
Falling For Your Fears

A horrifying truth reveals itself as a poor teen is left absolutely afraid of robots stuck in metro city due to her horrible past of the underground slowly learnings to trust the friendly metal coated friends unsure of what will happen to her if she fails. (Story is based after the Astro boy 2009 movie so everything in here will be my ideas put into action)

The_Amazing_Gray · Khoa huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
15 Chs

Chapter 15

Within the pets of the forest a strand and yet rather insecure woman roams freely in search for food and water extremely malnourished as well as completely unaware of what she was about to encounter that afternoon upon her lonely walk on the grassy Earth's surface grateful for the life it had gave her before it was all take away but at what cost?

Aurora was minding her own business in a nearby meadow when all of a sudden out of nowhere three Mirean soldiers surrounded her in a triangle like formation startling her. "Looks what we have here guys! Another useless, starved and defenceless human" one of them said being a famine female with short blonde hair and brown eyes but she wore casual clothing which was nothing special as the other two boys that were with her seemed to be identical twins with medium wavy mousy brown hair and gold tinted brown eyes as they were similar clothing to one another but one wore a red hoodie while he other had red pointing them out to anyone. Aurora stood up with hands to her chest losing all of that fighting confidence she once had before as it all slipped away bringing back that fearful Aurora once again.

"Aww~ shes shaking" the twin with the red hoodie said sarcastically as the other one laughed at her hysterically loving the power he possessed over the defenceless being.

"You guys are pathetic but i can't blame you, this is too much to just turn down a perfectly fun opportunity like this!" The girl said with a smirk crossing her arms as if she was waiting for something or like turn on piking on this supposed human being the had just encountered.

"But why does she kinda remind me of the king? Ya now with the white hair and stuff" the twin in the red hoodie brought up but just scones after they all but one laughed at the stupid accusation he had brought up.

"Haha! Really? This useless human being apart of Zodin bloodline? You gotta be joking right Kai?!" The girl responded as the blue hoodies twin 'tch' in response rolling his eyes thinking nothing of his brother's jokingly resemblance to the Zodin king Alaric himself. Aurora looked at him from where she was standing locking eye contact as he light blushed before shaking it away and lowly growled to himself.

"Can we you guys hurry up before those stupid losers come and find us again!" He yelled making his red hooded twin and friend come back from their joking rouse.

"Sorry bro, haha, lets get back to business shall we" Kai said before hitting his fist into his pal cracking it as he made his way over to Aurora who stepped back not seeing that she was growing closer to the blue hoodie twin who didn't see any threat in this girl until his brother suddenly dashed straight towards her forcing Aurora to use her brain and dodge to her right making Kai trip and fall over onto his face eating the dirt he rightfully deserved for being so mean to every human he comes across.

"Kai! Grr, you bitch! You're gonna pay for this big time" the girl growled as she too dashed towards Aurora in rage as she had her back faced towards the angered Mirean while the smartest one of them all stood where he belonged and watched with a unpleased expression seeing how weak his little brother was slacking against a human child. Aurora glanced back at the girl who's eyes were filled with blood shot red rage seeing how blind sighted they were making it the perfect opportunity to strike, just before they could hit Aurora she instinctively acted out on her own and dodge another attack again but this time she grabbed the girl's hair unsure of how much power she was going to use and threw her a few feet away but she wasn't as strong as she used to be due to the lack of food of water in her system.

"You guys are pathetic if you can't take down one single human being, what would the king think if he found out about this?" He teasingly said with a smirk as he wasn't in the mood to get into a fight with a human that knows close combat as they were the hardest to beat up or kill and are redeemed as useful due to their skills and ability to survive in terrible conditions.

"Yuck! Shut up Kyle, just because you're the favourite means nothing to me!" Kai yelled still getting all the dirt out from his mouth while Kyle rolled his eyes as their friend got up from the ground. "Are you going to help us or not?" He asked looking up at his brother who just gave him a cold glare before looking up at Aurora who was still afraid shaking in fear not aware of these movements that her body is doing on its own without any memory of doing so.

"Nah, you losers can deal with this no prob" Kyle said before taking off laving both his brother and their female friend with the 'human' they were supposed to take advantage of. Kai flipped off his brother before turning to look at Aurora still seeing the fear painted in her eyes and as he snickered to himself finally able to do whatever he wants.

"Ya know Bella, we can just kill her now since Kyle our 'leader' took off leaving me in charge" Kai said while mimicking his older brother while he was gone not giving a single care about what will happen if he was to actually kill Aurora. Bella looked at him annoyed as she stomped over to him before getting into his face.

