
Falling While Running

Jewel Jules Munroe has been on the run from Mercury labs since she was eighteen. She got lucky for five years evading their capture until Captain Owen Matthews, SAS Offier captured her and brings her back . However , soon he questions whether or not he made the right choice bringing the girl who dreams back to the people who claim her to be Government Property.

Bonita_duba · Khoa huyễn
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

There was this moment.

A single moment in every person`s life that they look forward to. A moment of euphoria when their biggest dream is realized and has come true. Once upon a time for me, it was when my acceptance letter arrived at my home, explaining that I had been accepted for the Stanford Freshman Honors Programs. Most kids in my situation would only dream of achieving it and I was once them. Not anymore.

I remember that my mom was over the top. She was so excited that she literally ran out and yelled that that her daughter was going to Stanford.

My dad just smiled and hugged me as he read the letter out loud to my younger siblings. Twin girls, Sally and Anna, whom I adored with all my heart. Back then, it was easier to love them, unconditional love was something all children were born with. Regardless of blood.

"So how are we celebrating tonight?"

I bit my lip as I watched my friend, Tanya, apply a fresh round of lip-gloss. Her green eyes narrowed in concentration in the mirror`s reflection. Sometimes, I wished I had her confidence. To wear make-up and not feel self-conscious about it.

"I can't, "I replied. "I promised my parents I was going to the stay in while they take the twins to their recital."

Tanya turned to frown at me," Oh come, on, Jules! These are our last days as high school students. You`ll never have another chance of going to a high school party again."

Tanya had come over early claiming to spend time with me before our graduation seeing as she would go to Berkley and I was going to Stanford. We would be separated for an entire year before summer came around. My parents agreed to our sleepover but didn`t really know that Tanya had other plans. Partying plans, that is.

"I don`t know."

"Please," Tanya moved to stand in front of me with her hands clasped in prayer." You've got to be my Wing woman tonight."

"Tonight? There`s a party tonight?"

Tanya nodded frantically, "Yep, at Reggie`s house. His parents are out for a big Benefit this weekend and he`s throwing a big going-away party."

I knew it was wrong back then but my loyalty to Tanya was also great. Whenever she asked or beg, I felt obliged to agree with her. Some best friend I was.


I pursed my lips and thought it through. If we left early and came back early, mum and dad wouldn`t even know that I left the house.

"Okay," I conceded and Tanya shrieked with happiness before tackling me into a hug," But only for a little while, we have to be home before mum and dad."

Tanya pulled away and smiled," I promise."

Some promise it was back then.

We didn`t waste any time getting ready and leaving the house as Tanya called her brother Timmy to pick us up on his way to Reggie's.

When I got in the car, I noticed that Edward was riding shotgun. Timmy turned to me with a smile, his features mirroring his twin sisters, "What's up Stanford girl?"

"Timmy," I greeted as I shut the car door," Still waiting on NYU?"

"Not anymore, just got my letter this morning. "Timmy answered as his car pulled away from my house and drove down the street.


"Yep, this time next year, I`ll be in NYU."

I grinned and moved forward to punch his shoulder, "That's amazing! Congratulations Timmy!"

He turned and smiled at me, "Thanks."

Tanya shoved me back in seat and moved to lean over Edward`s shoulder, "And you sugar? Where are you going?"

Edward turned to glance at me before he locked onto Tanya`s smiling face, "Back to England."

I frowned," Why?"

"Our dearest Eddie here is enlisting. He wants to join the SAS." Timmy answered my question.

"SAS?" Tanya echoed.

I cleared my throat to get her attention, "It means Special Air Services. It's a special air force section of the British Army. They`re supposed to be elite."

"Oh," Tanya then licked her lips as Edward nodded, "Well, I always did love a man in uniform."

Timmy grimaced and turned to my best friend, "Gross sis."

"What? Edward isn`t offended. He likes it."

I smiled sadly and looked down at my fingers. Short and unpainted. Plain, just like the rest of me. No wonder guys are always interested in Tanya. I honestly thought I would have a chance with Edward, who seemed so quiet, smart and didn`t mind that I was brainy but I should have known. Guys these days wanted girls like Tanya.

I stared at my fingers until we arrived at Reggie`s. The music was loud and a lot of the students from our school were already here. Even the Student Body President Henry Pauls.

As I got out of the car, I stopped and rubbed my arms. I forgot to wear my jacket and the cool air of April was getting to me.

"Get back in the car!"

I frowned as I saw Ian and Frank come running down the stairs with a bag pack each. Tanya folder her arms and leaned back against her door as Timmy frowned at our friends.


"Because we`re going to an after party."

"But we just got here Ian," I stated.

"And you won`t have to worry about missing anything," Ian said as he kissed my forehead and turned me around, trying to lead me to his car which was parked behind Timmy`s.

"Follow us Timmy boy," Frank said as he slapped Timmy`s shoulder.

"Jules was riding with us," Edward spoke up and that made Ian pause.

He turned and smirked at the English boy," Yeah, but I have to talk to her so she`ll be riding with me and Frank."

"Frank and I, dude, Frank and I," I corrected.

Ian turned back to me and pinched my cheeks but I slapped his hands away. He had been doing this to me since Middle School and it was sort of our little games.

Ian then glanced at Edward," She`s with us lover boy. We`ll see you at St Bonaventura's."

I felt flustered and looked away only to catch the look on Tanya`s face. She didn`t look very happy and her face was in a frown.

"The hospital? But it's been closed down for years, "Timmy pointed out.

"Not tonight."

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