
Fallout New Game +

Hey so this is basically another writing project for fun and creativity. the story will be about a guy reborn in the world of fallout and him becoming... well I don't know what he'll become but lets find out together in the wastes. Oh just a warning but this is a darkish story so if your not comfortable with serious gore, drug accident and probably other stuff then you probably skip this. Oh also I don't own the fallout franchise or anything like that .., I don't know why I need to say that but every fanfic does so yeah if you guys were wondering I ain't Bethesda.

kingmidas192 · Diễn sinh trò chơi
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
30 Chs

Getting started

With the goals set for us, we make our way out of the RobCo building and onward to find some raider groups to take out and interrogate, which didn't take long as we walk down the street heading away from the RobCo building when we hear the sound of gunfire but luckily after getting all tense and looking around we quickly found out we weren't being ambushed but there definitely seem to be some fighting going on nearby.

Not wasting time I try to figure out where the sounds of the gun fight was coming from but before I could figure it out Grognak starts heads toward a direction and says " this way" which I just do without thinking because he probably was doing the same thing but was faster than me at doing it.

Walking up the hill we look down after getting to the top and seeing a skirmish going down we look amongst ourselves and quickly form up a plan on what to do, with that quickly hammered out I grab 10mm pistol and aim it at the winning group, waiting for the rest to line up their aims on whoever their aiming for I take a couple until everyone mumble that they are ready, expect Grognak as he preferred using his sword so he wasn't apart of this portion of the plan.

I readjust my aim quickly and then mumble that I'm ready to and with that we all squeeze out triggers, letting out a volley of bullets down on the two groups, striking down whoever was out of cover or who their cover didn't held up against a bullet.

By the time we all stop firing the majority of both groups where dead expect the ones hiding behind cars or other strong covers. " Well Grognak, have fun with them but make sure to bring one or two of them alive" I say and give him a nod which he gives back before breaking into a full dead on sprint down towards where the raiders are at. Looking down at Grognak, once he gets to them he jumps into the air before slamming his greatsword into one of the raiders which causes or I think causes all of them to scream in bloody terror as they start to shoot at him.

Knowing nothing was going to happen to Grognak I look away and focus reloading my 10mm while thinking about how the fuck are we going to take out the brotherhood of steel, grill grill and from what the sounds of it our former comrade ... there's got to be some way to deal with them, that's when it hit me, what if there was a way to three birds with one stone.