
Falling for the man I hate

Ji-a a studious hardworking young woman decided to attend a party at the encouragement of her friends after their final year exam at college only she a lot happened to her than she bargained changing the course of her life. Ten years later she meets the one who destroyed her life, and the man she hates with every fibre of her being only he is her boss. The first thing Ji-a wanted to do was to run, but he wouldn’t let her. Another approached her with a task to uncover a secret that could destroy her nemesis and she takes it. This is her opportunity to get her revenge. What happens when Ji-a finds herself falling in love with her nemesis and what will she do when the secret to destroy him lands in her lap? I am rewriting this story, so please bear with me. Thanks.

Chinenye_Eziukwu_7218 · Thành thị
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7 Chs


Trigger warning !

This might contain scene that can be triggering for some readers. It is a forced sexual scene but nothing explicit.

You can skip to the next chapter if you can't handle it. Thanks.

"Ji-a!!!" A loud familiar female voice screeched outside the door of my dormitory room before it flew open and my friends ran in with excited look on their faces.

I was just in the middle of undressing when that happened and I froze, with a deer caught in the head look on my face. I am uncomfortable being naked in other people's presence even if these are my friends.

"It is over!" Bong-cha! Screamed throwing herself at me. She is a five ft six pretty dark haired girl with gorgeous dark brown eyes and silver braces on her teeth. Actually all my friends are all the same height except me. I tower over them by few inches at five ft eight.

She hugged me tightly pressing her chest against mine making me unease but I endured her hug with a nervous smile on my face until she released me and joined the other of our friends who have made themselves comfortable on my bed.

I quickly threw on my top. I was on my way to take a shower after coming back from my last exam guess it will be taking a few minutes delay or more depending on how long the girls are staying.

We just finished our finals and the girls are happy about it. Me too, now can relax and stretch legs. Since the first day I stepped into the university I have done nothing but study because I needed to graduate with good grades to get a good job. Unlike my friends who are from rich family I do not have a job waiting for me when I graduate.

"Let's go out to night," Iseul suggested with a wide grin on her face. She is a party girl, a bit gothic and has a purple streak on her dark shoulder length hair.

Bong-cha, Enu-kyung and Joon nodded happily at her suggestion and they all turned to me with a hopeful look on their faces. Enu has a blonde hair with pale grey eyes, slender like the rest of us. And Joon the tomboy in our group had half of her dark brown hair shaved off, with a lot piercing on her face.

I met the girls in first year during orientation. We all sat together in a row and after the orientation got to know each other and the rest they say is history. We have been together for these past four years and I don't know what I will do without them.

I hesitated to give my nod of approval, staring back at their hopeful looks with an uneasy look on my face. Unlike my friends I am a bit of an introvert, studious and hated to party. Drunk guys freaks me out.

"Come on Ji-a! Have some fun for once in your life! You don't want to die an old maid do you?" Enu whined pleading with me with her huge grey eyes.

I wanted to tell her parties don't guarantee that you wouldn't end up an old maid but I didn't get the chance, as the others joined their voices to convince me.

"You don't have the excuse of homework or exams anymore,"Joon added.

"Please Ji-a!" Bong-cha made a face like a puppy and the others followed.

They know that I can't deny them anything with that look.

"Alright," I caved in praying I wouldn't regret my decision.

"Yes!" Bong-cha raised her hand to the air.

Enu got out of the bed and went to my closet. She began to ransack it throwing my clothes on the bed with a look of intense concentration on her face.

"What are you doing?" I scowled in her direction.

"Finding you something appropriate to wear to the club."

"I can dress myself thank you very much."

The girls looked at each other and then Joon approached me. He placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Look Ji-a, we all loved the classy working class lady you have going for you, but when it comes to clubbing you need to look hot. The guys likes it hot and sizzling," she gave me a mischievous broad grin, revealing a dimple on her right cheek.

I felt nervous inside at the mention of boys. I haven't had much dealings with them. I avoided the opposite sex during college because I didn't want the distraction, unlike my friends who came from wealthy families, I came here on scholarship and I couldn't afford to let my grades slip lest I lose the scholarship.

