
Grace Williams x Instructor!Erwina Chee

"Grace! Come on hurry up, we are going to be late." Rachel's light lilting accent called up the stairs for her daughter. Grace came galloping down the stairs, her pigtails flying around her head. "Can I see Danno today?" Rachel sighed, "After we are finished in court, Danny and I will take you out for shaved ice how does that sound?" Grace nodded grinning happily, pigtails swinging wildly.

Rachel pulled up to Erwina Chee's place, she was an instructor who specialised in meditation, drawing and dancing, she was also the best instructor for help children with difficult parental situations. Rachel had heard about her through a therapist that the courts suggested Grace attend to help her understand what was going on and to deal with it. Chee was waiting outside her place, headphones blaring music as she nodded her head along, her ponytail dancing with her movements. When she saw the car pull up, she tugged the headphones out of her ears and rose up. "Grace! Rachel, hey guys." Grace flung her arms around the woman, the pair of them had become fast friends. "Okay, so Danny and I have court. I have no idea how long we will be so I will call when we are done, can you meet us at Kamekona's shaved ice? Thank you again for this, it's been really helpful." Chee grinned, "No worries, Grace is amazing. Let me know if anything changes." Rachel nodded, kissing her daughter on her forehead, she took another moment before heading back to her car. Rachel hopped in and drove away after a moment. Grace turned to Erwina, "What are we doing today?"

Erwina smiled at her young charge, "We are going for a run along the beach." Grace gasped in delight at the change in pace, usually they would run through the forests or go rollerblading through Grace's neighbourhood. Erwina lived close to the beach, so her and Grace walked down to the sand. Once they arrived they walked down to the wet sand, were it was more compact and easier to run on. When they were there, Grace and Erwina got in a racing stance. "Ready little Williams?"

"Steady, Chee."

"Go." The pair of them began to race of down the beach, they started off nice and fast before slowing their pace and running properly. The pair of them ran down the beach until they saw Kamekona's shaved ice, when Erwina's phone rang. "Chee...Sure Rachel, we're almost there anyway." Erwina hung up, "Alright little Williams race you to Kamekona's." The littlest Williams run off racing ahead of her coach. Her pigtails jumping along with her. Grace stopped at the side of the road and waited for her coach to catch up. Erwina checked the cars that were coming and walked with Grace across the street. When Grace saw her parents, she raced over and flung herself into her father's waiting arms. "Danno!"

"Hey, monkey. How was the run?" He asked indulgently, "It was great, I won the race." Erwina smiled, "That's great monkey." He looked up at Erwina as he hugged his daughter. "Thanks."

Erwina smiled, "All good. See you next week, Grace?" Grace nodded, her pigtails swinging. "Thank you!" Erwina smiled and walked off, she stuck her headphones in her ears and ran off. Rachel walked over to her daughter and ex-husband, "Cherry for Grace, Lemon for Danny and Boysenberry for me." The trio sat together and began to eat their shaved ice, Grace smiled at her parents happy that for now they were a family.