
Fallout New Vegas: The Sociopathic Courier

Follow a realistic video game, main character! Watch him act like a video game character in the fallout world. Hi, I am writing this about what I think someone with a system would act like realistically.

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2 Chs

Chapter 1

I woke up to the sound of an old fan. Opening my eyes, I close them immediately. The light was blinding . . . "Urghhhh"

"Ah, you're finally up. I'm Doc Mitchell, and I helped you recover from your wound."

Wait, what? All I remember is a flash and loud band. Shit! I got fucking shot in the head! How was I saved though? I can't remember anything else, but I know my name was, IS Dovah.

Looking up, I glance at the Doctor and ask, "What, what happened to me?"

"Well you were shot in the head, but you were dug out and brought to me. I managed to save you, but can you make sure that I put everything back the same way?"

He held up a mirror to me, and I saw a tall, golden-haired man, with muscles of steel showing through my bandages, and a long thin nose splitting a perfect face. Wow! I am truly a divinely looking man.

"Alright, well let's get you up, so I can give you some more tests."

Standing up, everything freezes, and a screen pops up before me.


Strength- 5

Perception- 5

Endurance- 5

Charisma- 5

Intelligence- 5

Agility- 5

Luck- 5

Free Points Remaining: 5

Hmmm, with this screen and the ability to put these points wherever I want, I truly am very SPECIAL. Now looking at all of these, I tap on them to what they specifically mean. (Exactly the same as in-game)

After thinking and playing around with it, I figured out that I can take away points too. So I decided to go with this:


Strength- 5

Perception- 6

Endurance- 8

Charisma- 1

Intelligence- 9

Agility- 5

Luck- 6

Free Points Remaining: 0


Yes No

I decided to take away all my points from charisma, because I know that people will just find me incredible either way, because of my looks and by just being myself.

After confirming my decisions, time started up again. I continued following Doc Mitchell and let him give me his weird tests. Those pictures were incredibly obvious. Like the last one was a picture of two bears worshipping someone. Wait! What if that someone was me, and Doc Mitchell is secretly an oracle?!!?!?!?

Anyway, after I finished the Doctor's Oracle's test time stopped again.


Barter - 7

Energy Weapons - 17

Explosives - 17

Guns - 30

Lockpick- 20

Medicine- 25

Melee Weapons- 15

Repair - 38

Science - 25

Sneak- 10

Speech- 25

Survival 23

Unarmed- 23

Alright, I can't change any of these. However, they seem better than average, and that is probably because I was a courier. That means I have lots of experience walking around the wasteland and defending myself.

Next, I just talked some more to the Doc, and thanked him. He said I was pretty much good to go, so we got up- a new screen popped up:

Choose up to two Traits:

Built to destroy

Fast Shot

Four Eyes

Good Natured

Heavy Handed


Loose Cannon

Small Frame

Trigger Discipline

Wild Wasteland

Looking at all the options, I decided to just pick Built to Destroy. I chose Built to Destroy, because with my high repair skill I should be able to fix it easily enough. Nothing else really looked good, so I decided to just pick that.

Walking to the front door with Doc Mitchell, he gave me a vault 21 suit, a pipboy, and 7 stimpaks.

"You should check out Sunny Smiles. She could help you learn how to survive in the desert."

I thanked him for everything, and went outside.