"I am going to take a bath," I muttered awkwardly and escaped into the bathroom.

When I came out with towel around my wet body my friends were gone. On the bed lay a beautiful short red dress with sleeveless hand and a note on it.

I picked up the paper and chuckled lightly at Bong-cha chicken scrawl. She has the worst handwriting, and the only reason I could make out the words is from years of reading her handwriting.

"We will pick you up at seven, make sure to wear this dress, it will look hot on you, and will drive the boys crazy. Please don't change your mind at the last minute."

I smiled at the last part and felt a little worried about driving the boys crazy part. I don't think I am that beautiful to do that, and even a hot red dress wouldn't make me hot.

As promised my friends arrived at seven to pick me up. When I opened the door their jaw dropped to the ground.

"What?" I felt shy under their gawking regard.

"Ji-a, you look so hot!" Enu exclaimed as if she couldn't belief her eyes.

"I knew you were pretty, but who would have thought you could be a hot babe,"Joon ran his eyes over my body making me blush harder.

"Stop it guys," I muttered awkwardly feeling self conscious.

"You don't need to be shy, Ji-a, you are beautiful," Bong-cha said with a serious expression on her face.

"Thanks," I whispered even though inside I found it hard to believe their words.

We got dinner first before leaving for the club. When we arrived the girls went straight to the bouncers at the door. Once they saw us they let down the rope and let us through. Guess they know the girls.

Inside was packed with people, the music so loud that I believe I will go deaf soon. The air was hot and saturated with alcohol, sweat among other things.

My friends quickly made their way to the dance floor with excited screams. I don't dance. I went off to the corner to watch them already regretting why I came.

I stood awkwardly at the bar wondering what to do with myself.

I felt someone watching me and looked in that direction. My eyes met that of a cute blonde boy, sitting with his friends. He raised his glance at me with a smile. I smiled nervously at him and quickly looked away, my heart beating in my chest.

I stood at the bar playing with my purse contemplating whether to leave or stay when someone approached me.

"Can I buy you a drink?" I turned it was the blonde guy and he is even more handsome up close. His blonde hair was braided on the left side, and he had a silver cross earring dangling from the left ear and his dark brown eyes had this mischievous sparkle in them.

He was really attractive and I couldn't help being taken in by him. I stared forgetting to give him the answer to his question.

"So can I?"

"What?" I blinked up at him with a look of confusion.

"Buy you a drink?" He smirked at me. His grin cocky.

I nodded with an embarrassed look on my face. I couldn't believe that a guy as handsome as him was paying me attention.

We chatted as we drank. I was surprised to find myself loosen up in his presence. On my second glass I began to feel weird.

"Are you alright?"

I looked at him but he appeared blurry and my head felt slightly fuzzy.

"I think I need some fresh air," I tried to leave but stumbled on my feet.

"I will help you."

The next thing I know I am being lead outside the door into a car. I tried to resist but it is like every of my muscles were uncooperative.

"Have I been drugged?"

I have heard a lot about ladies being roofied at parties but it never bothered me because it wasn't my scene. I can't believe it is happening to my on my first time at a party.

I started to panic as he drove off.

"Where are you taking me?" I slurred.

He ignored me and drove through the night at a neck breaking speed. He arrived in front of a tall building, a hotel, I think, I wasn't so sure and lead me through the revolving doors up to the lift to his floor and then into a room.

No one stopped him, or batted an eye as he dragged a female into a lift. They all acted as if this was a usual occurrence.

He threw me on the bed, and stared at me with an evil grin on his lips, and a hungry look in his eyes.

A guy has never looked at me with this much unadulterated lust, but staring into his eyes all I could feel was revulsion and the aching wish to be anywhere else than where I am right now.

"Please," I begged through my inebriated state. I couldn't feel any of my limbs and I felt so terrified inside at what is about to happen.

My begging seemed to turn him on more as his brown eyes grew darker.

I continued to beg as tears ran down my face.

"Don't worry, baby, you will soon be begging me for a different reason, soon," he smirked unbuttoning his pants.