
Falling for the Playboy Billionaire

"I will do what you want, dear Madeline. But you have to pay me." "And how should I pay you?" I asked, eyeing him sharply. "Date me," he answered with a smirk. ***** Madeline knows better than to trust a playboy. Her brother and cousins and their friends are all womanizers, and Morris isn't an exception. But with fate playing with her, will she survive the deadly curse of this playboy billionaire wanting to consume her soul?

RileyRewis · Thành thị
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9 Chs

Bullied Little Miss

[Three years ago...]

"What's with the noise downstairs?" I asked the maid passing by my room. I didn't bother drying my hair after taking a bath.

"Sir Revo's friends came, Miss Maddy. Sir Sage and Sir Markus are also with them. They are at the dining hall."

I nodded and dismissed her. I went to the stairs.

No wonder the house is noisy again. After all, the mansion wouldn't be noisy without my brother's group. I was eight years old when I first met his friends, aside from our cousins. So I got used to it. I just don't like how loud they are sometimes.

I went straight to the dining hall where they are. They are laughing and talking loudly. I snorted. Noisy boys.

"Morning, Maddy!" I glanced at Markus. He immediately went back to talking with his friends.

"Yeah bro, Christine is a catch!"

"Her boobs are small."

"Come on Sage, it will develop soon!"

"She's immature."

"Who do you want? Valentina?"

I shook my head at their laughter. Their usual boys' talk about girls. There is nothing new. I'm still thirteen, but because of them I'm used to hearing such conversations. So instead of listening, I took fresh milk from the fridge and poured it into my own glass.

"You're not going to eat, Maddy?" my brother asked. I stopped drinking milk. I licked my lower lip. The boys are still talking about something worldly. I can hear them but I just don't listen. It's just all about pervert stuff and it's unhealthy to my ears.

Morris looked at me. He held my gaze for a moment but I diverted my gaze to my glass.

Among my brother's friends, he's my least favorite. It doesn't mean that I have a favorite among the boys here. It's just, I hate him for no reason. I'm civil with the other boys, but to him, I easily get irritated. His simple look makes me irritated. He's not doing any bad thing, alright. But I just can't stop being annoyed for no reason. Maybe because he's a playboy.

Actually, they all are.

"Milk is fine, Revo," I answered and continued drinking my milk.

"That's why you look skinny. You're not eating enough healthy foods. You're too slender for a girl of your age."

I raised an eyebrow at what Morris said. I put the glass down on the table. I turned my head to him, throwing dagger looks.

"I'm still young that's why I'm slender."

He smirked. He drank water, ignoring the topic of his friends and remained stairing at me. Looking so amused by something.

I was about to leave when Revo turned to me in the middle of their conversation. "Mom will not come to the orphanage. We will bring food to the children there. She told me that you should come with us."

"She's at work?"

He nodded. Now I've lost my appetite completely. Every Saturday we go to an orphanage near our school. My family has been supporting it for years. And we used to go there every Saturday to hand out food.

It's not that I don't want to go. But with these boys as my companions, I'd rather stay at home and do a movie marathon. But since there are also children waiting for my presence, I will just go even if the people who will be with me don't like it.

"Alessandra is a nice girl, Livius."

"Plus she's sexy," Morris replied.

I acted like I didn't hear anything and poured water on another glass. When they are really together their topics are worthless. That's why instead of listening to whatever they're talking about, I just went back upstairs after drinking some water.

The smiles of the children greeted us when we arrived at the orphanage. Their smiles are so genuine to ignore. So I smiled when I saw that they were excited to meet them.

"Hi Sister Maddy!" Alisha, the cute four-year old girl hugged me. Roy and Anne, who were just the same age, came over to hug me as well.

"Will you play with us?"

"Of course!"

"How about Brother Morris? Don't you want to play with me?" I heard Morris who appeared out of nowhere. My forehead creased. The others are preparing the food, so why is he here?

"What game do you know, huh?" I couldn't help but ask sarcastically.

He looked at me, smirking.

"Don't underestimate me, Maddy. I also know some games."\

"I'll be the one to play with them. Just help your friends theirs. Also, you're old to play with the children."

His lips parted. Eventually shake while smiling. "I'm just seventeen, not that old."

I blinked and didn't say anything more. I'm always like that every time we see each other. I don't know, I just hate his whole being. I can't help but get irritated when I see the look on his face.

I always found him playful, the chickboy type. If it's just who the women are, it's going to change. Growing up with those boys made me witness how they handle girls. They only look sober because of the respected surnames they carry. But the truth is, they are playboys wit

h a bunch of girls in their arms. Not satisfied. Women are always playing as if they have no emotions. They are like bees, jumping from one flower to another. Heartless and insatiable.

