
False Prophet 9: Do not Waver in your Faith

Do not waver in your faith, do not deny God and fall into the deceptions of comfort. 

In all thy ways let all His ways be established and do not try to pave your own way. That is the biggest trap the devil can do. To lie to you and say that there are many ways to God's blessings. No, there is only one way.

Do not be lovers of yourselves and do not satisfy the lusts of the flesh.

 Do not stray away from God's Commandments and walk into the wilderness rather than the spiritual lands of Egypt.

 When you doubt God's path, you are doubting your future. You are doubting everything that has been set before you and decided to follow your own Will instead of walking by Faith and not by sight. Do not fall into deceptions and do not fall into the mirage of time. You can only be forgiven so many times before you separate yourself from them.

And unfortunately, I have done so.

Do not fall into the Seven Deadly sins. There is a reason why they are named Deadly. Do not tempt the LORD your God and do not fall into the deceitfulness of riches in all thy ways let God's ways be established.