
Father!G. Callen x Daughter!Reader x Mother!Kensi Blye

Kensi called the babysitter once again, the ringing of the phone began to terrify her as there was no answer. Her blood began to slow in her veins, panicked she ran in the bullpen and up into Ops. Callen watched as she darted past him, not saying anything. He had gotten back from a year and half-long undercover. He had had periodic updates from both Hetty and the team but Kensi was obviously keeping something from him. He and the team followed and witnessed a terrified Kensi staring at the screen as Hetty was ordering someone to do something through the phone. Nell was trying to comfort the shaking agent, Eric was typing at an impressive speed. "What's going on?" Callen asked hesitantly. "Our daughter and her babysitter have been kidnapped." Callen looked as if he had walked into a wall. "Our daughter."

Kensi flinched at Callen's surprised tone. "And babysitter." Deeks supplied. Kensi launched into an explanation and Callen attempted to shush her. "You were undercover when I found out and I didn't want to distract you and..." She trailed off as Callen drew an arm around her waist and pulled her close to him. He cupped her face in one of his hands. "I understand, it's okay. What's her name?"

"Elizabeth Blye-Callen. I was going to let you choose her middle name." Callen smiled at Kensi, "I love her name, we are going to find her, and everything will be alright."

The team searched harder than they ever had before for the missing family, Callen would in an attempt to calm Kensi down would ask her questions about their daughter. He learned that Hetty was godmother, (he agreed with that choice) and Sam was godfather (again he agreed). Callen discovered that Eric had made a video of Callen through the team's photos and some security footage, added music to it for the littlest member of the team. Everything significant that had happened had been filmed with the help of Sam and Eric. Callen also found out that Kensi and their daughter lived in a house that was Hetty's for the time being as a measure of safety and that Deeks was living with them for security. Kensi had also gotten a German Shepard puppy to with and protect their daughter. 

When Eric had located baby Elizabeth. the team rushed in and found both her and the babysitter alive and unharmed. Deeks helped the babysitter to safety while Kensi clutched her daughter who had slept through the whole ordeal.

Back at Ops, the teamgathered to watch Callen's interaction with his daughter. She yawned openingher little mouth was wide as it could go. "She's a year old." She handed littleElizabeth over to her father and he cradled her gently. Callen grinned down athis daughter and kissed Kensi on the cheek. "I was thinking about Clara for hermiddle name." Kensi grinned up at him and ran her finger down her daughter'snose gently. Hetty sighed, "I think it's lovely, hello Elizabeth Clara Blye-Callen."Kensi's grin could have lit up the universe when Callen glanced at her and hisonly registered thought was "How did I get so lucky?"