
-Falling for you-


Angelica_lovely · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs

Falling for you


-there done eating-

Jd;dont we have dessert honey?

Jm:oh hon, sorry I forgot to-do your dessert I was just busy at work..

Angel:don't worry mom I'll just make a fruit shake? do you want that daddy?

Jd;fruit shake you know how to make it?

Angel:uh yes y/n teach me too.

Jm;y/n again? Angel y/n isn't here but you keep bringing her name here. It's just so annoying -irritated voice-

Angel;mom I know you don't like her but y/n is really a nice person you should try to spend time with her sometime

Jm:no way, angel just make your dessert and Lucy pls help my daughter if that's okay?

Lucy;sure Tita if that's okay to angel?

Angel;fine... let's go don't worry guys the desert will be serve soon -they leave-

-Jungkook got bored so he grab his phone and he saw y/n active on messnager so he chat ynie-


Jk;sup y/n😉

Yn:jungkook.. why are you chatting me?

Jk;nothing I just miss you thats all is it bad to chat you now??

Yn:uh no it's just weird because you haven't chat me before but here you are chatting me now? What's your plan

Jk;plan? I'm just trying to be friends with you is that bad?

Yn:I'm busy so bye

-end convo-

-Jungkook throw his phone because he was angry-

Jd;son are you okay?

Jk;uh yes dad. I'm fine it's just-

Jm;just what? You seem mad?

Jk;it's nothing mom really nothing important

Jd:son can I ask you something?

Jk;sure daddy ask me anything

jd;is there any chance you still like Lucy?

Jk;why are you guys suddenly asking about my ex fiance who broke me into pieces?

Jm:we're just curious son you've been single for 2 years now, aretn you planning to have a girlfriend or a wife soon? I mean your 20 years old Jungkook you have to be with someone you can't stay single for the rest of your life..

Jk;mom I know you want Lucy and I be together again, but I don't wanna hurt you mom but I also want you too know that I don't love her anymore she only uses me for money she stole many million money from us so pls mother stop forcing me to the file that I can't love I almost try to suicide because of her , you don't want to see me broken again right mom?

Jm:yep. I know darling maybe I'll stop forcing you to be with Lucy because I know you can't love her and I will just support you son.. -smile-

Jk;thanks mom.

Jd:but is there any chance that you like someone?


When daddy said that I froze "like someone "? It's been 2 years I havent like someone but when I met ynie my world stop and I think I'm starting to like her but I don't wanna say it yet, to my mom because I know she don't like y/n to be my girlfriend so I answerr my dad question

Jk:mom, dad no offense but you know how rough my relationship with Lucy before I'm not ready yet to be in a new relationship I'm just scared that it will happen again..

Jm;okay son, but if you like someone let us know and pls let us meet her first before you ask her to be your girlfriend okay? And don't worry I'll be nice to the girl you will love

-Jungkook nod-


-30 minutes-

Lucy:angel can I help you slice?

Angel;no thanks just prepare the glasses Lucy ..

Lucy;okay -get 5 glasess-

Angel:-notice the 5 cups- why 5?? Me, mom, my brother , and dad so why 5? Are you counting yourself also?

Lucy:why? Am I not counted on your fruti shake?

Angel;ofcourse no, why would you think that I will make you a shake too.. you suggest to help me but that doesn't mean I'll give you some of my fruit shake so put the other cup in the drawer and if you want. A fruit shake you can make on your own Lucy

Lucy:-sigh- o-okay -put the other cup on the drawer-

-It wa sback to silent but Lucy spoke again-

Lucy;that looks yummy

Angel;yep too bad you don't have one -tease lucy-

Lucy;Angel why do you hate me so much it's been months and your still like these why can't you be nice to me the way you are before

Angel;nice to you? do you deserve a nice person you hurt my brother Lucy he almost die because of you.. You use our money so don't expect we could he close again because there's no chance anymore Lucy..

Lucy;you know what let me just help you cut the fruit -getting the knife for angels hand but when Lucy pulls it , angel hands bleed and angel scream in pain, so jm, and JD, and jk. Quickly goto the kitchen and saw angels hands bleeding -
