
The start

Today was the the first day of high school.Im jung was going to study in a top highschool of korea. It was one of the most competitive high school but somehow she managed to get scholorship there as her family was poor. As Im Jung was going to school, on the way she noticed that only rich people come to this school and she felt very proud. As the first dsy teacher and students were introducing theirselfes, Im jung saw that the rich students were very rude and were always busy showing offbut this didn't make Im Jung feel bad. Her school days were going good until one day she saw a boy(Ha-Joon) who was bullying other kids in the cafeteria and she couldn't stand it so she went ahead and slapped him on face. Suddenly tye whole cafeteria went silent and everyone stared at her. Then a girl (Eun-Woo) came and said sorry to Ha-joon, Im Jung didn't understand a thing until the girk dragged her to the roof top and told her that Im jung dont you know that Ha-Joon the bully is very rich and you slapped him , you dont know but this can cause a lot of trouble to you so i am suggesting you to stay away from the boy whenever you see him run away somewhere else do you understand? Im jung said yes. As she went towards her locker to get something there was a letter and in the letter it was written that now you have to die. Im jung got scared and didn't know what to do but she went to Ha-Joon and told him that now you want to kill me, do it if you want but i won't stop standing for myself and other and she kicked him with that. Ha-Joon was surprised to see her like that and now he started to fall for her. But on the other side he didn't know how much does Im Jung hate him. Im Jung used to talk about him with her best friend with whom she studied in school and was now working with her in a cafe. she always told her about how much she hated Ha-Joon.