
Fan-Fiction: Journey of Lionel in the Multiverse

Lionel Fortis was just an ordinary otaku in your neighborhood. He lives his life watching animes, reading novels, playing games and even dreaming about his imaginary waifus. But why is he an otaku you say? The reason is that his whole body, except for his head and arms are disabled which means that he can't move that much. Which is why he loves anime and novels since it feels like he was the one traveling through different worlds and all. One day, his illness resulted in his death with an unknown cause and was later found out that the reason for it was a mistake from the Creator whom he had met. As compensation and for his entertainment, the Creator granted Lionel five wishes and made him travel to any world that he would like. Given a chance with a new life, Lionel takes the offer without hesitation and goes through a whole lot of change in his life. ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~ [First World] Coiling Dragon ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~ Note: This will be my third novel and to be honest I am also not sure whether I will be able to continue writing this one but I will try my best but just don't expect too much. ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~ ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~ Tags: [OP from the Start] [Harem] [Fan-Fiction] [Adventure] [Fantasy] [Organization Building] [Mutiple World] [World Travel] [Universe Travel] [Plot Destroying] [Fast Cultivation/Progress] ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~ ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~ Chapter Length: Will be 1000~2500 Chapter Release: Will be at random but expect to have two-to-three chapters a week. More if I can. Note: English is not my first language and I am not really good at English. Although I will be using Grammarly, there will still be mistakes so I am sorry for it in advance. ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~ ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~. Pat reon page: www.pat reon.com/rahers Pat reon advantages will be the advance chapters.

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14 Chs

Fenlai City

After almost a day of traveling at high speed, they have finally arrived at Fenlai City.

It served as the 'Holy Capital' of the Holy Union because the Radiant Church itself was headquartered in the western part of Fenlai City.

The entire city of Fenlai has divided into two parts; East Fenlai City, and West Fenlai City. East Fenlai City was governed by the King of Fenlai, while West Fenlai City was managed by the Radiant Church. Because Fenlai City was both the kingdom's capital as well as the Holy Capital, the opulence of Fenlai City could be matched by extremely few cities in the entire Yulan continent.

Fenlai City took up a huge amount of space and had more than a million denizens living within its area. In the entire Yulan continent, it could be considered one of the top five megacities.

It is already night and they were tired from their journey, they parked their carriage at their parking spot and then left it there. Since no one would even think of stealing it since the Fergan Horses only listens to the coachman which is together with Lionel.

As they walked on Fragrant Pavilion Road, the primary road of East Fenlai City, Lionel is amazed by the beauty of the city even though it is inferior to the Fanalis City back at there empire.

But seeing something that he had only read from the book really amazed him. As everyone who would say it from his previous world, Lionel is a transmigrator.

On his previous life, he was also known as Lionel Fortis. He was 24 years old when he died which is supposed to be the prime of his life. But because of his illness that renders him unable to move his body except for his head and arms, he soon died because of an unknown reason.

After he died, just like any cliche in isekai novels, Lionel met the Creator and he was given five wishes and will be transmigrated to another world of his choice. And obviously, Lionel chose the Coiling Dragon world as it was the first novel that ever inspired him. Even though he will totally destroy the plot since he will be having all the girls in the novel when they are older of course since he does not want to be labeled as a lolicon.

His wishes were to have the Library of Heaven's Path. In which, he will be able to compile any book by just looking at them or by using his spiritual force. It also has its other functions.

His second and third wish was to have a Supreme Comprehension and Supreme Growth. He will not have instant mastery but it would be close to that and the reason for this wish is so that he can have the joy of learning it. With the Supreme Growth, he will not have to worry about anything.

His fourth wish is the ability to travel through different Multiverses. This will allow him to travel to a different world at random and but he is also able to come back to the world he was previously at as long as he has a considerable amount of influence in that world.

And his last wish was to have an unlimited energy source of any kind, which ended up with him having unlimited stamina and mageforce which is really ridiculous.


