
Fallout:New Vega Shattered Destinies

*In Ron the Narrator's voice* The Courier who has cheated death twice looked at the desolation of the Mojave along with the rest of the wasteland with disgust not just to its worst, not just to the many factions who bicker and argue, but also to himself. Having enough of the constant bloodshed he decided to flip the script and break the many destinies that was set for him and for everyone in it. But when he is set into a new world where everything is different can he survive? He doesn't know but he knows one thing for sure... War never changes. (Disclaimer: I don't own RWBY or Fallout:New Vegas, or anything that is not mine belongs to to their original creators)

Normal_Teen208 · Khác
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Information (Please read first!)

Okay I'm my story is gonna be a little confusing without some context so here are some things to keep in mind.

*There will in dialogue sometimes skill checks, S.P.E.C.I.A.L checks, perk checks, basically anything in the game in dialogue even new perks

*The story will have PRACTICAL weaponry because I have problems seeing the survivalist rifle in some fanfictions which is an extremely broken down and worn rifle with a limited capacity and just shoots so you will see some unusual choices here

* There would be some wild wasteland except with modern-time references or whatnot

*And some chapters would have flashbacks or called memories where we go to the journey of the Courier before the plot of the story.

*This would take place from a 3rd person perspective

*At some chapters or memories at the end there would be stats, weapons, and all that stuff so keep that in mind

*And finally the Courier's stats will be as realistic as possible considering the DLCs, his feats in the game,etc

*Ammunition is to be ignored

and that's all enjoy