
False Confidence

Harper Wilders is the definition of carefree teen, she does everything with passion and her whole heart. Then She meets Alena Reed, the Confident temptress that plagues her mind. Things seem to be going well until Alena transfers to her school at the beginning of senior year. Harper learns that not everyone's lives are as easy as hers and that sometimes following your heart means sacrifice. Follow in the journey as Harper learns what love truly is and Alena learns how to trust once again.

Butterfly_Writter · LGBT+
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10 Chs

Chapter 1

Our school was hosting the cheer nationals once more- It was painful to watch so many princesses in one room competing for the spotlight. The fact that I, myself, had to be in the room was mostly to due to the fact that one Princess of one team was my twin sister, not identical but close enough. Supporting her was a muscle memory. She has been cheering since she was six. Hasn't stopped since. I spent one day in the uniform and threw the most epic tantrum in protest for the terrible sport. I was never made to go back, except of course to sit on the bleachers and cheer on the cheerleader. I mostly ditched the whole scheme to sit under the bleachers and blow spit bubbles with my best friend Spencer Rueben.

"Water!" I swear the whole team thought I was their resident water rookie. I glare at Betty-boo or whatever her name is.

"Get your own water Barbie."

"My name is Blair!" Said Barbie screeches in a pitch only meant for horses. "I literally come to your house every day!"

"Do not remind me." I say rubbing my ears and dodging her pony tale. "You have a pimple." The dryness of my voice should help her figure out that I am being sarcastic but then again if she got that, what fun would I have watching her freak out and run to the nearest mirror in panic.

"You are a bitch." Sarah is my sisters right hand, she doesn't take nonsense and she doesn't get walked over by anyone. I am included in that list. She is the only one I can stand. I watch as she takes out her earrings and places them on the tray on her changing table. "If you take any of my st-" She cuts herself off with a glare in my direction when I spray her perfume and fiddle with her phone on the table.

"Go annoy someone else?"

"No fun, Harriet just flips me off to our parents."

"I understand her pain."

Sticking my tongue out I head out the dressing room, tired of the same walls and people I have known for years on years. Slowing making my way back to the main competition room I examine the different types of girls competing but really they all look the same. Fake. Letting my hands run over the bump walls of Avery Prep I feel every crevice, trying very hard to focus on the texture and not the eyes that analyze my outfit and presence at this prestigious day. I am not in a skirt, with a high pony or perfect curls. There are no letters on my shirt. Instead I wear a baggy shirt with daisies all over and sweats. My hair should definitely be a topic of examination, I can feel the blonde curls tumbling out of the bun I shoved them into.

The snotty sneers is nothing I am not used.

"Would you like a program?"

"Spencer, try behave." Eyeing the stack in his hands "If Harriet sees you with those-" I leave the statement open ended because we both know Harriet hates when Spencer meddles with her cheer things. When my bestfriend and my sister first let me in on the fact that they are dating I nearly lost my mind. But in the end it just meant the two people I love the most being together and besides- they seemed to balance each other out in perfect proportion.

"I am merely helping."

"Just give the pamphlets to O'Brien and lets get a seat." With a sigh he does just that and follows me into the auditorium. Our seats are the same as before and I merely pull out my snack pack and hand out the treats I brought for the occasion. Happily munching on strawberry treats, I let my eyes wonder around once more, we are in the last leg of the competition and everything has been going smoothly for our school. I am happy because that means Harriet will be happy and Sarah will be as well. Which, in my mind equals less complaining at home.

"Who is next?"

"The Ferns." We share a grimace because the Ferns are actually elite's from Fern field Prep, our number one rival in everything. They have been out of the competition scene for awhile in cheerleading but I caught wind that they have a new Captain who is really good. " Who is their new Captain?"

"There she is." I follow his nod, another strawberry bit halfway to my mouth when I lay eyes on the only one who could possibly be the new head cheerleader since she was the only one I hadn't seen before. I am sure I stop in my humming to the catchy tune over head. In fact I am sure the food in my hand drops to the floor to become food to the mites and little bugs that live for crumbs. Because the girl before me is nothing like the Barbie's I have seen before. She is elegance itself.

I am not sure how fast my eyes dart across her features as she chats to a group of green. Her hair is black, or maybe a deep brown, but it silkily laps the middle of her back, swaying from the long ponytail. I follow its length, over fine strands to perfectly proportioned pointy ears and high cheek bones. I can tell she is wearing blush but only a little. Her nose is straight, moving on I reach her lips, plump and red. I swallow, suddenly I am regretting the strawberry bits. They are stuck in my throat, and suddenly I am choking- which to my horror- with a swish of a ponytail draws dark and sparkling eyes in my direction. Oh, the horror . I must look like a right twat turning prune from choking, While Spencer thumps me on the back.

"Here drink some." A heavy black bottle is thrust in my face, my redness is not due to the lack of air but instead from the deep and smooth honey that spews from her mouth as she hands me her own water. My hands brush hers sending warmth up my arm as I quickly take it and gulp down her icy water, only it isn't just water- it is bitter and because I do not know what has gotten into me I spew it back out, only it doesn't go all over the dark hair beauty in front of me- it goes to the left and spews on the Barbie beside her.

I think the world spins before it slows down. I see her red lips open in surprise, her face turn to her left, so does mine when suddenly I see it coming, the hand, before the sting. If everyone's eyes are not on us then I will eat my hat.

"Harper!" Spencer is astonished, standing up and jumping in front of me. I hear a whistle but no one moves as I clutch my cheek. Eyes burning as they meet those dark and delightful ones. "Why would you do that!?"

"She ruined my outfit, we were about to go on!"

"It was an accident you didn't need to slap her!" Spencer is the advocate of the weak and defenseless. Always has been, he rescued baby lizards growing up and made lady bird houses to protect them from the rain. He has the softest heart and yet when his defenses are raised he is a warrior.

"I think they are calling you." Somehow I manage to mutter lifting the hand not attached to my stinging cheek and pointing to the impatient looking judges.

"Blast." honey seems to fill all my sense "Girls get in formation." They are hurrying away when she turns "Can I find you after?" Not waiting for a reply she scurries off, her bottle forgotten at our feet. I want her to find me later but as soon as her routine begins Harriet messages me with a hair emergency. I scurry off, trying my best to forget about the walking siren that I am leaving behind.