
Falling for the Omega Idol

Kang Haneul’s once-happy life was shattered by tragedy when his family was struck by a devastating traffic accident. His parents died and his sister fell into a coma. He worked himself to the bone to support his comatose sister’s medical expenses. Yet fate dealt another cruel blow. Just as his sister passed away from heart failure and he received a grim diagnosis of stage 4 cancer, he found himself in the path of an oncoming truck while saving a child. Facing death, he unexpectedly encounters the king of the underworld, who offers him a remarkable gift for his selfless act: a chance to rewrite the past. With determination burning within him, Haneul seizes this opportunity to change the course of his life and fulfill long-lost dreams. But wait- why do these people keep calling him an Omega? What the heck is an Omega??? #BL #Omegaverse #Idol #notsmut

Tyramisu · LGBT+
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86 Chs


HANEUL could still vividly remember the day he started taking vocal lessons. It was just a week after his mother enrolled him in an academy specializing in teaching how to play a guitar. Since the academy was close to his school, he only had to walk there after his classes in the afternoon ended.

Most of his classmates were either attending tutoring or something related to sports. He's probably the only one in his class going to the academy he's attending now. But that's alright. It's not like he was close to any of his classmates, anyway. Besides, if a classmate of his went to the same academy, he probably wouldn't have that much fun.

It's not like he was being bullied. Fortunately, most fourth-grade students still had a pure and innocent heart. So, even though he was always alone because he's too shy to play with the other kids, no one thought he was strange.

That day, Haneul thought it would be the same as the previous days. He didn't expect that a change would occur that would help him hone a gift he didn't know he even had.


Ten-year-old Haneul opened the door to the private lesson room. He sat down on the provided chair and patiently waited. His teacher was never late, so she would probably arrive in a few minutes.

Haneul really liked his guitar teacher. She was very gentle and patient with him. That's why learning from her had been very fun for Haneul. He even wished that all the teachers in his elementary school were just as kind as his guitar teacher.

When he heard the doorknob turning, he stood up and prepared to greet his teacher. But to his shock, the one who walked inside the room was not the teacher he's expecting.

It was a man with messy hair wearing wrinkled clothed and slippers. He looked like one of those uncles who lived on the streets. Haneul's eyes widened, and he instinctively took a step back.

"W-who are you, Uncle?" he asked, his voice trembling.

The other seemed to have notice that he was about to cry, because he said, "Relax kid, I'm not going to eat you. Your guitar teacher is on leave. So I'm just a substitute teacher for today."

This uncle was going to teach him today? That was even more shocking for Haneul. Should he just not attend today's lesson? But before he could say anything, the scary uncle spoke again;

"Come on, pick up your guitar and show me what you have been taught."

Haneul bit his lower lip. Although he wanted to say 'no', he didn't have the courage to do so. That's why he could only pull the guitar out of its case and started strumming the notes he had learned.

Since he had only just started learning, he's not sure if he was picking the right notes. But the teacher taught him a 'secret technique' to check if he was right or not. And that's by humming along. If the note he hummed was the same as the sound that came off the guitar, then he's right. If it's not, then he got it wrong.

When he started humming, the scary uncle suddenly approached him, which made all his movements stopped.

The other bent down, looking at him with a fiercely bright eyes. "Hey kid, do you want to sing?"


And that's how Haneul learned how to sing.

That uncle, he introduced himself as Teacher Noh. The next day after that first meeting, the other suddenly became his teacher. He was very scared at first. He even considered not attending the academy anymore. But once he thought of the tuition that his parents paid for him, he gritted his teeth and continued attending.

The initial fear didn't even last for a week. Instead, he felt excited to learn more. Because Teacher Noh not only taught him how to play the guitar but also the basics of singing.

From proper breathing, to pitch and intonation, and to vocal techniques. He learned everything from Teacher Noh. The other taught him for a year. And then, Teacher Noh suddenly resigned.

It just so happened that the tuition fee his parents paid to the academy was for only a year. So, when Teacher Noh resigned, he also decided not to return to the academy. Because at that time, in his childish heart, Teacher Noh was his only music teacher. Even if the other suddenly left and didn't even say goodbye to him.

Anyway, as a result of what he learned from the other, he gained a certain level of confidence in his vocal abilities. So, for the incoming public audition, he decided to choose a song that would highlight all the best aspects of his voice.

Even if he didn't dance, his voice would make up for it. And this face that was sprinkled with unwarranted seductive charm by Yeomra would play a huge role as well.

Haneul glanced at the guitar case placed on the side of his hospital's bed. His younger sister brought it to him yesterday when he asked her to.

After deciding to audition for Boys Odyssey, he spent days pondering which song to choose. He considered many options, but struggled to make a final decision. Finally, after several days of deliberation, he settled on the song he would perform for the audition.

[Every Day] by the most famous 2nd generation male idol group - Supernova.