
Fame and Fortune in Hollywood

Translation of the novel by White Thirteen. 美利坚名利双收 作者:白色十三号

Sayonara816 · Người nổi tiếng
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62 Chs

Chapter 34: Playing an Even Wilder Game

A box truck was parked outside the Marietta Community Theater. Martin drove his Ford and parked diagonally across the street. He got out, crossed the road, and found Robert helping a lot of new faces move goods.

Robert wiped the sweat from his forehead and greeted him, "Come on, give me a hand."

Before Martin could respond, a window on the second floor of the theater facing the street opened. Jerome waved from above, "This isn't your job, Martin. Come on up."

Robert grumbled, "Fair much?"

Martin patted his arm before stepping into the theater. At least forty new faces were moving goods back and forth.

Jerome had hired many newcomers.

In the troupe leader's office, Martin kept his usual good demeanor, "Boss, I'm here."

Jerome warmly poured him a cup of coffee, "I specifically asked industry insiders in Los Angeles about that matter and got the details. It's a joint investment by multiple companies, led by Focus Pictures. It's a romantic drama, not yet publicly announced, temporarily titled 'Eternal Sunshine' or something else. It's been filming in Los Angeles for a while and will move to Atlanta next month."

Martin tried to recall. He had watched too many movies in his previous life. Romantic ones without any action left little impression.

His main concern wasn't here. He asked, "What about the female producer Andrew mentioned, Kelly Grey's friend? The Grey Company may assist the crew in Atlanta because of her. If we can get her information, the troupe might have a chance."

This was also Jerome's focus. How many people would be willing to pay membership fees if the troupe partnered with a real Hollywood production team?

Jerome had investigated thoroughly, "Her name is Louise Mel, the executive producer of the crew and the owner of Pacific Pictures. It's said she's also an investor. And there's one more bit of potentially useful information: Louise Mel is a trustee of the LA Freedom Association."

Martin wasn't surprised. Kelly Grey had talked to him about Los Angeles, heavily influenced by Californians.

"Boss, you're well-informed." Martin praised him at the right moment.

Jerome couldn't help but laugh, "Don't forget, our troupe once had Robert Patrick!"

Martin understood. Jerome probably had connections with the T-1000.

Jerome continued, "Stay close to Grey Company, and don't forget the troupe." He promised confidently, "If the troupe can be involved in this major production, Martin, I'll recommend you as the deputy."

The troupe was an important channel, so Martin immediately declared, "I'm a member of the Marietta Troupe."

Jerome didn't mention anything about membership fees. If this really worked out, there would be no worry about collecting fees.

After leaving, Martin went to the Marietta Library to use a public computer and looked up Louise Mel, finding little information.

Next, he drove to a quiet spot to think carefully.

"Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" had a $20 million investment, crushing all of Grey Company's works combined.

Likewise, Louise Mel was beyond the ceiling he could reach currently, higher than Kelly Grey.

Martin believed that networking was key.

And he had a channel--Kelly Grey.

The gathered information indicated that the other party was a member of the Freedom Association, and Kelly Grey had mentioned that her friend in Los Angeles liked wine.

The latter was manageable, but the former was tricky.

Hollywood had always been at the forefront of freedom and democracy, often playing the wildest games. What Kelly Grey found interesting might just be commonplace for Hollywood.

Playing an even wilder game?

Martin had considered before to increase the sales of Beast House's products. One particular product seemed well-suited for the freedom fighters.

It best matched the social climate and public opinion.

But again, it squared off against the Methodists.

If handled well, he could make a small fortune.

As for failure, it wouldn't be worse than now. At worst, back to the stage.

Martin calculated the time for the crew's arrival and thought for a while. He called Buckley, a reporter from the Atlanta Star newspaper.

Buckley, ever courteous to civilized people who paid him, answered, "Mr. Davis?"

Martin asked, "Can you help find out who the most hardline conservative leader within the Methodist Association is? Has he or she had any public activities recently? Can you find related information?"

He added, "I won't let my friend do this for free."

Buckley laughed, "Leave it to me."

After exchanging a few more words, Martin hung up.

He checked the time and drove to the club.

The Troupe was rehearsing a tap dance, choreographed by the Savannah College of Art and Design.

Bruce, leaning against the bar, asked, "Your sugar mama coming tonight?"

"Maybe." Martin pulled up a high stool, sitting down to enjoy the dance. Without the stripping elements, the Troupe's dancing was quite good.

Bruce, mindful of civility, asked, "Are you ready?"

Martin, thinking about earlier matters, replied, "That's not important, just a filler option."

"A filler?" Bruce nodded with a foolish smile, "You got the gist."

At 8:30 pm, Kelly Grey arrived at the club. Unlike her professional attire during the day, she wore a dress and makeup, looking much younger.

She watched the tap dance for a while, then tossed a $20 tip in small bills and walked to the bar.

"Good evening, Kelly," Martin approached.

Bruce intuitively took over all the bar work.

Kelly Grey sat on a high stool and asked, "Any recommendations tonight?"

Martin didn't answer but instead asked, "Anything special you'd like to do recently?"

Kelly Grey thought for a moment, "I'd love to vacation by the sea but can't leave my work and responsibilities."

"Got it." Martin opened a shaker, added ice, gin, blue curacao, and lemon liqueur, shook it evenly, and poured it into a chilled martini glass, finishing with a lemon slice garnish.

The blue cocktail looked like the pristine sea.

"Tropical Twilight." He didn't forget to add, "On the house, as usual."

Slowly savoring the drink, Kelly Grey asked, "I heard the Methodists are accusing Beast House of male discrimination?"

"Shameful slander! I'm planning to give them a hard time," Martin stated, "I read the newspapers. The conservative backlash is insane, with the Methodists leading the charge, openly slandering the Freedom Association and Beast House, even accusing us of gender discrimination!"

He firmly said, "Is it wrong for the club to prioritize female entry? Isn't that the chivalry we always advocate? How is that discrimination?"

Kelly didn't see an issue, believing women should indeed be prioritized. She specifically reminded him, "Involving discrimination can be troublesome. If you need help, don't hesitate to ask."

Martin took responsibility, "Kelly, you shouldn't lower your standards to engage in such low-level battles. The Methodists' scum doesn't deserve it."

"You've got a point." Kelly nodded slightly, "Go ahead with this, the Freedom Association will support you."

Martin thought for a moment and added, "The Methodists are using slander as their attack. I... Kelly, I come from the grassroots, my responses might be a bit crude."

Kelly Grey considered it briefly, "Here's the thing, give me your detailed information. The Freedom Association also has male staff. I can recommend you as a part-time social investigator for the ATL Freedom Association."

Martin thought he might be overacting, but he couldn't turn back now, "Alright!"

He wondered, does this part-time job pay?

But holding back to maintain his newly established image, he didn't ask.

The music in the dance hall suddenly paused. Hart stood on the circular stage, holding a microphone, shouting to the women below, "Tonight we have a special program, the debut acting performance by Beast House's number one hunk, the guy you dream of taking down, Martin Davis! Coming up!"

Over a hundred customers cheered loudly.

