spiritual farmer, you must be proficient in small spells such as the Spring Wind Transforming Rain Technique and the Gengjin Grass Naver Sword.

  Although Fang Xi has inherited the memory of the original owner, the farm work is still very difficult and life is also very painful.

  The first level of Qi refining is only the initial stage in the Qi refining period. In Qingzhushanfang City, it is not uncommon to find mid-stage monks above the fourth level of Qi refining. Occasionally, there will be great masters above the seventh level of Qi refining. Things abound.

  Even high-level magic cultivators, in order to refine powerful spells and magic weapons, although there are very few tragedies of blood sacrifices within a hundred miles, they are clearly recorded in the books.

  Sometimes, Fang Xi even thought about giving up the road of cultivating immortals, returning to the mortal country, becoming a rich man with a lot of wives and concubines, and it would be nice to spend the rest of his life like this.

  But soon, this idea was abandoned by him.

  After all, in terms of enjoyment, even the ancient emperors may not be able to catch up with an ordinary modern person.

  The only thing that can compare with modern people is the temptation of transcendence and longevity! After all he was bored to death, so with farming and cultivation he started spending his time.

  Therefore, although life was very hard, Fang Xi still gritted her teeth and survived.


  The sky was overcast as ink.

  Fang Xi looked up, looked at the sky, and started to rush to the residence.

  Although Qingzhushanfang City has a large mountain protection array, in order to save spirit stones, it usually only protects the main street and surrounding shops in Fangshi City. It is unnecessary to think about covering the whole mountain and even Lingtian District.

  Therefore, this area is not very safe at night.

  Although there is a law enforcement team from Situ's family patrolling, robbery and repairing crimes still happen from time to time. Of course, Fang Xi would not risk her life. After all he is an only 5 year old boy.

  The residential area of ​​Lingnong is close to Shandingfang City, and it is also a place where many patrols pass by, so it is relatively safe.

  Fang Xi maliciously speculated that it was probably because these spiritual farmers like himself were poor and white, and Jie Xiu looked down on them.

  After walking up the mountain for a while, a low-rise shanty town appeared in the eyes, each family was delimited by a fence, and the chickens and dogs heard each other.

  Seeing Fang Xi, a smile could not help showing on his face.

  After walking two steps, an immortal cultivator with the appearance of an old farmer passed by and greeted with a smile: "kid Fang, do you want to find a good place to play?"

  His face was full of wrinkles, and when he smiled, he showed two big yellow teeth. His aura was even lower than that of Fang Xi, around the second floor of Qi Refining.

  This is Fang Xi's Grandfather, Grandpa Fang.

  He is Fang Xi grandfather, which is 70 year old, 3rd level of Qi cultivation.

  Seeing the other party's expression at this time, he immediately knew where the other party was going.

  In the shantytowns that seem to be randomly built with wooden boards, there are also Kunxiu. They don't do much farming, and their lives are relatively good, and they have their own means of making a living.

  Grandpa Fang had been farming taught farming to Fang Xi, but his life was very difficult, and he came to ask him about food and cultivation, so one could imagine where his savings had gone.

  Fang Xi shook her head and refused: "Grandpa Fang, There is no progress. I still have to practice at night..."

  In fact, as soon as he got acquainted with this body, he went to the cultivation technique, After all in his previous life cultivation itself legendry thing, then He knew his cultivation is one of the most basic wood exercise technique after all, he is low level wood technique.

  I have to say that charm of cultivation are indeed very strong, but with the low level Spiirtual root it is annoying.

  And since then, Fang Xi here has devoted all his energy to farming and cultivation. he has no choice but to practice to death.

  'If you are not strong, what can you expect in the world of cultivating immortal.'

  Fang Xi returned to his house and opened the door.

  His room is very large, separated into small rooms such as the living room, bedroom, and training room... Some Kunxiu even plant some spiritual vegetables and raise some spiritual birds within the fence, which can be said to make full use of the land to the extreme.

  Fang Xi came to the kitchen, took out some Lingmi mixed with coarse grains, and cooked a pot of porridge for herself.

  Lingmi is naturally 'jasper and bamboo rice', each grain is like emerald jade, with a fragrance, even if it is mixed with ordinary people's polished rice and coarse grains, it is still delicious, and the taste is very sweet and delicious.

  Especially after eating, in addition to the warmth, there is also a faint aura rising in the stomach.

  Taking advantage of this opportunity, Fang Xi immediately came to the practice room to practice hard in retreat.

  Half an hour later, Fang Xi opened his eyes and smiled wryly: "This 'Changchun Jue' is really difficult. After a year of hard training, it is only enough to control the cultivation of the original owner. I haven't even seen the peak of the third level of Qi Refining. Not to mention the bottleneck in the middle stage of sprinting Qi refining...it's so difficult..."

  While sighing, he pricked up his ears to listen to the movement around him, then took out another talisman and pasted it on the wooden wall of the training room.

  This is a lower-tier 'Amulet', which has a certain defensive power, and most importantly, it can isolate sound and aura fluctuations! which given to him as a birthday present.

  As for the spiritual consciousness in the foundation building period, although it can't protect it, if it is scanned by the spiritual consciousness, it will explode immediately and remind the monks.

  After doing all this, the expression on Fang Xi's face returned to calm, and he snapped her fingers.


  In the blink of an eye, he had come to another place.

  Indoors, the lights are feasting, the warmth is like spring, and a purple gold incense burner is burning with the best tranquilizing spices.

  The soft chair made of rosewood is comfortable and pleasant, and Fang Xi is like old dog lying on it.

  And with his fingers, an air conditioner made by a cultivator turned on, keeping the room at a suitable temperature and humidity.

  After lying down enough, Fang Xi casually threw away the ragged cotton jacket and put on a suit of brocade clothes, which further set off the young man's graceful and unrestrained style.

  He opened the door, and a ray of dazzling sunlight poured down, and it was a huge and wealthy house.

  In the blink of an eye, it seems that the world has changed.

  In fact it is so!

  A smile formed on the corner of Fang Xi's mouth.

  When people are pushed into a hurry, they can do anything, including time travel! ! !

Let' waith for surprise

DaoistHI4fqdcreators' thoughts