
-Falling for you-


Angelica_lovely · Kỳ huyễn
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Falling for you


-Jm push push and slap Lucy and JD grab the knife from Lucy and Lucy was crying-

Jm:are you fucking trying to kill my daughter -shout-

Lucy:aunty it was an accident I didn't mean to hurt her she was holding it so tight -cry-

Jk;if you knew she was holding it why do you have to pull it.. That means one thing Lucy you wanna hurt her because she don't accept you -shout-

Jd;Lucy we treated you as family is these how you thank us by hurting my primcess? Get out now leave -mad-

Jk;angel does the bleed stop? Can I look at it? -open angels hand and there shock beavsue it was a huge scar -

Angel;mommy I'm getting weak I.l-lost so many bloods -sob-

Jm;hon, Jungkook bring your sister to the hospital now I'll manage Lucy

Jd;you'll be okay baby can you walk? -look at angel-

Angel;yep Jungkook can you assist me to walk?

Jk;yep. Sure -get angels hand and put it on his shoulder- dad let's go now -they leave-

Jm slap Lucy 2 times-

Lucy:aunty pls I'm sorry it's not my intention to hurt her, it was an accident pls listen to me -teary eyes-

Jm:Lucy, I don't want to fall for your lies ANymore you just hurt my baby.. so I need you to leave now leave my family alone -mad-

Lucy;n-n-no aunty p- -abt to touch jm but their Mom grab Lucy and throw her outside the house Lucy was crying-

-outside the mansion-

jm;we are over Lucy, I don't need you anymore my son don't love you if he really do love y/n I'll let them be but I won't let you be near to my family ever again -shout-

Lucy;aunty don't do these to me your the only person that I have your the only one who loves me pls aunty I won't do it again pleaseeee! -beg-

Jm;no Lucy I don't want to see you anymore not in my house leave now if you don't want me to call police and let them arrest you for hurting my daughter -close the door and Lucy leave-

-3:00 am-

-they talked to the doctor and the doctor said angel was fine and angel is sleeping peacefully the doc leave-

Jd;let's go check on your sister

Jk:daddy just go home and have some rest don't worry about angel I'll stay here and wait for her to be awake until Tom morning just go home with mom and tell mom angels fine -smile-

Jd;okay son, but if you need anything call me or your mother and we will come I'll see you tommorow -leave-

Jungkook POV

I enter on my sister place and I saw she was sleeping I sat on the chair and look at her I was so scared when she got hurt by my ex while I'm looking at her I didn't realize I fall asleep -

9 am

-Jk got awake because y/n tap Jungkook shoulder Jungkook quickly stand and fix his hair and clothe-

Yn;how is she doing?

Jk;she's doing fine and how do you know shes here?

Yn:your mom called me and explain everything I didn't expect that Lucy can hurt her.. Just because angel don't accept her..

Jk;yea.. Lucy is so obsessed with me.. But I won't let her do it again I won't let her get near for my family.. so you have to be careful too y/n no one knows what else she can do..

Yn;don't worry I will she hasn't wake up yet? Since midnight?

Jk:I don't know I just got awake when you tap me what is that? -point it to the paper bag that y/n was holding-

Yn:uh it's just foods you haven't eaten yet right? I bought foods for you and for angel -Jungkook take it-

Jk;-look at y/n- thankyou but you shouldn't bring foods.. but really thankyou for visiting my sister. -smile-

Yn:wait.. Are you smiling?

Jk:well yea I am why don't you wanna see me smile?

Yn:actually I like it more when you smile I don't like you being so bossy.. your so cute when you smile I mean good when you-

-Angel grunts, and jungkook quickly help angel to sit on the bed-


Yn;yea..? How are you feeling?

Angel:I'm fine.. Where's daddy!? -look at jk-

Jk:oh DaD left around 3 am I told him to rest so his not here.. Are you hungry!?

Angel:yes do you guys have food?

Jk;oh, y/n bought your favorite burger and fries -angel grab the fries and jungkook put it on the table-

Angel:what about you y/n have you eat?

Jk;yep.. Did you? You know if you haven't yet either you can just eat mine..

Yn:to be honest I just got off from my work I quickly go here when your mom called me because I was so worry..

Jk;so you haven't rest yet since last night?

and haven't eaten anything yet?

Yn;yep I forgot to eat break- -Jungkook hold ynie hand and gave the donut-

Jk:I think you should eat mine since your the one who bought that

Yn:n-no Jungkook I bought if for you guys so you should-

Jk;hey Lee y/n your a dcotor and you know it's bad not to eat something so you should eat it and have some rest later..

Yn:what are you my boss now? But how about you what are you going to eat?

Jk;don't worry just eat with my sister I'm going outside to buy my own food.. I'll see you girls

-Jungkook left and angel was smiling-