"Shit!" As I was avoiding the cyclist Morris, I hit a rock, lost my balance and fell on the road.

Alarmed with my situation, he stopped his bicycle instead of coping with his friends. He came down and attended to me immediately.

"Are you okay?" He even reached out to help me stand up. I rolled my eyes. There was no intention to hold his hand. Even though my knees hurt, I was able to stand on my own. I sighed, ready to set him on fire.

"Careless! Why are you here cycling in front of our house! See what happened!"

He sighed. The gaze wandered to me. His eyes stopped on my knees. I also looked down and became even more angry when I saw that my right knee was bleeding slightly. And even my skirt is ruined with dirt!

"Let's go in. Let's treat your wound," he said in a calmer voice.

"Shut up! I can treat my own wound! Just chase your friends! You already ruined the mood!"

I marched in and left him there. He immediately obeyed and even called an assistant to get a first aid kit.

"Oh, why did you follow? Did I tell you to follow me? I don't want you here."

I slumped on the couch. He was just standing in front of me, waiting for the ordered maid. I, on the other hand, was all upset because of the annoyance.

"Where are you going and are you wearing that? Your skirt is too short. Showing too much skin is not right, Maddy. Especially for a fourteen year old girl like you," now he sounds like an older brother to me.

I snorted. "Don't expect me to wear long skirts. I'm not old-fashioned. One more thing, why are you criticizing me? You're not my brother!"

He shook his head. He did not speak again until the maid who had been ordered arrived. I was supposed to get up from the couch but he just pushed me back while holding the kit.


He was unmoved by my sigh and bowed in front. I tried to stand again but he hold the side of my knees firmly. I adjusted the short skirt because with a little movement she would be able to peek at me. I became even more bored.

"Don't touch me! For all I know, you just want to peek at me!"

He removed his hands. A smirk plastered on his face. It was as if what I was saying was ridiculous to him.

"I won't do that. You're still a kid, Madeline."

I stared and did not speak. Somewhat embarrassed by the accusation. He just gave me an amused smile as he opened the first aid kit. He took a cotton ball there and applied disinfectant.

"It's mine, I'll put it!" I promised and tried to snatch the hold from him. He just glared at me and held my leg to make me steady. I blinked but stopped when I saw his dark gaze.

"Stay still, you little devil."

I winced when I felt the pain caused by the disinfectant. Noticing the reaction, he blew on the wound and became more careful with each touch of the cotton. His face was serious and it looked like a doctor who was doing surgery even though it was just an itch.

He put a band aid on it after cleaning it. After that, he sighed and stood up. But even if he treated my wound, I still hate him. I snorted and marched towards the staircase. I need to change my skirt because the one I'm wearing is dirty from tripping earlier. Damn that Morris!

What I don't understand is why my friends like him so much. Not that he doesn't have the looks. But given the reputation? He immediately falls short of my standards. Yet here are my friends, very fond of him. Every woman who sees him just adores him. And that made me hate him even more for the succeeding years.

"Maddy, we're going to do a project at your mansion. It's not possible for us," Emarie said, unable to stop smiling.

"Yes, and also so that we can see your brother's friends," said Lyla, who is also my groupmate in the group project.

"Oh my, can't wait to see Morris!" and Lucy.

I shook my head. He winced at what he heard. I know those boys for years. That's why I can't help but be disappointed every time more and more women are obsessed with them. They are a good catch, alright. But if it's based on attitude, they all sink. That Morris is still on top.

"They won't be there. They are busy with college life." And of course, to women. I just didn't add that so as not to make the conversation too long.

My older brother and I work the same way. I just don't get along very well because I was still in grade nine while they were in college. But even so, the news about them still did not escape my ears.

"What a waste." Emarie sighed, disappointed.

"We'll just go there with Lucy. They're closer to here," I suggested to which they agreed.

That year's summer, I spent my two months in De Luca's mansion. Mom and dad have a lot to take care of in another country. They were worried about leaving the two of us in our big house. My brother immediately suggested that we go to the Morris mansion first. I disagree. I said that we can go to Kuya Markus or Kuya Sage. But because my brother was older, he was the one they agreed with dad.

There was no problem with Morris' parents. I already met them a few times, and I can say that they are good people. The family he grew up in was respected, but their son didn't get that. So even though I didn't want to, I couldn't do anything about their decision, mom.

I frowned as I stood on the balcony, looking at my brother by the pool. They are laughing together as friends while there are girls with them.