"Oh no you don't! Its my turn to be the leader this time!" She complained as he shook his head no giving her a black berry, her right eyebrow twitched before she took a deep breath in before exhaling and grabbing his chin with her hand pulling him close to her face. "Maybe if you behave and listen to me then he good boy can finally get what he wants~" she teasingly added purposely seducing her now known lover despite them both being 18 Aurora kinda cringed at the thought of this but didn't compline as she wanted to get out of there and slowly made her way through the meadow.

"Hey! Where do you think you're going?!" Kai yelled pointing her out as she nervously laughed to herself before slowly looking back at the two love birds and took off into the nearest set of trees as they rushed after her. "Don't let her get away!?" He yelled but no matter what Aurora did she was unable to activate any of her abilities as if they had been cancelled for some strange reason leaving her absolutely defenceless against these guys. Bella managed to finally strike Aurora in the back sending her flying into a tree hurting her arm as she winced while feeling her shoulder knowing that she was most likely be dead if she doesn't do something fast.

"Finally! But i gotta admit kid you're kinda difficult and way more entertaining than the other humans we have encountered so far on this ridiculous planet, but sadly we have to kill you now before they find us" she said brushing her hair out from her face bioinformatics the fun little joy ride they have had rising her hand up to Aurora as a little yellow ball orb began to form in the base of her palm charging up her blast attack that would mostly kill any human being with one blast. "Say hello to the others for me" she sarcastically added making Aurora rush to the other side of the tree and bolt for dear life but it was too late Bella released her attack and hit Aurora sending her flying to the floor knocked unconscious due to a previous incident that had harmed her unnoticed.

"Bullseye!?" Kai exclaimed seeing all of that as their little target was now eliminated lying on the floor completely defenceless before giving Bella a high five. "One less threat to deal with" he said before leaving Aurora alone believing she was dead even though a gut feeling wants him to check but he refused to listen. But just as they were about to leave an unannounced gust made themselves present stopping the two from leaving.

"Sad to say but why don't you guys stay a bit longer it's us Hm? The real fun is just about to start" Xavier spoke up catching Bella off guard as Kai put himself in front of her while some of Xavier's buddies came and safely took Aurora away.

"We aren't scared of you traitor!?" He growled as Xavier just scoffed with a smirk looking down at the floor before glancing back up at Kai who grew confused as two more of their own kind came around them in a familiar triangle formation he used on Aurora when they found her alone in the meadow.

"Oh no, no, no. Its not me you should be scared of now pal or anyone here for that matter, it's just that you had just attacked a certain someone who means a lot to the Tenma family..and they aren't happy about it" Xavier threatened the two as Kai continued to protect Bella from the ones he wished he hadn't come in contact with today. "You two disgust me! Not the dating but the way you treat innocent human beings and there is no way I'm letting this one go unpunished" he lastly said walking up to Kai who was smaller than him which gave Xavier the upper hand on scaring the boy.

"If Kyle was here you wouldn't dare lay a finger on me" Kai threat back until his red hoodie was grabbed my Xavier's hand pulling him closer seeing how he doesn't give a single shit about him or his brother.

"Kai really? So what are we really going to do with them?" Leo calmly asked glancing at Bella having some unfinished business he has left to finish off. Xavier looked over at Leo knowing the enemy like relationship everyone has with these two and almost everyone on the mother ship but secretly there is a unnoticed group they have on board giving them daily information on the plans the king is landing to do to the planet or where he would be attacking next.

"Nothing until he arrives" Xavier replied relying to an extra number as Leo exhaled hating the thought of waiting for this other member to show up. "Don't worry Leo you'll get your revenge soon enough but just make sure that he doesn't kill them before you do" Xavier jokingly added despising his own kind as they were once peaceful beings who would help any race in their time of need, but when the Queen disappeared and the prince took the throne everything went bad for everyone in the entire galaxy. "However, Kai made a wise decision on abandoning you and leaving Aurora alone making him not a target for now but sadly you can't leave just yet not without a message" he added refusing to let him go no matter how hard he kicked or punched Xavier was one of those impossible to crack type of Mireans as his weakness is just as rare as Aurora's making him a big loss to the mother ship when he chose to help Earth against his own people.

"Wait, did you say Aurora?" Kai confusingly asked finally catching on to what was actually happening here. Bella tried to bolt for it when Xavier aggressively threw Kai forcing them to both fall to the ground making him chuckle enjoying himself while it lasted.

"You are so clueless and stupid, this is why you will never be a match for me" he growled as they remade the triangle formation around the two now victims, Kai was beginning to experience a new feeling of fear as his body began to tremble in front of them seeing the danger he is now in while Bella pulled him into a hug trying to calm him down. "This you're feeling is called fear my friend, an endless amount of emotion you had spread countlessly throughout nations on this planet and if you hadn't chosen to stay with that selfish excuse of a king then maybe we wouldn't be meeting like this" he glanced at Bella as she looked away knowing to be of no match to any of these great warriors hat stand around them keeping them bound until this ally of theirs to make themselves known.

