
A New Boyfriend

"Yo! Jade!"

Carla's screams called her through the crowd of her college friends. She waved her hand at Jade who had just gotten out of the car.

Jade turned and returned the wave with a smile. She also approached because Carla and other friends were gathered in Wales' pickup truck.

"Hey!" said Jade while giving Carla, Wales, Kesha, and Dave a high five.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Jade. Did you have a lovely day?" Dave asked teasingly and said it. He also gave a chocolate bar in a very sweet pink ribbon.

"Thanks, Dave. And yeah, I had a great day. New boyfriend!" Jade announced.

Her four friends stared at her in disbelief. They looked at each other and looked surprised. "Are you serious?" Carla asked.

Jade nodded with a grin that revealed a row of white, even teeth. "I'll introduce him to you when the time is right."

"No way! I think I'm too late," said Dave weakly, acting heartbroken.

Jade laughed and punched him in the stomach. She knew that Dave was only joking because it was only Dave and her who still looked single. But now, Jade already has Max as her boyfriend.

"Who's he?" asked Kesha.

"Surely he's a man. Tall, white, handsome, kind, and very romantic!" Jade said, telling his features.

"What's his name?" asked Wales.

"Max. Maximillian. Don't be so curious, I'll introduce him to you as I said before."

The campus bell rang and they went to class. Starting the lesson as usual always made Jade feel sleepy whenever Mrs. Willow tells about history.

"Well, as an assignment, write an article about the Second World War in your language. Include the source behind it and I don't want any cheating! Submit it next Monday. The class is done!" explained Mrs. Willow then left the classroom after two hours of lessons were over.

Jade stretches and gets a message from Max's number. Her face immediately smiled and beamed.

The text said that Max asked her out after she finished college. Of course, she couldn't wait to finish her studies.

"Hey, why are you smiling?" Carla asked, approaching her.

"Oh, it's nothing. Come on, let's go to the cafeteria," Jade said as she put her books into her bag.

Taking the food in line and sitting where Carla always chose, Jade sighed because she felt starving. She looked around and felt that today looked very crowded.

"There are many people here," he said.

"Well, it's Valentine's Day. Did you know that Leila had Valentine's party in the hall tonight?" Carla asked.

"Yes, Leila the party queen," said Kesha.

Jade raised one eyebrow. She was indeed the only one among them who knew nothing of such things. So she shrugged her shoulders while devouring her food.

"No idea about that. We don't have to come, do you?" Jade asked.

"Mandatory. Gosh, Jade! You look as if you're not a student here!" said Carla.

"Well, then what's the dress code? What time and what are the conditions?" Jade asked, ignoring Carla's words.

"The dress code is free. 7 p.m. and bring your partner. Well, it seems like tonight you can introduce Max to us," answered Kesha with a meaningful smile.

Jade bit her lip. She thought to take Max according to Kesha's words. But she also had to ask Max if he was willing or not. Without replying to Kesha's words, Jade immediately sent a text to Max.

A smile appeared as soon as Max replied to her message that he agreed to her invitation to go to Valentine's party.


"Okay?" Kesha and Carla asked at the same time.

"Tonight I'm taking Max and introducing him to you guys," she said enthusiastically.


Jade thought she wouldn't see her father at home. Zack was there with his friends eating together. She greeted them all then went up to her room to put her bag and then came back down.

Suddenly, Zack was at the bottom of the stairs waiting for her. One hand on his waist while looking at Jade.

"Where are you going? What a rush," Zack asked.

"Hang out with a friend."

"Boy or girl?"

"Boy, Dad. Don't worry, I always carry that tube of pepper powder with me," Jade said trying to calm her father down.

Zack nodded. The exhaustion on his face was as clear as a lack of sleep. "You should get some rest. You look older," Jade said.

"Well, I am. By the way, friend or boyfriend?"

Jade is silent. She promised not to reveal Max's identity to anyone, including her father who turned out to be a vampire hunter and she only found out last night. But she didn't promise to say that Max was her boyfriend.

"I'm grown, aren't I, Dad? So I hope you're okay with me having a boyfriend. Bye, Dad! I love you!" said Jade, kissing Zack's cheek quickly.

Zack sighed. He pursed his lips and nodded without anyone noticing.

"Well, as long as you're happy," he said as he watched his daughter leave the house with her car.

Jade drove and headed for the bench near the woods she'd been with Max last night. She couldn't wait to see her boyfriend. Her heart was pounding and it was getting louder. Even though it was only last night, that vampire man managed to subdue her.

When she arrived at the place, Jade did not find anyone. Max said that he had arrived, but again her eyes did not catch Max's figure.

Jade suddenly felt something standing behind her. Her breath hitched and her body stiffened. She remembered that Max's enemies often went to the forest even if only at night, but it could be during the day too, right? Besides, Alaska is always cold, she thought.

Jade prepared with her tube of pepper powder in case anything bad happened to her.

"Would you like to sprinkle that pepper on me, my girl?" whispered a familiar voice.

Jade immediately smiled and her body went limp for a moment. She turned and looked at Max with a relieved smile.

"Max!" she said.

The man then smiled and kissed his lips to give his girlfriend peace.

"Sorry to surprise you, my baby girl. I love you so much and I miss you," he said and kissed her again instantly.


Carla, Kesha, Dave, Wales = Jade's friends.

Mrs. Willow = history teacher.

I decided this chapter looks so flat because the next chapter will make you melt instantly. lololol

keep reading, voting, commenting, and waiting for the romantic chapters coming!

thank and love you,

Karen x

KAREN_DNcreators' thoughts