
False Prophet 10: A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump

One Sin can lead to destruction.

 Be not conformed to this world.

 In all thy ways let God's ways be established. 

For he is loving and compassionate, slow to anger and of great mercy. But do not take advantage of it and repent of your deeds. Truly repent and be not lukewarm. Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. Do not go into the broad path that leads to destruction and do not tempt your LORD your God. In all thy ways let his ways be established. Love one another as he had loved you.

Do not follow your heart and listen to the Holy Spirit. Please, listen to the Holy Spirit. Hell is a real place and if you do not follow the Will of God and meditate on God's Word day and night, you will not be forgiven. In all thy ways let his ways be established and be ye not conformed to this world.