"Sorry I'm late guys" a familiar voice called out as Astro came into view landing on the other side of Xavier making Bella and Kai look behind them to see him standing there glaring at them in the same way Xavier was which made things so unsettling for them.

"On second though you guys can have them in out" Leo said raising hiss hands giving up as he had no clue that Astro was going to make an appearance backing off leaving the rest to the others and stood back until is help was needed.

"Soooo..which one of you decided to hurt my Aurora?" Astro asked cracking his first in the middle of his other hand's palm ready to beat someone up Kai could feel the anger brewing within the 14 year old looking robot despite him actually being 18 and feared by most of the Mirean race with his angered powered thirst for revenge. However due to the circumstances they were in the other member backed out too leaving the mischievous backstabbers to be beaten up by Astro and Xavier as they had no furious feelings towards them other than revenge. Aurora was unaware of what was happening to the foes who had just ganged up and seriously harmed her for no reason at all, under the care of professional medics Aurora was able to fight starvation, dehydration and possibly death now back in the loving arms of those she cared dearly about before the invasion that forced them all to separate for survival.

Aurora's PoV:

All I remember was falling and hitting my head against the Earths dirt surface when one of those things attacked me out of the blue and I need to know why? I don't even know who they are and yet they want me dead!? Life is become more of a regret to me than leaving the underground for the greater good and pushed myself to see the good in robots even though some can be bad towards both humans and none humans as it's their choice if they want to become a blood thirsty monster or not. I felt my eyes become light and more easier to open but the headache still remained present as my eyes slowly opened up revealing a white ceiling above me identifying that I was in a room of some sort. "Did they kidnap me or something?" I thought not realising where I was and who helped me struggling to believe that anyone would help a monster like me. I moved my hand placing to my forehead groaning in pain from this headache before noticing a small tube of some sort coming from my hand secured in place looking up to my right seeing a bag that the tube was connected to giving me some sort of fluid that kept me hydrated confusing my tiny aching brain. "Wait if I wasn't taken captive then who saved me?" I questioned again still laid down looking around the room before realising that it was someone's bedroom which looked pretty plain and boring I didn't like it at all but it's better than death I guess.

Lost in my own thoughts distracting myself from the door that opened allowing someone to enter in the room where I laid defencelessly waiting lazily until I see someone. "Ah! You're awake that's good" a female voice called out making me jump in surprise as I looked down seeing her stood there sensing that she wasn't human nor robot as my body instinctively began to shake in fear catching her attention almost immediately as she rushed out of the room probably to grab someone for assistance.

"S-stop shaking! Stop!" I tried to stop myself but nothing seemed to work until the door opened again as footsteps rushed inside but I didn't want to look up busy trying to control myself until they grew closer and touched my forehead feeling a human's warmth against my skin. "D-don't hurt me..please" I quietly begged not aware of who it was as they began to hush me in a way of comfort in a similar to what my dad Dr, Elifun and Hope would do whenever I have panic attacks like this.

"Shh..no one is going to hurt you sweetheart not anymore" I slowly looked up seeing Dr, Elifun there gently caressing my hair comforting me as I can see the pain in his eyes whenever I have one of this fits. "I'm here I'll always be here sweetheart nothing bad is going to happen you're safe" he softly said which was true whenever he's around i feel safe even though he's a smart and yet defenceless human being that I choose to protect no matter what happens he always comes first.

"D-dad..is that you?" I stuttered struggling to speak as he stopped for a second before continuing to comfort me shocked of what I had said finally calling him the one word that I had been missing my whole life a dad, the one person that I needed the most is right here by my side again there from the start and will always be there until the every end.

"Yes I'm here and will always be whenever you need me" he responded accepting me as his own despite being old but that didn't matter because of the bond that we share. The shaking was slowly going away allowing me to sit up as he gently pulled me into a warm embrace not realising that he was crying. "I'm just glad that you're back, I've been so worried about you" he said clenching my hands on the back of his shirt as he wasn't wearing his original lab coat not aware of the tears that were beginning to tear up and slowly stream down my face.

"I missed you.." I mumbled refusing to let him go afraid that I would lose him again but if he was here then maybe the others are too. "Is everyone else here too?" I asked pulling myself away wiping my eyes as he wipes his getting rid of any evidence of tears ever being present. This moment was everything but maybe better if everyone else knew that I was alright but am I really ready to see them again?

