

  Gray was annoyed that it was taking so long for them to prepare to depart. Leon and Violet have to make sure that the kits that they need are with them in case something bad happens on the plane for Emilia and Cole. Overall everything is well. Connor and Johanna together with their kids just arrived and he looked at Quinn who ran toward Cole and handed him a paper bag. 

"What's this?" Cole asked while he was sitting by the staircase with an American Pitbull Terrier puppy over his lap. He opened it and stared at the couple's wedding ring with an engagement on it. "Quinn, where did you get this?" 

"Store!" She answered and hugged his neck. Cole gently pushed her and he patted the spot beside him as Quinn sat down. 

"Did you buy this?" 

"Hmm," She nodded her head. 

  Gray pulled Connor's arm and pointed to Quinn and Cole. 

"What the hell, bro? Is your daughter proposing to Cole?"