Almost everyday, I see this situation. I have nothing else to do but entertain myself inside the big mansion. Because my brother doesn't allow me to go out to meet friends.

Out of boredom, I went down. Go to the vast garden on the left side of the mansion. There are so many flowers there so I decided to just water the plant as a pastime.

I took the sprinkler and started watering. I watered our garden from time to time. It's just that we only have a few types of flowers. Not like this. Maybe Aunt Laura has eyes on flowers, Cheska can too. She's Morris younger sister. We're the same age but we don't always talk even though I've been here for two weeks. She always stays in her room or in the library to read her favorite novels.

So here I am, comforting myself because I don't have anyone else to talk to politely here. It's so boring. Add to that the many women coming and going in and out of the mansion making me even more disgusted. Every time their older brother's group gathers, they have women with them. And as what I've observed, those girls are freaking aggressive.

"Little girl, please get me some water."

I was distracted by the voice that was heard. It's from a girl. He was with Morris. Maybe one of their women. Her brows furrowed, looking bored at my stare.

"What? Why are you just staring there?"

I was stunned. My brow shot up on her tone. Did she just command me? Alas, this woman is crazy. I even thought I was a housemate. I looked at her from head to toe, and my lips parted in disbelief. My skin is even fairer and healthier than hers! How dare she!

"What are you talking about?" I asked annoyed, it was not enough to torture him. It's not beauty, but if you can dress it, it's like a queen.

"You're a maid, aren't you? That's why I order you. Don't slap me, ungrateful."

I growled in anger. I didn't think any more and out of annoyance I turned to him the sprinkler he was holding.

"I'm not ungrateful! And I'm even more not a helper! You look like a maid! You bitch!"

His eyes widened and he screamed because of the wetness of the water. When I got satisfied with her look, I put down the sprinkler. I laughed at his furious face. I was about to leave her but before I could move, she closed the gap between us and pulled my hair harshly. He did it effortlessly because apart from being taller, he was also stronger.

"You insolent kid! You have no respect for your elders! What right do you have to ruin my clothes ?!"

"Let go of me!" I tried to get out of his tight grip but I couldn't. I scratched her skin with my nails because of anger. I was crying because of pain and anger.

"What the fuck is happening here?!" Morris voice thundered. The ungrateful stopped what he was doing and pushed me away. Tears formed in the corners of my eyes because of frustration. My head is badly hurt because of his woman!

"Morris!" she cried like she's the victim here. I straightened my hair and remained standing, whimpering in annoyance.

"That girl! She fought me! She wet me with her water sprinkler!"

Morris looked up at me. His jaw clenched as he walked towards me. Maybe he will scold me for what he did to his woman. I didn't speak. I know he won't listen either.

"I hate that girl Morris! Fuck that maid! She's so--"

"Shut up Alessandra! She's not a fucking maid!" The woman closed her mouth because of her angry voice. Even me was stunned after hearing his tone.

My lips pursed. He was about to leave when Morris grabbed his arm. He's eyes are so serious while looking at me. I tried to get out of his grasp, but eventually did nothing.

"G-Get off me! Join that girl of yours who's acting like a victim when she was the one who started!" My tears flowed in annoyance. I didn't bother to wipe it. Her lips parted as she watched me cry. Eventually he closed his eyes firmly, as if angry.

He frowned and looked again at the woman who was staring at me.

"M-Morris, I'm hurt-"

"Get out."

Her eyes widened. "W-What?"

"Get out of my house." He said firmly. Her lips parted in disbelief.

"W-What... Wait--"

"Get out of my fucking place or I'll let the security throw you out!"

With the anger seen in Morris's expression, she immediately ran. A little shaking while crying.

He looked at me again. He closed his eyes sharply and sighed.

"Are you hurt?" he asked gently. Instead of answering, I let go of his grip. I'm still angry. I don't want to talk to him. My head also hurts because of his woman's tugging. It's really good and he got rid of it. She deserves it, anyway.

"Isn't it obvious?" I wiped my tears with my one hand. "She hurt me so bad! She insulted me too!" I sniffed, unable to hold back the tears of anger.

His expression softened. He caressed my cheeks with his fingers. I turned my head away but he just followed my gesture.

"I'm sorry."

"Shut up, I don't need that."

He sighed. We both looked at Revo and the others who just arrived.

"What happened?" Revo's eyes became darker as he saw me crying. He walked closer. But before he could get close, I grabbed my arm from Morris' hold.

I turned my back on them. I ran inside, didn't listen to my brother and cousin's calls. I was so disgusted and I wanted to just lock myself in the room all day.