"Other than me, Bill and Toby no one else knows that you're here not yet not until you're fully healthy both mentally and physically as for what we all have experienced and especially now I think you now have a new fear Aurora and it isn't healthy and I fear that it would harm you deeply in ways we don't want to see.." He replied but I wasn't expecting much as my health was probably one of his many concerns at the moment and wants me to recover in a way that didn't give me stress or my health will continue to rapidly decrease.

"I-I'll try my best I promise just like I did before" i spoke up but the way of my voice sounded wasn't that convincing even though i am willing to try and get past this now with his help. I gulped still feeling uneasy by the thought of these Mireans actually helping us than the opposite way round so what have i missed in the past 4 years? "I don't want them near me no matter how friendly you paint them out to be, i don't want to go through it all over again and out more innocent human beings at risk of possible extinction" i added sounding rather pathetic but it was the truth if i want to trust them like i do with Astro as he used me something almost everyone feared in the underground. Father sighed before placing a hand on the top of my head gently ruffling my hair giving me a pat of support as always.

"I never said you couldn't and that's why you'll always be my favourite *whispers* just don't tell the others" he said back with a smile as he would never lie to me about anything but If he would to do so in order to save a life or many then i can't blame him he is a very smart and kind hearted guy who would do anything to help society. "Anyways, i need to go now so you get some rest and leave everything to us alright" he lastly said losing my forehead before leaving me alone in this room unsure of what was going to happen next or who will enter in the room after him. I looked at the window from where i was sat watching how the curtains gently flowed with the wind that came in greeting me with is cold breeze that touched my skin, i stood up from the bed not listening to my father's request grabbing the pole thing that held the bag filled with fluid up still feeling kinda dizzy but i managed to get myself to move a good two metres before stopping as my legs began to feel like jelly.

"Aurora?" A voice confusingly called out my name from the window feeling a familiar presence present itself to me as they entered inside hearing their feet touch the ground a few metres away from me before walking in my direction. "What are you doing up? You're not supposed to be walking yet" they seemed concerned until I looked up seeing Astro stood there only 2 metres away from me as his hands were seen slowly reaching for me ready to catch me the more jelly my legs became until in seconds i collapsed but he was able to catch me swooping me up. "Gotcha! That was kinda close wasn't it?" He jokingly said before bringing me back to the bed gently placing me down as if i was something precious to him.

"Sorry i didn't man to scare you" i apologised but he didn't seem to mind my curiosity feeling this positive and yet worried emotion that surrounded him as he sat down beside me on the single bed.

"Nah, don't sweat it snowflake i expected this to happen but how are you feeling?" He asked while brushing a piece of my fridge with his hand allowing him to see my face as we looked at one another seeing his warm smile again which gave me comfort.

"Other than having a headache and jelly legs everything seems fine, what about you blue berry?" I replied back giving a newly made up nickname as he nervously laughed rubbing the back of his neck not seeing the blush that was coming up on his cute little face.

No one's PoV:

"G-good, i mean everything's of course, *mumbles* oh crap" he was lucky that she wasn't able to hear him feeling his nervousness as she too was beginning to feel this feeling as well. "w-wait! Just to make things clear, Dr. Elifun told me to keep you close by and away from he others until you feel safe enough to ya know trust them" he added making it pretty obvious that the two would be spending a lot of time together in Hearthstone City or where ever they'll be going to next.

"I don't want to make the same mistake in this place that i did in Silicone City" she mentioned while resting her head against his shoulder making him freeze in place unsure of what to do incase he makes the wrong move as he was glad that he hasn't got a heart yet or he would've been busted a long time ago.

"Silicone City? Did something bad happen there? Did they hurt you?" He slightly panicked asking questions due to thee fact that his father and Dr, Elifun would be travelling there to meet an old friend and ask for their assistance against alien race.

"I-I'm fine just don't worry about it" she replied not in the mood to talk about the incident that happened back there afraid or what could happen to her thinking they're still mad at her for releasing such immense power. Astro didn't want to make her uncomfortable and didn't ask anymore questions but enjoyed the moment he had left with her for now before someone renters the room and questions him on how the heck he got there.

Aurora didn't mind having Astro there as company or laid against him for comfort which was something she hardly got and refused to let him go even though he had all day to spend time with her and didn't mind the fact that they could cuddle and chat all day without a care in the world. However somewhere near the outskirts of Metro City an Unknown identity was taking cover slowly slaying all Mirean kind that opposes them freeing as many humans as they can and escort the to the Underground facility where they would be treated and seen to immediately, no one knows where the facility was located as it was hidden from the naked eye and from any radars making it practically impossibly to find but is this mysterious person a friend or foe? Guess theres's only one way to find out.