It is written, Lay not for yourselves treasures on Earth where moth and rust corrupt and where thieves break through and steal. But lay up for yourselves treasures in Heaven. Where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt.
When you decide to Worship money more than God, you are breaking his heart and choosing riches of this world over Eternal Salvation. Willfully Sinning is a token to breaking a covenant with God. Do not willfully sin.
God sees through the actions and hearts of others not just through words. Vain repetitions like the Heathen will get you nowhere. It is by presenting and worshipping God through actions that will get you into salvation. Present your actions before God and not sacrifices. Do not sacrifice your soul to the Heathen, for riches and pleasures for this shall surely not last but Jesus Christ, the Bread of Life shall last.
Love one another as yourself and do not fall into lusts. In all thy ways, let God be established in every corner of your lives. A little leaven leavened the whole lump.