
Falling For The Queen Of Mean

Gorgeous, elegant, intelligent, these are words that describe Eden Moreno on the outside. But inside she is actually cold, ruthless and reckless. To achieve her goals, she is ready to use all possible means even if it means destroying everything in her path, that's how she received the nickname " Queen Of Mean ". She is the second daughter of Robert Moreno, CEO of the Moreno Group, one of the most powerful groups in the country and is based mostly on new technologies, and Helene Moreno, a fashion icon and considered the epitome of elegance itself. Eden has a big sister, Heaven Moreno, absolute perfection according to her parents, she has all the attention of her parents and is considered the "golden sister". There has always been a very big rivalry between the Lancaster sisters. Blake Hansen is the illegitimate son of Frank Campbell, CEO of the Firestone Group, which he had with his secretary Melanie Hansen. Blake only knew it after his mother's brutal death. His mother Melanie tried to protect her son from his abominable stepmother, Victoria Campbell, as she could but after her death, she couldn't no longer do it as Frank's men found him. Blake has therefore returned to the country and where he will live with his father. Before meeting Frank and before the death of his mother, Blake was a very nice boy and loved helping others but after that he changed completely from a happy and lively boy to a boy. cold and emotionless and feisty. What happens when the paths of these two people cross? Eden is the " queen " of Northview highschool where she controls almost everything and governs with an iron fist and while most of the girls hate her, most of the boys adore her. But Blake's arrival at Northview High School complicates things for her, since he is the only boy who didn't fall immediately under her spell and who always questions her authority even if it means humiliating her in front of everyone. Determined to teach Blake a lesson, Eden tries by all means to make Blake fall in love with her then to break his heart afterwards and humiliate him in front of everyone. Of course, Blake sees clearly in her game but decides to play it anyway. At the end, everything doesn't go as planned when feelings are born and the heart decides to add its little grain of salt.

GasyGirl · Thanh xuân
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6 Chs

First day of school : Part 2

Before going to Northview high, Eden went to Janelle's house to pick her up, they then go for a coffee at "One Sip" as they do almost every first day of school to finally pick up the twins Lara and Sara with Eden's new luxury car.

Eden, Janelle, Lara and Sara spent their holidays at the Hayes family's new resort in the Seychelles because Eden was Connor Hayes' girlfriend, soon to be fiancée.

Connor Hayes is the first born of the Hayes family, one of the founding families of the city of Northview and which today owns dozens of hotel complexes around the world but also owner of Crescent Resort, the most luxurious hotel of the city but also in the top 5 of the best hotels in the country. Connor and Eden are now in a long distance relationship as Connor is already a second year student at university in International Hospitality and Tourism Management in England.

Arriving at Northview Eden was immediately greeted by her personal assistant Daniel Park who quickly gave her his schedule for the day. Daniel is also a student from Northview who has been in total admiration for Eden since middle school, he was ready to do anything to be next to Eden even if it meant becoming her personal assistant since the end of middle school. He also takes care of announcing Eden's arrival wherever she went, it bothered Eden a little at first but she ended up getting used to it as time passed by.

A few minutes later after The Royals, name given to Eden and her friends, have passed by, Blake and Caitlin headed immediately to their classroom.

" Here is room 23 B, our first class of the day is with Mr Sheperd who teaches mathematics analysis" , Caitlin explained as she was going to her seat.

" And how is this Mr. Sheperd ? " , Blake asked, looking around him trying to find a place to sit as most of the seats were already occupied, only five seats left, one was at the back of the class and a little bit far from the teacher's chair and Blake didn't like it. The four other seats remaining were in the second row. He then found it a little bit weird that nobody sat down on these places but he decided to take a place in the middle among the 4 still unoccupied but as soon as he sat on it everyone in the classroom gasped. Caitlin called Blake from behind trying to warn him to not sit there but unfortunately it was already too late. The classroom was instantly quiet as soon as they heard synchronous footsteps coming from the hallway.

Eden enters the classroom first with black sunglasses this time followed by Janelle with books in hand and the twins Sara and Lara who enter together. Eden turned her head towards her place but was surprised when she saw someone else already sitting there. The four seats unoccupied in the second row were The Royals reserved places, nobody has dared to sit there except from the Royals. Janelle and the twins went to their places as Eden has made her way slowly in Blake's direction, who is actually sitting in her place.

Blake slowly took his books out from his bag, still unaware of what was about to happen. Eden stood up just in front him with her sunglasses, she coughed a few times and Blake has finally turned his gaze to the majestic silhouette who was just in front of him.

" May I help you ? " , he said in a soft voice.

Eden turned and looked at him carefully studying every feature in his face and she then finally said : " Move! You are sitting in my place"

" But I was here first ", Blake replied confidently.

" Do you know who I am ?", Eden asked with an angry tone.

" Honestly, no. But look ! There is still another free seat there, why don't you just sit there ? " , Blake told her while pointing at the sit in the back of the room.

Meanwhile everyone in the room hasn't dared to say something as they were all afraid of Eden.

Eden scoffed, took off her sunglasses, leaned over, placing her two hands on the table, her hazel gray green eyes giving Blake a death stare.

" Look at that, a newbie. Listen to me very carefully, new boy and remember this name. I'm Eden Moreno and I'm the queen of this f*cking school. I'm the one who gives orders here, no one and I said no one here tells me what to do. If I tell you it's my place here, you don't argue and you move your ass and go sit somewhere else. Is that clear for you newbie ?", Eden told him with a furious tone.

Eden expected to see fear in Blake's eyes but to her surprise, his dark brown eyes were full of confidence and a hint of mockery when he said :" Well, nice to meet you, your Highness. My name is Blake, I'm just a commoner here".

It's been a while since no one has dared to stand up to Eden like that, she was both angry and impressed at the same time.

Blake's eyes were focused at those beautiful hazel gray green eyes filled with anger but there was something else behind them.

Eden's face turned red because of anger but before she could say anything Mr. Sheperd has made his way in the classroom.

" Ms. Moreno, why aren't you at your place yet ? Or do you want to teach at my place today ? " , Mr. Sheperd asked as he was taking off his jacket.

" No, Mr. Sheperd. Someone else has taken my habitual place " , Eden replied, still looking at Blake furiously.

" Then go sit somewhere else. There is still a free seat over there ", Mr. Sheperd said as he pointed to the free seat in the back. Still furious, Eden remained silent and just went to sit in the back of the room and a satisfied smile appeared on Blake's face.

The rest of the course went pretty well for Blake even if he felt Eden behind him giving him death stare, he turned over and she was indeed giving him death stare but instead he winked at her and a smirk appeared at his face which made Eden even more angry.

Several hours later, it was finally lunch time and the Northview cafeteria was crowded. Blake looked around him to find a place to sit and lunch in peace and then Caitlin waved her hand to tell him to sit at the same table as her. He made his way there, but then a balloon was heading towards him, he raised his tray to protect himself and all the food on it was thrown behind him.

He sighed in relief but then noticed that everyone in the cafeteria was gasping, then he heard Eden's scream and turned around.

" Oh sh*t ! ", he told himself as all his lunch had spilled on Eden.

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