They have arrived at the house they have built here in Fenlai City, which is just one of the many houses they have across the entire continent. This shows the influence and power of the Fanalis Empire.

They only eat their fill, talked for a bit and then they all went to sleep since they were all tired from their journey. Except for Lionel though because of his unlimited stamina, but he still slept since he likes it.


Early in the morning, Lionel was awake by something that has hit his stomach again and again. When he opened his eyes, he found the reason for it.

Morgiana was sitting on his stomach as she jumps up and down trying to wake him up. Although she could have just shaken him this was her way of waking him up, her unique way of waking him up that only the two of them knew.

Lionel "What are you doing?"

Morgiana "What else? I'm waking you home you dummy."

Morgiana had already stopped jumping as she was now sitting on his stomach. Their position was a bit ambiguous but this was nothing to Morgiana since she was already used to it and she doesn't treat Lionel as an outsider but rather someone who is important to her life.

Lionel "I know that. What I meant to ask is, why are you on top of me?"

Morgiana "What's wrong? Are you embarrassed that your face is turning red?"

Lionel "I'm not and it's your face that is turning red."

Even though Morgiana was already used to it, she was still a girl and it was a really ambiguous position. She was not someone who is not literate about that topic because as a princess, she was already taught about that at an early age.

Morgiana immediately gets off Lionel and then sat at the edge of his bed. Lionel then stood up from his bed as he began to stretch his body. As he was stretching, he asked Morgiana.

Lionel "So why are you here princess?"

Morgina "Moo. How many times have I told you that if it is only the two of us call me Morjie. Now say it with me, Mor-jie~"

Lionel sighs at her antics and said.

Lionel "Okay Morjie. What are you doing here?"

Morgiana "I'm going out so naturally you'll be going with me but you were still sleeping so I woke you up. Isn't that great?"

Lionel "No it's not."

Morgiana "Oh come on. Let's tour around the city, it'll be fun."

Lionel "Yeah, yeah. Get out so that I can change my clothes."

Morgiana "But can't I just stay here? It's not like I have not seen it all before though~"

At the end of her sentence, her voice turns lower as it gradually sounded like a mosquito.

Lionel just looked at Morgiana since he had heard what she just said. He then proceeds to change his clothes as he knew she was right.

Lionel was an orphan at his transmigration with no memories of his past or even his name. When he had transmigrated, the only thing he knew is that his name was Lionel Fortis the same name as his previous life.

What really surprised him is the existence of the Fanalis Empire which is not supposed to be in the novel. He was also very surprised when he saw Morgiana, which is the first and only princess.

Another surprising thing is that, even though he was an orphan, he was never mistreated by everyone in the empire but instead, he was respected by them. He had asked many people, even the king, and the other princes the reason but their only answer is that.

"You'll know when the time comes."

It was very confusing for him although he is really not that affected since he never knew who his parents were so he doesn't know how to feel about them. His only attachment to this world was Morgiana.


After he was done changing, he left his room followed by a red-faced Morgiana who was acting like she had seen nothing even though there was already some blood on her nose.

Lionel "Morjie let's go."

Morgiana "Coming!!"

Lionel was already out of the house and Morgiana can be seen running after him with a handkerchief on her hand which she is using to wipe her nose.

It was now time for them to tour the proclaimed, one of the five megacities in the whole continent. Whether it is just a title or not, it will be proven in the next chapter.

Hello! Hello!

I am not really good at naming titles so just bear with it. By the way, I just wrote this one but don't worry you guys as I will recheck them and change them a bit if I find any mistakes.

I will be aiming for five chapters today, well it's not like I will be able to.

Morgiana's nickname as Morjie, agree or disagree.

Lionel's nickname as Nel, agree or disagree?

MC will be an antihero, agree or disagree?

But what is an antihero by the way?

Raherscreators' thoughts